Baking Cupcakes - Calum Imagine

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"Okay so I have eggs, milk, flour, cocoa, butter, sugar uhhh what else do I need?" I listed off all of the ingredients that I needed to make my famous chocolate chip cupcakes. I grabbed the rest of the ingredients and collected the utensils that I needed. "Oh crap.." I muttered to myself. Within one minute of attempting to make my cupcakes I already got flour on my shirt. Although I was glad that it wasn’t my top. I was wearing my short shorts and my boyfriend’s top which hung down over my shorts. It looked like I was wearing a dress. “Babe you home?” I heard Calum call from the front door of the apartment. “Just in the kitchen Cal!” I yelled back. I turned from the small kitchen island to see Calum standing a few metres away from me. “Making cupcakes are we?” Calum questioned. “Yeah they’re for a get together thing for book club.” I replied. My cousin convinced me to join book club a month ago. I still have no idea why I even agreed. I like reading books but I like to read at my own pace. That is if I actually decide to read a book. “I still can’t believe you joined book club.” Calum chuckled. “You and me both.” I mumbled. “Need some help with the cupcakes?” Calum offered as he walked towards me. “Yes pwease!” I replied, using my childish voice. Calum smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I smiled back and started to put the ingredients in the bowl. We both continued to make the cupcakes without any hiccups. I watched as Calum poured the batter into the cupcake pan. This was surprising because normally by now we’d both have have flour and egg on our faces while we chased each other around the kitchen. Maybe Calum was taking this seriously, which is a bit odd because we’re just baking two batches of cupcakes. After Calum finished pouring the batter I took the pan and put it in the oven. “Let’s get started on the second batch!” I exclaimed. “Sure babe.” Calum nodded. I walked back to the kitchen island and began the same process but with a clean bowl. Calum had started chuckling but I had no idea why. I turned around to see what was funny, only to be met with a fistful of flour. “Calum!” I groaned. Grabbing a nearby towel I wiped most of the flour from my face. I looked up to see Calum laughing. He bent over holding his stomach because he was laughing so hard. He stood up straight after a while, trying to hold in the laughter. “That was fun! Now let’s get back to work babe, these cupcakes won’t make themselves.” Calum laughed. So he wanted to have some fun? I pulled a stool from the pantry and quietly placed it behind Calum. I sneakily grabbed an egg from the fridge and got a handful of flour from near where Calum was making the batter. He didn’t even notice what I was doing. Perfect. My feet carried me silently across the floorboards as I tiptoed to the stool. The stool wobbled a little as I stepped on it, but it settled once I was fully standing. This made me the perfect height to be just a little bit shorter than Calum. It was the right height for what I was about to do. “Hey Cal, can you turn around for a sec?” I asked. Calum did as I asked and turned around. As soon as he was facing me I cracked the egg above his head with one hand and put the flour onto the gooey contents in his hair. I smeared it around and began laughing. Hard. “You look so funny!” I laughed. My stomach began to hurt from laughing so much. “Oh you think that was funny?” Calum smirked. “Yes, yes I do.” I replied while chuckling. “Let’s see if you find this funny.” Calum grabbed my hips and swung me over his shoulder. I screamed out from surprise. “CALUM!” I giggled. Even though I was surprised I loved it when he did this. Calum ran around the kitchen island, laughing as he rounded the last corner. “Calum put me down!” I laughed. “Not until you say that I win this battle and that you’re sorry.” I giggled at the offer. We were such children. “Okay okay! You win this battle and I’m sorry!” I chuckled. Calum slowly lifted me off his shoulder and placed me on the kitchen island. “You know you look really good in my top.” Calum breathed. He began to lean in when I grabbed some batter and smeared it across his cheek. “I’m sorry that you actually thought you won!” I laughed. As soon as I had finished my sentence Calum spread batter on my forehead. “Who’s laughing now?” Calum smirked. “Still me!” I said playfully. We both looked at the mess on each others faces. Calum looked absolutely ridiculous. We both burst out laughing. After a minute or two we finally stopped and I looked into Calum’s eyes. He looked down to my lips then back to my eyes. I leaned closer, touching our foreheads together. Calum pulled my chin upwards causing our lips to brush against each other. Tingles spread across my body. I initiated the kiss by slowly pushing my lips onto his, our lips moulding together perfectly. Calum placed his hands on my hips, scooting me closer to him. I placed my hands on his cheeks and felt the batter from before. “Oh those cupcakes..” I mumbled against Calum’s lips. “OH SHIT THE CUPCAKES!” I yelled, pulling away from Calum. I hopped off the bench and got my oven mitts. I threw the oven door open and luckily there was no fire. But my cupcakes were completely black on the outside. I totally forgot about them. I felt Calum come up behind me once I placed the burnt cupcakes on the bench. “I guess we got a little distracted didn’t we Y/N?” Calum whispered into my ear. His arms made their way around my waist. I giggled at the thought that we got so carried away. “I guess I’ll just buy the cupcakes from a bakery.” I said. Before I could do anything Calum had turned me around, now barely inches away from me. “Yeah.. now where were we?” Calum breathed. He pushed me against the bench and leaned in until our lips connected again. This was much better than making cupcakes.

A/N I hope you like it! :)

Bianca xx

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