#83 Fight and Make Up

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Calum: My eyes were getting heavier, but I needed to stay awake for Calum. He was coming home late nearly every night and I didn’t get to see him very much. I heard the front door open and shut with heavy force. He was obviously drunk again, “Calum where have you been?” I snapped when he came into view, he leaned on the wall. “I was out with the boys.” He slurred. “Ugh, I don’t even know why I stay up late every night waiting for you!” I yelled, he suddenly sobered up a bit. “Sleep on the lounge tonight.” I said, storming off into the bedroom. 

I fell into bed, tears streaming down my cheeks. I didn’t want to do this to Calum but I had to. 

— The Next Morning —

I walked into the kitchen finding Calum casually eating his breakfast. “Morning Y/N.” He said happily, I glared at him. “Now I exist do I?” I snapped. “Babe what’s gotten into you?” He asked, clearly not remembering last night. “Don’t ‘babe’ me.” I said mocking him.  I turned away from him while I got my own breakfast. “Calum, I am so sick of waiting up for you every night for you to come home drunk. Your band mates see you every fucking day of the year and you can’t seem to give me even five minutes.” I ranted, when I looked up again he was scrolling through his phone. I ripped his phone from his hands, he looked up at me shocked. “Look, I’m hungover I really don’t want to deal with this at the moment.” He said tossing a harsh look in my direction. “Fine take your phone and your shit and get out! If you can’t spend more than five minutes just with me then I don’t think we should be together.” I said my voice slowly fading. I handed him his phone and took my breakfast and left him on his own. I didn’t want to end my relationship with him but he wasn’t giving me any attention

Ashton: Tears stinging in my eyes, staring at the TV in front of me. Pictures of Ashton going into the hotel with some girl on his arm. I know he was coming home today but he wasn’t going to be staying. 

I heard the front door open, Ashton came into the house with a big smile on his face. It faded as he saw the sad look on my face. “What’s up babe?” He asked softly, I looked at my hands in my lap. “Don’t bother unpacking.” I said coldly, he frowned at me. “Why?” 

"You cheated on me! I saw the videos, you and some groupie went to your hotel!" I yelled standing up, his walked closer to me. I smacked my hand on his chest, pushing him back from me. "You think I cheated?! Don’t you trust me? I have given you so much and this is how you repay me? By accusing me of cheating!" He yelled back, I cowered back from his large frame. To be frank he scared me a little, tears pricked in my eyes. "I need some air." I sighed. 

I went out the back and sat on the swinging love seat. It was dark outside so I could cry in darkness. Tears rolled down my cheeks, all I could think of was our good times and that they were for nothing.

I sat out there for ages, Ashton’s voice startled me. ”Y/N?” 

"Go away Ashton. I don’t want to talk to you." I said, he sat on the swing beside me. "Just listen then, she wasn’t a groupie first of all and she’s my cousin. She lives in Vegas and mum told her to come see me, I haven’t seen her in years." He explained his hand gently on my arm. My heart raced in my chest, I knew I was wrong and so did he. A sob ripples through me. "Oh baby, I’m sorry I didn’t want to upset you." He whispered, I looked at him, hardly catching his face in the minimal light. "I’m sorry Ashton. I shouldn’t have doubted you." I whispered softly, his arm slid around my back. My body pressed into his side. "It’s okay sweetheart, I saw the photos and they do look a little bit suspicious.” He said softly, I nodded. “Come on, let me show you how sorry I am.” He said tugging on my arm, I stood up and went with him inside.

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