Cuddles In Bubbles - Michael Imagine

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I wandered into mine and Michael’s house, I was confused to hear Michael groaning and swearing. “Mikey?” I asked hesitantly, seeing him on the bed with his head in his hands. “Hey babe.” He said not looking up at me. “Are you alright?” I asked, gently touching his shoulder. He shrugged and then shook his head. “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked, he nodded. I moved onto the bed behind him, I rested my hands on his shoulders. “The guys at the studio made us record everything all over again and then some fans got inside and it was just hectic.” He said, he was so stressed. I gently massaged his shoulders as he vented about his day. I leaned in pressing soft kisses to his neck. He groaned as his head fell back onto my shoulder. “How about a bath?” I asked, he turned to look at me and nodded. I got up from the bed and went into the bathroom.

I got everything organised, the bath was full of bubbles. “Oh I’m going to smell like a girl now.” He groaned gently shoving me. “Shut up. You’re going to be all fruity and flowery.” I gushed, he kissed my forehead.

Michael and I got undressed, he wrapped his arms around me. “Mmm, I missed this.” He whispered, I snuggled into him. “Come on.” He said pulling away and getting into the tub, I followed sitting in front of him. “This is nice.” He mumbled, his lips on my shoulder. I sighed as he gently rubbed soap over my chest and stomach.

We laid there in a comfortable silence for what felt like forever. I felt his hand slide down to my core. I moved my hands to his thighs, which were pressed to my sides around me. He groaned as I rubbed gentle circles on his skin. “Stop, or I’m gonna have a problem.” Michael laughed, I giggled feeling him poking my bum. “Maybe I want you to have a problem.” I giggled, he groaned in my ear. I felt his hard on against my bum. “Two can play at this game.” He growled, one of his hands went to my breast, he gently rolled my nipple between his fingers. He kissed my shoulder, sucking on my skin. “Michael please.” I sighed my head falling against his chest. He hesitated for a second, I pushed his hand down to my core. His finger gently rubbed over my clit. I whimpered grabbing his arm. “Don’t stop.” I groaned, he chuckled continuing his movements only harder. He rolled my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I arched my back trying to get more contact. He pressed his hand to my stomach pushing me back down. “Michael I’m close!” I cried out, he pushed two fingers into me curling them up to my g-spot. I gripped onto his thighs as I came hard. “Turn around sweetie.” He coaxed, holding my waist. Michael lifted me up so my core pressed to his length, he grunted into my shoulder. “Feeling relaxed yet?” I teased running my finger across his collarbone, he groaned under my touch. “Hmm, little bit.” His hand slid down my sides, he pulled me forward. His eyes pleading for me to do something, I grinned at him. I kissed him roughly, his tongue in my mouth. I sighed as he took hold of his length, running it along my slit. “Please, Mikey.” I whimpered, he grunted as he lined up with me and thrust up roughly. My head rolled onto his shoulder, I didn’t worry about the water overflowing onto the floor. I jolted when I felt him gently nibble on my collarbone. I lifted off him and ground my hips down onto him. “Shit baby.” He grunted, I whimpered as I continued bouncing on him. Michael panted against my skin, “Are you close?” I nodded, unable to speak. I felt his hand come down to my clit, rubbing harsh figure eights. “Shit, Michael!” I cried out as I hit my high. He grunted my name along with a string of profanities as he hit his high. I fell against his chest, Michael’s arms wrapped tightly around me. “I love you so much.” He whispered, I kissed up his neck to his mouth. “I love you too.” I mumbled against his mouth. He kissed me back, his tongue running along my lips. “I’m definitely more relaxed now.” He chuckled, I pulled away giggling. “We made a mess.” I said seeing the mess on the floor. He nodded at me. “Come on, we should have a nap and then dinner.” He suggested, I nodded.

We got out of the bath quickly drying off and heading to bed. I cuddled into Michael’s side and drifted off to sleep. 

A/N: Hope you like it!

~ Lucy xx  

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