Visitor - Calum Imagine

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I laid in my hospital bed, I was so tired and sore but I just couldn’t fall asleep. I had surgery to have my appendix taken out. 

No one had come to visit me in hospital, I had been in here for three days. Two days before surgery and I had come out earlier today. The nurse left me after checking my drip. Tears sprung in my eyes, I closed my eyes trying to blink away the tears. “Hey, don’t cry you’re okay.” The nurse came rushing in after hearing my sobs. “Are you okay?” She asked, her hand rubbing my back. “I don’t know. Just no one is here for me and I don’t know. The anaesthetic is doing weird things to me.” I sobbed quietly, she smiled. “I’m here for you okay.” She said softly, I nodded. I wiped away my tears, the nurse left when she saw that I was calming down. I saw a boy come into my room, he was tall, dark and handsome. He went to the other bed, a guy who had broken his leg. His mum had spoken to me a couple of times but I wasn’t in the mood. My heart fluttered in my chest as the boy smiled at me, I shut my eyes trying to go back to sleep. 

The effects of the anaesthetic still working sending me to sleep, tears dried on my cheeks. 

I jumped awake seeing the nurse checking me again, she smiled down at me. “A guy was asking about you.” She said, I barely heard it as I was still half asleep. “Who?” I asked my voice still croaky. “I don’t know but I don’t think you know him. He was visiting the other patient, Ashton.” She explained, I nodded. I wondered if it was the guy from before, I was too tired to care. 

I fell asleep again, I dreamt of the guy that I saw. 

Calum’s POV

I went to the hospital again to see my bandmate, Ashton. He’d fallen off stage and broke his leg, lucky for him he was a drummer. I walked past the girl again, she laid in her bed, her attention on the TV. I don’t think she even noticed me come in. I noticed she was crying, I wanted to make her feel better. I decided against it to see my bandmate, I mean I didn’t know the girl. 

I walked to Ashton’s bed seeing him fast asleep, Ashton’s mum was sitting in the chair beside his bed. “How’s he doing?” 

"He’s okay. He woke up screaming last night but he’s calming down after everything now." Anna explained, I nodded I sat beside her. It was silent for a while, Anna held Ashton’s hand while he slept. "Do you know anything about the girl there?" I inquired, Anna chuckled. "All I know is that she cries herself to sleep every night and that no one has visited her while she’s been in here." She said sadly, I thought about how she must feel hearing all these people and none to see her. "I want to talk to her but what could I say?" Anna said softly, I nodded. "We could get her flowers or something." I suggested, Anna’s face lit up. "Do you want to do that now?" She asked, I nodded. "He’s going to be out for a while." The nurse said coming into the room, Anna and I stood up to go to the gift shop. 

Your POV

The next time I woke up, the first thing I saw was two bunches of flowers. I frowned, who got me flowers? The nurse came into check me again, I waited until she was done. “Where did the flowers come from?” I asked, she smiled at me. “A boy and his friends mum. They are here for Ashton, do you want to thank them? I think they just left for coffee.” She asked, I nodded.

The nurse left, and a woman and boy who look about eighteen walked into the room. “Hello, thank you for the flowers.” I said softly, tears welling in my eyes. “That’s okay. Sorry if you are offended in any way. We were trying to be nice.” The woman said, I shook my head. “No it’s lovely. But you didn’t have to.” I said sobs racking through my throat. “Oh sweetie don’t cry.” The woman said, the boys just smiled at me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your names either.” I said wiping my tears. “I’m Calum and this is Anna.” The boy explained coming forward. I smiled nodding, “I’m Y/N.” I said quietly, my eyes getting heavy again. Anna looked between the two of us and left to go to her son. “How did he break his leg?” I asked, nodded towards Ashton who was still asleep, Calum sat on the seat beside the bed. “He fell off a stage. We’re in a band.” He said, I smiled. Calum was sweet and nice. “Anyway what are you in here for?” He inquired, I turned more to look at him. “I had my appendix taken out.” I said simply, he nodded. “Never had mine out.” He pondered, I giggled lightly, not wanting to hurt myself. “It sucks.” I concluded, a big smile on my face for the first time in days. He chuckled at my words. “I like you, you’re nice. I want to see you again.” He said shyly, I blushed. “I would like that.” I said smiling, he nodded. “You better get back to your friend.” I said wanting to go back to sleep. “Can I get your number or something?” I smiled at his ambition. “Give me your phone.” I said. I quickly typed in my name and number. “I’ll call you.” He said leaving to go to Ashton. I fell asleep again. 

I did a lot of sleeping… Again being startled awake. Only this time someone was holding my hand, I looked to see Calum’s hand around mine. “You were screaming.” The nurse explained, she nodded at Calum. “He was the only one that could calm you down.” She continued, I smiled at Calum thanking him. “Now do you want to get up and walk around a bit?” The nurse asked, I shrugged. “Okay.” I said quietly, Calum stood up to let the nurse get to me. “Do you want him to leave?” The nurse asked, I shook my head. “He can stay.” 

The nurse helped me out of bed, Calum’s arm darted out for me to hold onto. It was only a few steps to the bathroom, but it was so painful. I just shuffled along, I held onto the nurse’s arm and Calum’s strong muscular arm. They stood outside the door while I went to the toilet and checked my face. I don’t know why Calum took an interest in me. “You okay?” 

"Yeah I’m coming out now." I said back, opening the door their arms were there to help me. "You’re doing really well." The nurse commented as I moved back into bed. "I’m sorry sir but visiting hours are over." The nurse said before she left. "I’ll come back tomorrow." Calum said, he squeezed my hand when he saw me tear up. "Promise?" 

"I promise." He said, he leaned over and kissed my forehead. I blushed, I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact an attractive guy like him was visiting me. "I wouldn’t leave a beautiful girl like you hanging." He whispered before leaving. 

I turned over to get some sleep, “He really likes you.” I heard a voice mumble. “What?” I asked turning back to look at the boy in the bed next to mine. “Calum, my friend. He likes you.” Ashton explained, I shrugged. “I don’t know why.” I mumbled, my eyes dropping with sleep. “Can we talk more tomorrow?” I asked, quietly. “Yeah of course. Sorry to keep you up.”

I saw Calum come in with his friends, I was still tired and sore but I was getting better. “Hey Y/N.” Calum said after he said hello to Ashton. “Hi Calum.” I whispered, my voice croaky. I blushed at my terrible sounding voice. “How are you feeling?” He asked, his hand resting on my arm. “I’m okay, still hard to walk and stuff but I’m getting better.”

“You can’t walk!” I heard Ashton joke from the other bed. “Don’t worry about him.” I said trying not to laugh. “He’s okay.” Calum said, I smiled. I tried to sit up but it was too much effort. “Don’t try to sit up sweetie. Just relax.” Calum said sweetly, “Just ask her out already!” Luke, Michael and Ashton all whined, I tried not to laugh too much. “I was getting to that.” Calum jokingly snapped, I smiled blushing. “Calum, I would love to go out with you, but I need to recover first.” I joked, it was his turn to blush. “Of course.” He said bashfully, I heard the other boys ‘aww’ on the other side of the room.

The next day I was out of a hospital and because I lived alone Calum insisted I stay with him and he looked after me, along with looking after Ashton. We joked about calling him doctor Hood but settled on nurse Calum. I had a good feeling about Calum and I hoped that I was right.    

A/N: Yeah okay… not my best but I wanted to do something different. (i haven’t edited either… oops!) 

As you may have noticed imagine and preferences are not as frequent and that is because 1. School and 2. I am running out of ideas and I can’t keep posting smut (i’ve written a few different ones so yeah) (if you want me to feel free to let me know) 

Wow that was a lot haha anyway hope you liked it!

~ Lucy xx

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