#4 Song Preference: "Unconditionally" by Katy Perry

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Michael- There is no fear now, Let go and just be free I had to leave. I had to leave right now. I can’t get hurt again. Never again. I had my bags packed and ready to go when I heard the front door open “Y/N! You home?” Michael called out. Crap.. He wasn’t supposed to be home yet. “Hey babe, I was wondering whether you wanted to go out toni-” Michael stopped mid-sentence when he saw that my bags were packed. He was standing in our bedroom doorway staring in. I was trying to hold back the tears that were brimming my eyes. I had to hold back my sobs as I turned to face him fully. “What’s going on Y/N?” Michael asked me worriedly. He began to approach me cautiously. I suddenly couldn’t fight the urge anymore. “I CAN’T TAKE NOT KNOWING ANYMORE!” I screamed. Michael stopped dead in his tracks. “Not knowing what?” He asked in a hushed tone. “When you’re going to leave me.” I sunk down to my knees, tears rushing down my face. “I can’t take it anymore. I feel trapped, so I thought that it’d be better for everyone if I left you before you left me.” I whimpered. Michael rushed over to me, kneeling in front of me while pulling my face upwards to look at him. “I will never ever leave you Y/N. I promise okay? I love you so much. So much.” He whispered. And with that I was free.

Ashton- Come just as you are to me, Don’t need apologies I liked my weight. I was a bit curvy but I loved myself because I am beautiful on the inside and I feel like that can show on the outside. I decided to go on twitter like I normally do, but it was a big mistake today.

'You're fat! Ashton will never love you!' 'Look in the mirror, you're ugly!' 'You know that he's going to leave you sooner or later.'

I quickly logged off twitter and slammed my laptop shut. I might be comfortable with my weight but I did get a bit sensitive about it. I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and lifted my shirt. I looked at my stomach and then the rest of my body. “You know that they’re wrong right?” I heard Ashton say from behind me. I didn’t notice that he had come into the bathroom. “I’m sorry Ash.” I whispered, looking away from his gaze in the reflection. “Don’t be.” He replied while walking right behind me. Ashton pulled my shirt back down and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. He rested his head on my shoulder looking at our reflection. “I see a girl that has always been happy with herself because she is comfortable with her who she is. I see a girl who is beautiful, inside and out. I also see a girl that I love. No matter what size she is because she is perfect to me. In every single way.” Ashton whispered. I turned around in his arms to face him. “Thank you Ash.” I whispered. “No problem babe. And I also like the fact that you have a bit of booty. That’s a plus.” He cheekily grinned. I smacked Ashton in the arm before leading him out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom.

Luke- Walk through this storm I would, I’d do it all because I love you, I love you The sobs racked my chest as I continued crying. I was curled up in Luke’s lap as he rocked me back and forth. “If I see him again I swear I’m going to make him regret what he did to you.” Luke seethed. He stroked my hair, trying to sooth me and make my crying stop. “Don’t bother.” I whimpered. “He hurt you. Again. I have to do something so it won’t happen anymore.” Luke whispered. I looked down to my arms and saw the bruises left behind by my ex. I tried for the third time to break up with him. Whenever I tried to do it he would just hit me and push me to the ground. I was lucky today that Luke was there and that he intervened. The bruises weren’t as bad as last time. Luke looked at my bruises and his face softened. He touched them causing me to wince in pain. Slowly and softly, Luke picked up my arm and began lightly kissing my bruises. He made his way up my forearm then stopped where my sleeve was rolled up. Luke looked up into my eyes, holding my gaze. He leaned forward until our foreheads touched. “I will never let him touch you ever again Y/N. I promise.” Luke whispered. My sobs were slight whimpers now, tears almost completely stopped. Luke leaned forward until our lips touched. He slowly moved his lips against mine. I did the same. I knew from then that Luke would be there with me through any storm. Because he loved me. And I loved him.

Calum- Acceptance is the key to be, To be truly free I ran after Calum as he stormed out of the bedroom. “Calum! Calum stop! What’s going on? What’s wrong?” I yelled after him. He stopped abruptly causing me to almost run into him. “You wanna know what’s fucking wrong?! I’ll tell you what’s fucking wrong! I’ve been gone on tour for three months! Three months without seeing you and now I have to fucking leave you again in a week! I’ll be gone again! That’s what’s fucking wrong!” Calum yelled. I was stunned. Calum doesn’t yell much. But what surprised me more was that he knew that he was going on tour for a while and that we wouldn’t see each other. I had accepted this, but apparently he hadn’t. “We’ve talked about this Cal. We both knew that we wouldn’t see each other for a while.” I reasoned. “It was easy to talk about it!” He began, “But then seeing you at the airport when I had to leave… you were so sad. You don’t deserve that…” Calum trailed off. “I missed you so much Cal, I truly did. But that’s because I love you. It’ll be hard but we both have to accept this lifestyle. No matter what. Because I want to be able to wake up in the morning and know that I am another night closer to seeing you again. Don’t leave me Cal..” I finished with a whisper, barely able to get the last sentence out. Calum looked at me then walked over and wrapped his arms around me. He held me tightly like if he let go then I would disappear. “I’m not going to leave you. This is going to be hard for us but I won’t. I love you Y/N.” Calum mumbled into my hair, just loud enough for me to hear. “I love you too Cal..”

A/N This is my first attempt at a preference :) I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it

Bianca xx

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