Stuck With You - Ashton Imagine (Part 7)

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We laid together outside for ages, “Ash?” I asked, he looked down at me. His green eyes catching mine, dimples popping in his cheeks. “Yeah?”

"What are we going to tell our parents?" I asked looking up at him. "They think we hate each other." I added, he shrugged. "I guess we just tell them. I mean how much could it hurt?" 

"I don’t know Ash. I think Mum will kill me. She has wanted us together for ages and when it happens she has no idea." I said, he smiled. He leaned down and kissed my nose. "It’s okay, at least we’re together and my mum was the same." He chuckled, I was starting to get cold. "Ash can we go inside?" I asked, he nodded standing up and then taking my hand. 

Ashton shut the back door behind him. I jumped as his arms wrapped around my hips. “You know we never finished that drumming lesson.” He said huskily in my ear, my insides tingling at his words. “No we didn’t did we?” I pondered innocently, he spun me around keeping a tight grip on me. “You want to?” He asked his face close to mine, I bit my lip nodding. His hands skimmed down to my thighs. I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Jump.” He said tapping the back of my legs, I jumped up into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I giggled as he took my upstairs kissing me softly as he did. He set me down in front of the drum kit. He sat down and then patted his thighs gesturing for me to sit. I sat on his lap, he handed me the drumsticks. 

We spent a while playing around on the drums, but I couldn’t concentrate. His chest pressed to my back, I could feel his heart thumping in his chest. His arms skimming along mine, his hands resting on my thighs. His breath on my neck as he spoke, his soft kisses on my neck as I played. “No Ash I can’t do this.” I said putting the sticks down. “I’m sorry, what did I do?” He said innocently, I turned around so I was straddling him. “Nothing. I just…” I was too embarrassed to finish my sentence. “Y/N? Am I turning you on?” He asked cheekily, I tried to avoid his gaze as I blushed and nodded. Ashton stood up holding me against him, he took me to his bedroom. 


I laid my head on his damp chest, his heart still pounding against my cheek. We had finally given ourselves to each other and it wasn’t some stupid love-hate fling. 

"Ashton! Y/N!" I heard Anna’s voice ring out through the house. "Ashton! That’s your mum." I whispered quickly, he reacted differently than I expected. He shrugged, I tried to get off the bed and look nonchalant, but he kept a tight grip on me. "If we get caught it’s your fault." I warned, he chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Ashton?! Ashton?! Ash-oh my god?!" Mrs Irwin said, she came into the room seeing us in bed together. "Since when did you two even talk?” She asked, completely disregarding that we were naked. “Uh… Mum? Can we get some clothes on and then we can talk.” Ashton said awkwardly, I tried to hide my embarrassment. She nodded and left the room. We both threw some clothes on and went to see his mum. 

"So are guys together now?" She confronted, Ashton and I nodded; his fingers laced with mine. "Aww Y/N your mum is going to be so happy." Mrs Irwin gushed, I smiled awkwardly. "Speak of the devil," Ashton said nodding behind his mum. "Hi mum." I said causally, she smiled happily at me. "I’m so glad you guys are together." My mum gushed, Ashton chuckled. Our mums left us alone to chat, probably planning our wedding. "I’m glad I was stuck with you this week." Ashton said leaning down to kiss me. I giggled as he kissed me, I heard our mums’ ‘aww’ but I couldn’t care less. “Me too. I love you Ashton.” I whispered against his lips, he smirked. “I love you too.”   

A/N: Hope you like it!!! This is the final part of Stuck With You :D Hope you enjoyed it!!! 

~ Lucy xx

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