#42 Relaxing

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Calum: I woke up startled wondering where Calum was. I heard something from the other room. I found Calum sitting on the lounge, “Cal what are you doing? Come back to bed.” I said touching his shoulder. “Don’t feel like it.” “What’s up?” I looked over his shoulder, looking at his phone seeing he had twitter open. I noticed the hate he was getting. “How about I run you a bath?” “Y/N… I am a man I do not have baths god.” He groaned, I smiled kissing below his ear. “Oh okay I’ll just have a bath on my own then.” I teased in his ear, I had never seen him get up so fast in my life. “Lead the way.” He said letting me in front of him. 

We sat in the bath, my back pressed against his chest. Calum pressed soft kisses to my neck, my hands running over his thighs. Calum felt so happy and content beneath me. “Thanks Y/N I feel a lot better now.” Calum said his arms wrapped around my chest, I smiled. “That’s okay Cal. I’m glad you’re better. Want to go to be? I’m looking like a prune.” I said looking at my hands. “Yeah.” We crawled into bed together, cuddling in a peaceful happiness. 

Ashton: I had been so stressed lately with work and not having Ashton around as much. I was waiting for Ashton to come home from recording, I don’t know why but I burst into tears maybe because it was al getting to me. “Hey hey. Babe, don’t cry.” I heard Ashton say as he sat down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me holding me close. “I’m not tired, how about I give you a massage?” Ashton offered, I looked up at him and shrugged. “Okay. If you want to.” I said wiping my cheeks. “How come your upset?” He asked, I sighed. “I’ve just been stressed lately and it just finally got to me.” “Alright go into the bedroom and lay down and I’ll be up there in a minute. Wait kiss me first.” He said sweetly before pressing his lips to mine. I went and laid on the bed face down. I heard Ashton’s light footsteps beside the bed. “Babe, taken your shirt and bra off for me.” Ashton said quietly, I looked up at him. “Turn around.” He did as I asked as I pulled my shirt and bra off laying down again. “Okay you can turn around now.” I said pressing my face into the pillow. I felt Ashton straddle the back of my thighs, his hands making contact with my back. His hands releasing all the knots and rubbing a cool oil over my skin. “Ash, that feels amazing.” I sighed, the pressure he put on my back got a little harder but not too hard to hurt me. I had never felt more relaxed in my life. 

Luke: Over the last few days Luke had been getting more and more stressed and upset. He had so many deadlines for the album and it was just getting to him. I jumped out of bed when I heard the front door slam and the bedroom door opened wide. Luke came in looking so annoyed. He stripped off his clothes right in front of me. “Luke? Are you okay?” I asked nervously walking up to him. He looked down at me, I smiled nervous. “I’m just pissed off. They had me record the same song twice because they lost the first one and then blamed it on me and Ashton and it wasn’t our fault.” He whined, pulling me into a hug. I knew what to do. “Luke lay down on the bed.” I said stepping out of his hold. He looked at me quizzically, I nodded at him. He watched me as he went onto the bed. I went into the bathroom grabbing my body oils and a towel. I walked out smiling at Luke. He smiled at me broadly, I laid the towel out on the bed. I nodded at the towel, he laid on his stomach. His head on my pillow. I straddled the back of his thighs, getting the oil and rubbing it on his broad shoulders. I dug my fingers in his back releasing the knots. “Oh god. Where did you learn that?” Luke asked shocked, I smiled to myself. “That’s my secret.” I whispered in his ear. Goosebumps rising on his back, I smiled at how I could make him feel. I continued massaging his back, I could feel him relaxing under my touch. When I was done I wiped off any extra oil, Luke rolled over to look at me. I laid beside him, he smiled over at me. “Thank you Y/N that was amazing.” He said kissing me softly.

Michael: I came home from work annoyed at everyone, I flopped onto the lounge in need of a rest. “Hey beautiful. How was your day?” “Shut up.” I snapped at Michael, I didn’t mean to but I was so tired and annoyed. “What happened babe?” Michael asked sitting down, patting his lap. I laid down my head on his thighs, his fingers lightly raking through my hair. “My boss was being a dick. I arrived late this morning because there was a crash and he asked me to do overtime or lose the money out of my pay and then he said that he’s cutting back my hours so I’m losing even more money.” I said trying to get all my annoyance out. Michael smiled down at me, his fingers brushing over my scalp. His other hand on my stomach rubbing soothing circles. “Love, you know I keep telling you that you don’t need to work. I make enough money to support both of us.” He said, I thought about it and shook my head. “No Michael I can’t rely on you. The only thing I want to from you is your hugs and kisses because they are perfect.” I said sweetly, I sat up as he laid down on the lounge in front of me. All my worries seemed to go away having Michael’s large frame encasing mine. It was like he was a barrier for all the stresses and worries I have. “I love you Y/N don’t get stressed over little things. I’m here for you.” Michael whispered his lips ghosting over mine, I smiled pecking his lips. I had never felt so peaceful and content.

A/N I hope you like it! Sorry it’s a bit short :D
~Lucy xx

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