Not Worth the Tears - Michael Imagine (Part 8)

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It was finally the night where I would get to hang out with Calum, maybe he would get my mind of my best friend and Michael. I dressed in a simple outfit that was appropriate, along with a small amount of make-up. Just as I finished getting ready, a car horn beeped outside. I went out the front clutching my bag as I greeted Calum.

I hopped into the car, he grinned over at me. “You look pretty.” He said happily, I smiled… it was a genuine smile though. “So, bowling?” He pondered as he pulled away from the curb and drove down the street. “Yes. I’m excited I haven’t been in ages.” I gushed, he smiled his eyes crinkling in the corners. “Good. I want you to have a good time. I don’t mean to pry but it sounded like you needed a distraction.” He said suddenly turning serious, I nodded. “Thank you Calum. I do need a distraction.” I said, staring ahead. He leaned over turning the music up, the rock song playing on the radio was one that I loved, I sung along to the lyrics. Calum smiling as he did the same thing. He pulled into the bowling alley car park. The song continued, he turned to me singing the lyrics. I did the same singing the next verse back to him, he laughed as I stuffed up the lyrics. “Keep laughing until I smash you at bowling.” I joked, he rolled his eyes turning down the radio when the song ended.

We went inside and payed for our games and shoes, and went to our lane. “Do you want something to eat?” He asked when he finished tying his shoes, I nodded. “Yes please.” I said getting out my wallet, Calum shook his head. “I’ll pay.”  He said, I shrugged. “I’ll be back, I’m just going to the bathroom.” I said before he went to the counter.

I froze in the doorway finding Sylvia standing at the mirrors primping herself. Great, the one person I really wanted to see. “Y/N!” She shrieked, I jumped back at her shrill voice. “What?” I asked shutting the door behind  me. “What are you doing here?” She asked, putting away her make-up. “I could ask you the same thing.”

“I’m here with Michael, he’s just parking the car. Who are you here with? Yourself?” She asked, mockery lacing her voice. “Uh no I’m with a friend… Calum.” I said coolly, she nodded smiling at me cruelly. “I heard Michael still wants to be your friend. Ohmigod you should play with us!” She suggested, I didn’t want to say yes. There was a lump in my throat… I didn’t want to but the word slipped out. “Sure.” I shrugged. Crap, why did you do that? “Cool, you should introduce me to this Calum guy?” She asked, I brushed past her and into one of the stalls. “Okay, I’ll meet you out there then.” She said, I listened as her heels clicked on the tile floor. Tears sprung in my eyes, I couldn’t believe she was here and with Michael. Just great. I had my distraction; he was sitting out there probably being interrogated by Sylvia right now.

I breathed in and out deeply a few times and made myself look nice again and wandered out to Calum. I saw Michael and Sylvia cuddled close together and Calum sitting across from them. I sat down beside him, he smiled at me. His hand slid over to mine, his fingers lacing with mine. It was comforting, he knew I was uncomfortable about being here with Michael and Sylvia. She looked at me slyly, and began pawing at Michael’s chest I knew what she was doing. She kissed up his neck and face, as much as I didn’t want to lose my dignity I stood up in a huff grabbing my stuff and leaving.

I stood at Calum’s car leaning against the passenger door, tears rolling down my cheeks. I didn’t even care, everything was going perfectly with Calum. We were good friends now and everything was fitting into place. “Y/N?” Calum yelled, I looked up to see him running over to me. He didn’t say anything he just hugged me tightly, I sobbed into his chest. He opened the back door of the car and gestured for me to get in, I didn’t protest wanting to get out of the weather. He followed me into the seat, I still held onto him like he was all I had. “Shh, shh. You’re okay.” He whispered in my hair. “Calum, what’s wrong with me?”

“Nothing. There is nothing wrong with you. Michael is just a blind idiot.” He said, a small smile appeared on my lips. “Thanks Calum. I’m sorry I ruined today. I should just go home.” I said, moving to get out of the back and into the front. “Wait, can I do something first?” He asked holding my wrist tightly, I nodded. His fingers captured my chin titling my face to him, his head tipped in. His lips softly pressed to mine. His hand dropped searching for mine, my hands fit snugly in his. He gave a couple of quick squeezes to reassure me. He pulled back, he brown eyes catching mine. I felt a little dizzy after the kiss, I could decipher if it was a good thing or a bad thing either way I liked it. “Do you want to go home?” He asked, I nodded.

We both slid out of the car, Sylvia and Michael rushed out of the building, her eyes pinning me to the spot. “You! Have ruined everything!” She screamed, I got in the car quickly. Calum floored the accelerator and screeched down the road. I didn’t know if she was following me I just wanted to get out of there.    

A/N: Hope you like it!!! xx

~ Lucy xx   

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