Groupie - Luke Imagine (Part 2)

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I woke up after hours of crying over Luke. The boys had left me alone which I was happy about. I heard yelling down stairs. “LUKE I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!” Michael yelled. “Get off my back! It’s not like anyone cares!” 

"Y/N cares!" Ashton yelled, I decided to go downstairs and break up the fight. 

When I rounded the corner to the boys I saw the blonde girl Luke was with earlier and Calum, Ashton and Michael facing them. Luke’s hand on her hip, it made me feel sick. “Did we wake you?” Calum asked, I shook my head. “No.” I sighed looking at Luke and the girl. She smirked at me. “Hey bitch? Get lost so I can have some fun with the boys.” I stepped back out of reflex. “Don’t talk to her like that.” Calum said, resting his hand on my shoulder. “Why not? No one really cares about her.” Tears pricked in my eyes. “Don’t worry about it guys.” I sighed, I went back into my bedroom. I pulled out my suitcase and began packing.

I went out of the house with my suitcase behind me. “Y/N wait!” Ashton called out running after me. “What?!” I yelled, I wasn’t angry with him but I just couldn’t control it. “Please stay. We all want you here.” Ashton said his arm wrapping around my shoulders. “Luke doesn’t.” I said softly, I looked at the ground. “Yes he does.” 

"No he doesn’t! He’d rather be with some blonde bimbo just looking for a lay and attention." I snapped, tears streaming down my cheeks. Rain began to fall, Ashton and I stood still ignoring the fact that we were getting soaked. "Please stay." Ashton whispered, I shrugged. "Okay…" 

We ran inside Ashton carrying my bag for me. I sat on the lounge, a towel wrapped around my shoulders. Ashton came and sat with me, tears still rolling down my face. “What happened to you two?” Michael asked coming into the lounge room. “Y/N tried to leave.” Ashton said wrapping his arm around me. “Why?” 

"I don’t want to be around Luke anymore. I’ve been in love with him for years and to see him with groupies just hurts too much!" I yelled standing up, I took my towel upstairs with me to the bathroom. On my way I bumped into Luke’s tall, broad frame. "Move Luke." I grunted, he grabbed my shoulders. "What did you say to Ashton and Michael?" 

"Nothing, I didn’t say anything." I said trying to shuffle past him. "No you said you loved me. Why didn’t you say anything?" He asked, he took a step forward and I took a step back, bumping into the wall. I was pinned between Luke and the wall. "I-I don’t know." I said looking at my feet. "I was going to tell you but then I saw you with Blondie and didn’t think you cared. And the way you acted when she was insulting me it proved that." I said, I avoided looking at his face. "I’m sorry." He said softly, I shook my head. "I don’t—" he cut me off with his lips on mine. His hands grasped my hips, his tongue slid along my bottom lip. My hands slid up his long torso, finally wrapping my arms around his neck. I opened my mouth letting him in, his hands slid down to my bum. He gently squeezed my ass, making me whimper into his mouth. He chuckled against my lips. My fingers slid into his hair, tugging gently. He groaned against my mouth, he kissed down my neck and chest. "Luke," I sighed, I gently pushed on his shoulders. "Stop." I pushed him away. "I can’t do this I’m sorry." I said softly, I quickly scampered away into the bathroom. 

“Y/N?” Luke pounded on the door, tears rolled down my cheeks. “Please just let me talk to you! I’m sorry I kissed you!” He called through the door. “Luke! It’s not because you kissed me!” I yelled back opening the door just a crack, his blue eyes met mine. “What is it then?”

“Luke, are you not hearing me? I am in love with you and seeing you with a groupie just kills me! There I said it!” I yelled swinging the door open, he didn’t say anything he just enveloped me in a hug. I sobbed into his chest, inhaling his scent off his plaid shirt. “Y/N, I’m in love with you too.” He whispered, my head snapped up to look at him. “What? But you were with that girl and…” I trailed off, not sure where I was going. “I know, I was only doing that because I didn’t think you loved me back. Calum had told me to move on, so I did. Only it didn’t work.”

“And then Ash and I found out that you loved Luke and then Calum found out and yeah…” Michael said butting into our conversation, I glared at him. “Oh shit!” Michael ran off out of our sight. “Let’s just say I love you and you love me, and we can go from there.” Luke said, I nodded. “Okay, but no more groupies.” I said, he nodded. “Can I kiss you again?” I nodded, his hands tightened on my waist pulling me closer. He leaned down his lips pressed to mine, he was less hurried this time and more concentrated on us. “Oh my god! Finally!” The boys all cheered. Luke and I laughed looking at them. “Does that mean we have to deal with your couple crap now?” Calum groaned, Luke and I laughed. “Yes.” 

A/N: OMG it’s finally up!!! sorry this has taken so long! I’ve been caught up with some stuff and yeah :( but I got like twenty messages for a part 2 so here you go!

~ Lucy xx

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