Forbidden - Calum Imagine (Part 6)

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I heard the back door rattle, I hoped it was Michael. I bolted up off the bed, rushing to the door. Michael stood outside the door, his chest moving up and down quickly. “Thank you Michael.” I said pulling him inside the house, he hugged me tightly. “Where are the rest of the boys?”

“Back at Calum’s. I’ll talk to mum.” He said taking my hand in his, we went to the front of the house where Mum was still banging on the door. Mali was still in the bedroom, I followed behind Michael.

He swung the door open, “Michael, what are you doing here?”

“Defending my sister. Just leave, we don’t need you here.” He said strongly, I stood behind him. “You. You little bitch! You think it’s okay to run off with that punk Calum. He’s not good for you, and I know that you are still with him. He will just dump you and leave you on the street. Do you want that?” She snarled, tears pricked in my eyes. I stood away from Michael. “Don’t you dare even talk about people walking out on me, because you did. You don’t even know Calum, he is the most amazing partner I could ask for. Now if you don’t mind, I have a big day tomorrow and I need to sleep.” I slammed the door in her face, I heard her huff from the other side of the door. “Why did I even bother you waste of space?” She yelled, I looked out the peep hole, seeing her walk away.

Tears spilled down my cheeks. “Y/N? Are you okay?” Mali asked coming out of the other room, I nodded wiping away my tears. Michael hugged me close, he soothingly rubbed my back. “Hey Michael, go back to Calum’s I’ll look after her.” Mali said, Michael nodded, kissing the top of my head. “Bye, Y/N see you tomorrow.” He gave me one last squeeze and then left. I turned to Mali, she smiled warmly at me. “Come on, let’s just sleep this off and you can have a beautiful day tomorrow.” She said leading me back to the bedroom.

I settled back into bed, hopefully I could get to sleep, so I didn’t look too terrible tomorrow.

(Calum’s POV)

I couldn’t believe today was the day that I was going to marry the girl of my dreams.  I didn’t wake up with much of a hangover which is good, Y/N would have killed me anyway.

The boys and I had about an hour until we had to go, it was absolute chaos at the moment; Luke and Ashton were still running around in their underwear. “For god’s sake put your suits on!” I said, pushing them towards where their suits were. They both groaned going to get changed.

When they were ready, we had some time for them to calm me down. I was getting so worried that I was going to stuff everything up.

Before I knew it, I was in the car going to the church. Michael had already gone, to meet up with Y/N so he could give her away. It was just the perfect thing, because it meant that he did really accept us.

We went into the chapel and waited… Luke and Ashton were still trying to calm me down. “Mate, everything will be perfect. Stop stressing.” Luke said clutching my shoulder. The people in the audience were buzzing with conversation. The butterflies in my stomach getting worse and worse. It was so close, music began playing silencing everyone.

Mali was the first to come down the aisle, she looked amazing. She smiled up at me as she took her place opposite the boys. Everyone in the pews stood up as the wedding march began playing. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw Y/N walking towards me. Michael’s arm intertwined with hers, her dress was beautiful but not as beautiful as her. She looked so graceful, the dress hugging her figure in all the right places. After an eternity she was finally in front of me. Michael kissed her cheek, he shook my hand. He moved away from us and stood with Luke and Ashton. “You look gorgeous.” I whispered to her, she blushed looking at our hands.

The minister began speaking but I didn’t hear anything he said, I was too busy staring at Y/N. “I don’t want them to be married!” I heard someone yell, Y/N and I both looked to see her mum. Tears spilled down her cheeks, she pulled her dress just above her ankles and ran. It took me a couple of seconds to register what happened. I ran after her.

I finally caught up to her, “Y/N? Babe? Please stop?” I asked wrapping my arms around her waist, she turned to face me. “She won’t stop. She doesn’t want to stop making me feel like I’m a waste of space and I’m not good enough for anyone.” She said, tears rolling down her cheeks. I softly wiped them away. “Y/N, you’re beautiful and you’re not a waste of space. You’re too good for everyone, you’re too good for me. I love you so much and it doesn’t matter what she said. She left you, she doesn’t even know you anymore.” I said hugging her tightly, she nodded.

We went back to the church to find Y/N’s mum gone. Everyone stared at us as we walked back in.

We continued the ceremony as if nothing had happened, we had gotten to the vows. I started with a shaky voice. “Firstly, I love you Y/N, more than you will ever know. I will remind you every day though. We have been through thick and thin together. You are my best friend, my princess, my soul mate and soon to be my wife. I never met a woman like you, you make me the happiest and luckiest man in the world.” I said, tears rolling down Y/N’s cheeks as I spoke. She sucked in a deep breath after she was queued to say her vows. “Calum, you are just perfect. I love you so much. You have changed my life. You are my best friend, my protector, my man. You have given me so much and you have made me the luckiest girl in the world. I never want to lose you. I love you so much Calum.” She said her hands tightly gripping mine. We said our “I do’s”. Before I could register what was happening, Y/N was in my arms and her lips on mine. The whole world stopped around me, it was just me and her.

It ended all too quickly, we were walking back down the aisle to the wedding car. It was perfect, she cuddled close to me. We were finally married, she was finally Y/N Hood. “I love you Calum.” She said softly, her hands in mine. “I love you too Y/N Hood.” She smiled up at me, her cheeks pink. “I could get used to that.” She smirked, I kissed her softly. I never wanted this day to end.  

Hoe you like it!! This was the final part for Forbidden :) I am sorry for any mistakes :D 

~ Lucy xx

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