Not Worth the Tears - Michael Imagine (Part 3)

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Your Best Friend’s POV

“Tell me who the fuck initiated it Michael! Who started the kiss!” I yelled, not holding any anger back. Michael kissed Sylvia and technically he was still with Y/N. I couldn’t believe him. Anger bubbled in me like a volcano, ready to explode. Michael raked his fingers through his hair while he sat on the couch, staring at the floor with nothing to say. “Seriously Michael you sly dog, you don’t even care do you?” I asked in disbelief, crossing my arms across my chest. “Of course I care!” Michael shouted, rising from the couch. “Then why the hell didn’t you push her away?!” I shouted back, even louder. Michael’s angry expression crumbled away, revealing the broken mess he was inside. “I..,” He breathed, “I don’t know.” He fell back onto the couch, sighing in frustration and sadness with what he’d done. “You have no idea how much this hurt Y/N.” I muttered, shaking my head. Michael looked up at me, frowning in confusion. “What?” He questioned. “I uh, I meant from the time before.” I replied, waving away his concern. “No you didn’t.” Michael said, getting up and walking to me. I backed away but he moved closer, inches from my face. “What. Did. You. Do.” He seethed, anger like a flame in his eyes. “Nothing.” I shrugged. Michael’s hands shot to my arms, gripping them tightly. “What did you do?!” He shouted in my face. Before I could respond or even cry out in pain, Ashton ripped Michael away from me, angry and shocked with what was happening. “Michael what the fuck!” Ashton yelled. The flame in Michael’s eyes died, replaced with an ocean of emotions. “I-I I’m sorry. I just need to know what Y/B/F/N told Y/N.” He mumbled, looking down at his feet. My gaze flicked between them both, worried with how they would take what I had to say. “Well,” I began, all eyes landing on me, “I was talking to Y/N and we figured that we needed to know the truth seeing that you wouldn’t shed any light on the situation.” I said, glaring at Michael, “So we made a plan. Have me follow you to see if we could get any information. Anything you wouldn’t tell us.” I crossed my arms again, taking in the boys’ reactions. “What the hell Y/B/F/N! You ruined any chances of me getting back with Y/N!” Michael shouted, angry again. I swear his emotions changed like a light switch. Angry or sad. And if you carefully balanced him he would be happy but that was hard to get. “You can’t be serious! You ruined any chances of getting her back from the moment you put your lips on Sylvia’s!” Saying that girl’s name made me feel sick. She was part of the reason for Y/N’s broken heart. Ashton looked at his best friend in shock. “Are you serious?” Michael nodded in response, hands in his pockets. There was a moment of silence before Ashton broke it. “You need to get her back man. Go.” Ashton said, nodding to the door. Michael looked at Ashton, who looked eager to see him get Y/N back. He then looked at me for more support, but all he got was a cold, icy stare. I could never support him again. He made Y/N sad. Heart broken. I could never forgive him for that. “I’m going to get her back I promise!” Michael smiled, running to the door. Before he left I called after him, “You can’t keep promises! Only secrets!” I could have sworn I saw his smile drop, but he quickly turned around and smiled as if he didn’t hear me before running out, leaving Ashton and I alone in our house. 

Your POV

I ripped the picture of Michael and I, tearing it to millions of little shreds like he did to my heart. The ache hadn’t left my body. It felt like something was eating me from the inside out. My bed was covered with many ripped photos and empty frames that used to hold memories I held close. Now I wanted to forget all of them. I pulled another photo of Michael and I up to my face. I remembered that day. We went to the ice cream shop by the beach and just before the elderly man took the photo, Michael wiped ice cream on my nose. It was my favourite photo because we were happy. Wewere happy. I gripped the photo in my hands, crinkling the edges before lifting it right up to my face to see the memory torn in two. Our faces split apart as I tore the paper in half. I held the two pieces in my hands and looked through the gap between them. Leaning against the doorway was Michael. “Michael?” I whispered, not knowing if I was hallucinating. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. He was still there. “I’m not going away.” Michael half-smiled. A war waged within me. My heart was screaming at me to run to Michael, jump in his arms and pretend everything was okay. While my mind was a blaring alarm, warning me that I was not to forgive him for what he did. It didn’t want to risk more heartache. “Y/N,” Michael started, standing up straight, “I’ve come to apologise and get you back.” There was a dead seriousness about him. He either really wanted me back or really believed he could. “No apology will make up for what you did.” I shook my head, hoping he would leave. “Please give me a chance. Please give us a chance.” Michael pleaded, walking closer to the bed. I shuffled backwards, stopping Michael in his tracks. “I can’t Michael.” I said, my voice wavering. He was doing it to me again. Breaking me. “Are you scared of me?” He asked, backing away himself. “No I’m not scared of you Michael,” It killed me inside to say his name. I swallowed, “I love you.” It was the truth. I did love him. But it just didn’t feel the same. Michael’s eyes became hopeful. He walked right up to the side of the bed, kneeling next to it. “I love you too,” Michael smiled, “I love you so much. And I’m going to make it up to you. I pro-” I held up my hand to stop him. “No Michael. I do love you. But I don’t want to get back together,” Michael’s smile fell completely fell, “Not yet. I just need some space.” I explained. Michael took fists of my sheets in his hands, the anger evident. He stood up and raked his fingers through his hair. Something he mainly did when he was nervous. Was he nervous about losing me? “Right. Of course. ‘Space’.” He chuckled cruelly, doing bunny ears in the air when he said ‘space’. “What do you mean?” I asked. Michael’s eyes bore into mine, the distance between us feeling non-existent. “I mean you don’t want to get back with me! Fine! Fuck it! Fuck this and fuck you!” He roared, spinning on his heels and leaving. I was frozen, mouth open, hands still, shocked with what just happened. Michael was never like this. Not with me. The front door slamming shut brought me back from my shock. My tears seemed to have been frozen as well, finally falling down my cheeks after pooling in the corners of my eyes, waiting. I let out a deep, shaky breath that seemed to be holding me together, binding me like string because I after I let it out, I fell apart. For the first time ever, I wailed. It was relieving to do it, but the relief was smothered by the thought of what caused me to be wailing and crying in the first place. Michael. Again. I grabbed my pillow and hugged it, squeezed it. I knew that Michael wasn’t worth my tears, but I couldn’t help but let them slide down my face. The pain was too much to keep it all in. 

Later That Night 

Your Best Friend’s POV 

My phone ringing woke me from my sleep, bringing me into a dazed state of mind. I let the call go, deciding it could wait until morning. The phone quietened for ten seconds before buzzing again. With a groan I rolled over and picked it up to see Michael’s name appear on the screen. What the hell was he doing calling me at midnight? “What the hell do you want Michael?” I answered, letting the hatred fill my voice. “Y/B/F/N! I’ve done something!” He replied in a hushed, panicked tone. “Yeah, you woke up a pissed off bitch at midnight. Bad move.” I said impatiently. “No seriously. This is bad.” He whispered. The sound of a door clicking shut come through, confusing me. I frowned. “Michael where are you? Why are you whispering? What did you do?” I questioned, sitting straight up in bed. Michael’s rapid breathing slowed as he prepared himself for what he was about to say. “I uhh. I-I ummm.” Michael stammered. “Spit it out Michael!” I whispered harshly, trying not to wake up Ashton. “I made a mistake.” He whispered back. “What did you do?” I asked, worry pinching my chest. There was complete silence on the other end of the line before Michael finally got the courage to say. “I slept with Sylvia.”

A/N Michael! How could you? :O Did you guys expect that? Sooo much drama! Well I hope you guys liked this! :)

Bianca xx

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