#45 Morning After

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Calum:  I felt a soft tickling on my side as I came into consciousness, I looked up to see Calum smiling at me. “Morning beautiful.” He said kissing my forehead. “Morning handsome. Last night was amazing.” I whispered, he smirked at me and kissed me passionately. I pulled away before it could go any further. “Are you still sore from last night?” Calum asked sympathetically, I shrugged. “I haven’t tried to stand up yet.” I said lightheartedly, he pecked my nose. His arms wrapped around me, a sharp pain stabbed in my hips and thighs. “Ow.” 

"What? I’m sorry?" Calum asked taking his hands off me, I pulled the covers down revealing bites marks, scratches and bruises all over my hips and thighs. "Did I sleep with you last night or a tiger?" 

"There’s no difference baby." He joked kissing me softly, he pulled away suddenly. "Do you want breakfast?" I nodded, he got out of bed pulling on his trackies. "Are you coming?" I shrugged, picking up my underwear and sliding it on. "I’m scared to… I’m not sure if I can walk." I said chewing on my nail, Calum laughed. He handed me his shirt, which I slipped over my head. He lifted me out of bed, my legs wobbly underneath me. "Wow I really ruined you didn’t I?" I nodded, he kissed my cheek as he lifted me into his arms bridal style. 

After eating breakfast we went back to bed where we stayed for the rest of the day.

Ashton: My eyes snapped open when I heard light snores beside me, I looked over at my husband, Ashton… that was kind of weird, I actually married him. He looked so peaceful when he slept, his messy hair a result of sleeping and other activities of the evening. I ran my fingers through his messy waves, his eyes fluttering open adjusting to the light. “Morning Ash.”

“Morning… Mrs. Irwin.” I blushed, covering my face with my free hand. “Don’t hide from me.” He said, laughing, taking my hand away from my face. His eyes catching mine, he smiled broadly at me. “Yesterday was the best day of my life, for many reasons but the main one was that I finally married the most beautiful woman in the world, and she gave me the most precious thing in the world.” He smiled at me, I moved a little closer to him. His hand reaching up to cup my cheek. “I love you Y/N Irwin. Last night was perfect.”

“I love you too Ashton. Last night was the best night of my life.” I whispered kissing his lips quickly, he smiled at me. He held my waist pulling my body on top of his.

We stayed in bed and cuddled for the rest of the day, just happy about the fact that we had married each other.

Luke:  I woke up seeing a pair of blue eyes watching me, I smiled broadly. Realizing that the events of last night were real. I looked down seeing the sheet not covering me, I pulled up the quilt and sheet, cuddling into Luke’s warm body. My heart sped up at the thought of last night, Luke and I had given each other everything… Our virginities. “Hey beautiful.” Luke whispered, his deep morning voice sending shivers down my spine. “Morning handsome.” I whispered back, kissing his lips quickly. His cheeks turning pink, I sucked in a sharp breath as I moved my legs, pain stabbing in my hip. “Oh are you okay?” He asked suddenly concerned. “Are you sore? I mean I heard that it hurts after the first time and yeah?” He continued awkwardly, I giggled. “Yeah I am sore but don’t feel bad.” I said smiling backs at him. “Oh Y/N, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.” He whispered his head dipping down to my face. “I can’t believe last night happened.” He whispered, I grinned. “Me either, I hope you’re my first and last.” I said running my fingers up and down his torso. “I need you and only you.” Luke replied, I blushed. “Do you want breakfast?” Luke asked, I shook my head. “Stay here, I just want to stay like this all morning.” I whispered, he smirked, relaxing back into the mattress.

Michael: I felt soft kisses being pressed to my shoulder and neck, my eyes fluttered open adjusting to the light. “Morning gorgeous.” Michael whispered, smiling at me. “Morning Michael.” I replied my voice a little sore, Michael smirked at me knowing why my voice was croaky. I heard voices outside, before Michael’s band mates burst through the door. “Morning Michael! Morning Y/N!” They all beamed, I pulled the quilt up to my chin. They all jumped onto the bed, cheering loudly. “Go away!” Michael groaned shoving Ashton off him. They all stayed on the bed disregarding our pleas for them to leave. “Get off me, I’m naked!” I squealed as Ashton laid over Michael and my stomachs. “That’s not what you were saying last night.” Luke joked, the noise all stopped. “What did you just say?” Michael asked sitting up a bit. “We heard you last night. ‘Oh Michael! Yes Michael! Oh fuck Michael!’ All… Night…” Luke answered, mocking me in a girly voice. Calum and Ashton laughed; I buried my head in Michael’s chest. “And then there was Michael, ‘Yes Y/N. You’re so fucking sexy. Ugh god! Fuck Y/N.’ You guys are so loud.” Calum added, I blushed even more. “You guys are just jealous that I’m getting laid and you’re not.” Michael answered sass in his voice. “Please get out guys.” I mumbled, my voice muffled by Michael’s chest. “Fine but just next time be quieter. We don’t need to hear that.” Ashton said as they walked out of room. Michael and I looked at each other and giggled. “I’m sorry babe.” 

"Don’t be let them know you’re getting some and they’re not." I shrugged, he smiled at me. "That’s why I love you." 

A/N: Hope you like it! It’s a bit sexy haha :D 

~ Lucy xx

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