#85 Safe Word

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This is smut so read at own discretion :D x

Calum: I was laid in bed while Calum was out with the boys, I heard the front door open, telling me that Calum was now home. “Y/N, where are you?” He called, I sat up to go see him but he appeared in the doorway. “Hi beautiful.” He grinned, I knew that look from anywhere. He was up to something. “What’s going on Cal?”

“I thought we should shake things up a bit… sexually.” He said, he held a bag out in front of him. I took it from his hands and saw a pair of handcuffs in it. “Do you want to?” He asked nervously, I had never really thought about doing something like this but I was curious. “Okay.” I said, he grinned at me. He took the bag from me and grabbed the handcuffs and the key. He quickly stripped me down and I did the same to him, he pinned me to the bed asserting his dominance. I found this to be totally hot, wetness pooling between my legs. I jumped feeling Calum’s fingers run over my heat, he leaned over and grabbed the cuffs. “Arms up baby.” I obeyed, holding my arms to the headboard. He clipped them on around the headboard. “You okay?” He asked, I nodded. He kneeled between my open thighs, I wanted him to touch me but he just stared at me. “Calum! Please, touch me!” I whimpered, he hovered over me, grinding his bare crotch into mine. “Where do you want me?” He asked, nipping at my neck. “Everywhere, I want your mouth, your fingers.” I moaned, begging to be touched. He hummed, his fingers running over my core. Shivers ran up my spine from his soft touches. His fingers slipped into me, I dug my fingers into my own hands. Calum was always good at this and being tied up made it feel so much better. He continued fingering me, his thumb rolling over my clit. “Cal-Calum. I’m close.” I cried out, he kissed down my chest and stopped at my breasts. He nipped and sucked on my nipples as my high crashed over me. I relaxed back into the mattress, Calum lifted his fingers to my mouth. “Taste?” He asked, I nodded. He stuck his fingers into my mouth, I lightly sucked on them. A quiet moan slipped from his mouth. I raised my eyebrows at him, he blushed and took his fingers away. “As much as I want you to give me a blow job, it’s about you tonight.” He said kissing me softly. “You ready beautiful?” I nodded, he slammed into me. “Ugh, Calum!” I screamed, he smirked at me as he began pounding into me relentlessly. It felt amazing whimpers and moans fell from both our mouths. Only thing was that the cuffs were rubbing harshly against my wrists. Tears rolled down my cheeks, I felt the skin on my wrists break. “Calum! Stop!” I cried out, he didn’t hear me instead he went harder. “Yellow!” I screamed, he stopped straight away. We had never used the safe word before, so when he heard it he was immediately worried. He stared down at me, his chest heaving. “What’s going on sweetheart?” He asked concerned. “Uncuff me.” I whispered, he didn’t hesitate. I cradled my wrists to my chest, Calum rolled to the side of me. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry.” He whispered taking hold of my hands. He gently kissed my tender wrists. Tears still streaming down my cheeks. “It’s okay, maybe we should get fluffy ones next time. And maybe you don’t be so rough.” I chuckled shyly, he smiled. “Do you want some ice for that?” He asked gesturing to my wrist. “Yeah, I’ll stay here.” I said softly, he nodded. Calum quickly pulled on a pair of boxers and ran out to the kitchen. I grabbed Calum’s shirt off the floor and pulled it over my head and got under the covers. Calum came back with a wet cloth and some ice in it. “Here you go babe.” He said as he climbed into bed with me. He gently touched the cool cloth to my wrist. I hissed at the sting. “Sorry.” He said quickly, I shook my head. “It’s okay.” I let out a shaky breath. “I think it’s okay now.” I said, I took the cloth from him and took it to the bathroom. I crawled back into bed beside him. “I really love you. I’m so sorry I hurt you, I will never do it again.” He whispered in my ear, I nodded. “I know, I love you to Calum.” I whispered, he kissed me softly. I drifted off to sleep trying not to worry about my aching wrists.         

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