Forbidden - Calum Imagine (Part 4)

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Forbidden – Calum Imagine (Part 4)

2 Years Later

Calum and I had been together for two years now, we had finished school and things were great. Calum and I had been planning to move in together. Michael and I hadn’t fully patched up our relationship but it was getting there, as for my mother I hadn’t spoken to her since the night she kicked me out. It still upsets me to this day.


Since Calum and I were moving in, we had to get some help and Michael was our first choice… I don’t know why. He knocked on the door, to mine and Calum’s new flat. “Hey Michael. Come in.” I said letting him in. “You know I still hate this. I can’t even begin to think about my sister sleeping in the same bed as my best friend.” Michael said, I smiled. “We’ll be doing more than sleeping in the same bed.” Calum said cheekily, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, I nudged his side. If I wasn’t in the way I think Michael would have taken a swing at Calum. “He was just kidding Michael, stop stressing. We’ve been together for two years and that hasn’t come up yet.” I said touching Michael’s arm, he shrugged. “It better not come up any time soon.”

“Look, Michael I would take care of her. I wouldn’t want to ever hurt her in anyway.” Calum said, Michael rolled his eyes. “You better not.” Michael threatened, I shook my head. “Michael, he hasn’t done anything wrong yet and you keep getting angry about it.” I said going over to Michael, hugging him tightly. “Mate, I see where you are coming from. Yes, Y/N is your sister and yes I am dating her, but I would never ever hurt her because I… I love her.” Calum said, I looked at him shocked. I think Michael mirrored my expression. “What did you just say?” Michael and I asked at the same time. “Michael can we be alone for a second?” I asked letting go of him and embracing Calum. I heard him walk out of the room and into our kitchen. “I’m sorry, I’ve scared you.”

“No, no. Calum you haven’t. I'm just a little shocked.” I said smiling. “You don’t have –”

“Calum, I love you too.” I said kissing his cheek, he smiled hugging me closer. I heard Michael come back into the room. “Oh sorry…”

“No its okay. Let’s get unpacking.” I said rubbing my hands together. “Alright, yeah, cool.” Calum said snapping back into the moment.

We unpacked all day and Michael left Calum and I to have dinner together.

“I can’t believe we have a place together.” Calum said looking at me with a big grin, I smiled back. “It’s perfect Calum.”

“I’m kinda tired, do you want to go to bed?” He said, taking hold of my hand. I nodded, he stood up lifting me up into his arms, bridal style. I giggled, nuzzling into his warmth as he walked to the bedroom. I felt him gently lay me on the soft new bed. He moved on top of me, his tattooed arms wrapping tightly around my waist. He softly kissed my lips, as if he thought I would break. I felt the coolness of his lip ring graze my lip. “Calum, take me.” I whispered, he pulled back quickly. “Are you positive? I don’t want you to do something you’ll regret.” He said his brown eyes catching mine. “Calum, I love you and I won’t regret it.” I said pulling his face to mine. “Okay, gorgeous. It’s going to hurt so if you want to stop just say the word and we will.” I nodded, kissing his face softly. “I know.” He smiled at me. His eyes holding love and only that. He slowly undressed both me and him, it was so perfect I wouldn’t have done it with anyone else. He whispered soft ‘I love yous’ against my skin as he kissed me lovingly.  


We were cuddled up next to each other, breathing hard. I couldn’t believe what had just happened, I had just given Calum everything. “That was perfect, I love you Y/N.” Calum whispered in my ear, kissing my cheek. I looked at his face, he smiled lazily at me. We both jumped when we heard a door open, “Y/N? Calum? I forgot my wallet is it here?” Michael asked coming into the house, his voice getting closer to the bedroom. I tried to look for my clothes but they were all on the floor. “We’re in the bedroom but you probably don’t want to come in here.” Calum called, Michael was already in our room before Calum finished his sentence. “Oh my god! Calum! Y/N!” Michael said covering his eyes. “Don’t tell me you…”

“We did.” Calum said nodding, I pulled the covers over my head hiding my embarrassment. “I said don’t go there anytime soon…” He stopped speaking knowing he couldn’t stop us if he tried. “Y/N, did he hurt you in anyway?” Michael asked seriously, I moved so my head was just poking out of the sheets. “No, Michael. Stop worrying, we love each other. Just calm down about all of this.”

“I can’t do that when I am talking to you while you are both naked in bed together.” He sighed, turning to leave; he got to the doorway. “Calum, just don’t ever hurt her.” Michael said looking at Calum, who nodded at him as he left.

We both knew that Michael was finally okay with our relationship. I cuddled up to Calum, finally feeling completely safe knowing that he loved me and I loved him and Michael wasn’t a flight risk. It was perfect, I fell asleep hearing Calum softly sing in my ear and mutter ‘I love you’ in my ear.         

A/N: Sorry it's late! Anyway hope you like it!!!

~Lucy xx

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