Snowed In - Ashton Imagine

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I wandered into my favourite music shop, I didn’t really know why I was out this late on a night like tonight. Okay that’s a lie, I was feeling sorry for myself, all my friends were having great dates with their boyfriends and I was alone tonight.

The bell rung above my head as I went into the shop. I looked around for a while, “I’m sorry miss.” A voice said suddenly, I jumped looking up to see a boy looking at me smiling. He had chestnut curls and gorgeous green eyes. “We’re closing.” He said sweetly, I nodded. “Sorry for keeping you, I’ll go.” I said sadly, he walked me to the door.

I went and stood outside in the cold snow, shivering as I waited for a bus. “Hey! Come back inside! It’s freezing out here!” The boy from the shop said, running out to me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the shop. “But you’re closing and you probably want to go home.” I said softly, he shook his head. “I don’t really mind, I just don’t want you to freeze to death that’s all. Come on, I think its getting worse anyway.” He said, I nodded still shivering. He had the radio playing, he turned it up when they were talking about the weather we advise everyone to stay inside tonight, lock your doors and windows. Stay safe…” He disappeared into the store room, he came out holding a jumper and a blanket. “This is all I have. Looks like we’re staying here tonight.” He said holding up the items, I nodded. “Oh, I haven’t introduced myself yet, I’m Ashton.” He said dropping the blanket on the counter and holding out his hand to mine. “Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.” I smiled, shaking his hand. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.” I blushed, dropping my hand from his. “Sorry I shouldn’t have said that, you probably have a boyfriend. I’m sorry. I’ll just sit over here. Oh here’s a jumper.” He said shyly, handing the jumper to me and walking away I grinned grabbing his hand. “Ashton, it’s okay. It was nice. And I don’t have a boyfriend. That’s why I’m alone tonight.” I said, dropping my hand again. I pulled the jumper over my head, it was about five sizes too big. He nodded shyly, we stood awkwardly together for a second. “So what music were you looking at anyway?”

“All Time Low and Green Day.” I smiled, he frowned. “No… that doesn’t work.” He said looking me up and down. “Why?” I folded my arms over my chest, trying not to laugh. “Because… you’re… girly. Nothing against girly girls, its just strange.” He chuckled, I smiled. “Don’t worry I get that a lot. So I’m guessing you like them?” I asked, he nodded. “Yeah, are you going to see All Time Low this year?” He asked, I shook my head. “I didn’t get tickets. My friends all bailed on me for their boyfriends. I was meant to go but… my friends boyfriend is pushy and she’ll do anything for him.” I shrugged, Ashton moved closer to me. “Do you want to sit down?” Ashton asked, I nodded. We both got on the floor after he turned the heater up, he wrapped the blankets around us. His warm skin radiating to mine. “Here’s a crazy thought but do you want to go to All Time Low with me?” He asked, I looked up at him. “I would love to but why would you want to go with me?” He smiled. “Because I have no one to go with and I like you.” He shrugged, I noticed his cheeks went pink. “Well I would love to.” I smiled, he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. “Is this okay?” He asked, I nodded leaning into him. I was still cold from going outside, Ashton must have felt me shiver. “Are you still cold?”

“Yeah.” I said softly, he got up and grabbed the heated wheeling it close to us, he disappeared into the kitchen I’m guessing. “Do you want a hot chocolate?”

“Yes please. Thanks Ashton.” I said curling up in the blankets.

Ashton came back with a hot chocolate for the both of us. He sat close beside me again, I took a sip of the scolding hot chocolate. “Mmmm, that’s good.” I hummed, he smiled at me; dimples in his cheeks. He moved a little closer to me, his arm brushing mine. I blushed sipping my hot chocolate. Thunder cracked loudly outside. “Really? You chuck us in a snow storm and then you add a normal storm?” Ashton asked over dramatically, I smiled. Before I could answer we were plunged into darkness. “Ash…” I asked, I put my hand out trying to find his arm. “Yeah?”

"I’m not very good in the dark." I mumble, his hand gently squeezed mine. "You’re okay, I’m here." He said sweetly, I smiled to myself.

We talked while we drank our hot chocolates, I was sort of warm not having the heater on sucked. “Are you finished your hot chocolate?”

"Yeah." He took my mug out of my hands, he blindly moved away from me and put them on the counter. "Oh my god!"

"What?" I asked scared suddenly, he came back to me. "I just realized we can make a bed. There’s pillows for band merch!" He said happily grabbing my shoulders. "Okay, do you need a light? I have my phone."

"Yeah that would be great." He said, I handed him my phone. The small light lit up a small part of the shop. He went to the store room and pulled out all of the band merch pillows. He brought them over to me. I helped arrange them on the floor so that it was comfy. When we were finally comfy, Ashton pulled me close. "Is this okay?" He asked, I nodded against his chest. "Yeah, I’m cold and you’re warm." I said light-heartedly. His hand took hold of mine. "Oh my god you’re freezing!" He gasped, he brought my hand to his lips, pressing soft kisses to my numb fingers. He moved even closer to me, pressing my hands between our chests.

We laid there talking for a little while longer, Ashton yawned loudly. I giggled, yawning as well. “I’m tired.” I mumbled, Ashton kissed the top of my head. “Go to sleep. I won’t do anything, I’ll still be here tomorrow.” He said sweetly, I rested my head against his chest. “Goodnigt Ashton.”

"Good night Y/N." We fell asleep cuddled up to each other. even though we had just met, I felt really comfortable with him. Who knew getting snowed into a music store would be so good?

A/N: Hope you like it!!! :)

~ Lucy xx

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