Forbidden - Calum Imagine

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Calum Hood. My brother’s best friend, and the guy I have had a crush on for the last three years. He probably wasn’t the best for me, he had tattoos and piercings and he was loud like my brother.

I was stood with my group of friends, not paying any attention to the conversation going on before me. “Y/N? Y/N? What are you staring at?” My friend, Katie asked. “More like who.” My other friend Georgina scoffed. “I wasn’t.”

“Oh sure. Come on its Calum Hood. I don’t even know what you see in him. He’s an idiot, I mean he has so many tattoos and piercings. Just no. Y/N you can’t even date him you know Michael would kill you.” Katie advised. “I know but that’s his job he’s my big brother, but I just really like Calum.”

“Maybe you should make a move?” Georgina suggested. “Uh, no… Actually Calum’s staying over tonight.” I said remembering what Michael had told me. I thought about it and maybe I could do it… just one problem… Michael.

– Later that night –

I heard a knock at the front door, opening it revealing Calum. He was dressed in a tight black t-shirt showing off his tattoos, and black skinny jeans. I hesitantly looked up at his face, my heart dropped in my chest. “Hey, Calum. I think Michael’s in the shower he’ll be out soon.” I said stepping aside letting him go to the lounge room. “Hey Y/N, so still taking school seriously?” He asked in a mocking way, I nodded. “Of course.” He scoffed, before he smiled; taking his lip ring between his teeth. My heart fluttered in my chest at the action. “You need to live on the wild side for once in your life, Y/N. I wouldn’t mind helping you with that.” I was unsure of what he was suggesting. “Wh-what?” I asked, shyly. He smirked at me, moving a little closer to me. “What are you doing?” I asked moving back a little, sure I wanted to kiss him but if Michael came into the lounge room I’m sure he would kill us both. “Ever kissed a guy?” Calum taunted, I shook my head. “Oh, this will be interesting.” He said wrapping his arms around my waist. “Calum, Michael is going to kill us if he sees.”

“Let him see. I don’t care, I really like you… crazy I know but I do. And I know you like me too, I can feel how I make you feel physically. You’re nervous and maybe a little excited.” He said taking my hands in his. “I—I don’t know… Calum… I do like you but is it worth the risk?” I asked nervously, he smiled leaning in close to me. His cologne acting like a drug on my senses, making me lean in more. He pressed a soft kiss to my cheek, my heart beating fast in my chest. His hands running up and down my sides, he smiled at me. Pressing his forehead against mine, I jolted upright when his hands slid down to my bum; giving it a squeeze. Calum chuckled at my reaction, I glared at him before I glanced down at his arms. I diverted the conversation away from my awkwardness. “Why did you get so many?” I asked running my fingers over his soft, inked skin. He shrugged, “I just really liked them. And I also think Michael had an influence on me a bit.” He said looking between me and his arms. “Don’t they hurt?” I asked confused, he breathlessly laughed. “Yeah the first one hurt like a bitch but the more I got the less they hurt because I got used to the feeling.” He explained, his expression turned serious for a second. He pulled me closer, “Y/N, can I kiss you?” Calum whispered, I nodded. “Yes.” I replied, before I knew it Calum’s lips were on mine. Soft and plump, I couldn’t believe it. His arms tight around my waist and mine moved to his neck, draping them over his shoulders. He was finally kissing me… “What the fuck is going on in here?!” Calum and I broke apart, panting a little from the kiss and the shock. “Calum! Why were you kissing my baby sister?!” Michael boomed at Calum. Calum had no excuses, Michael stalked over grabbing Calum’s shirt. “You fucking ass! How dare you touch my sister like that?!” He said pushing him towards the front door, it was then I noticed I was crying. “Michael! Stop! Stop! Please! It’s not his fault!” I cried out, wanting neither of them to get hurt. He stopped, his fist raised in the air ready to punch Calum. “Do you like him?” I swallowed my fear, and nodded. “Yes Michael, I do like him. I’m sorry but you can’t punish him for my crush.” I said wiping the tears off my face. “I’m sorry but you can’t see him! I’m forbidding it! He’s not good enough for you…” he turned to Calum. “No offence.” Michael looked at me, “You’re forbidding it! You don’t own me!” I snapped, I got no reaction from Michael but he shook his head; before leaving the room. “Are you okay?” I asked Calum, he nodded. “I’m really sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. He’s your brother; he’s going to do that. And I’m tough I’ll get over it.” He said touching my arm. I was going to say something when I was cut off by Michael cussing at everything from the other room. “Calum, maybe you should go. We can talk later.” I said smiling at him, he suddenly pulled me into a hug. “Okay, but he can’t keep us apart, I really do like you. Bye Y/N.” He said kissing the top of my head before leaving, I slid down the wall, tears slipping down my cheeks. I was now worried what Michael was going to do.      

A/N: Sorry its late but there was confusion and yeah ahaha! Hope you like it! (wrote this at like 1:30am so sorry if its shitty…) Also I don’t know yet but I might do another part to this so just let me know if you want a part 2 :D 

~ Lucy xx

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