Date At The Park - Ashton Imagine

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His fingers intertwined with mine as we walked through the park. The sun was shining through the branches of the overhanging trees, like it was trying to escape the tree’s grasp. Ashton tugged on my hand a little causing me to look up at him. He gave me a smile and leaned over to kiss my forehead as we were walking. It made me smile a large smile but there were other reasons that made me happy. The sun was shining brilliantly today, the park was flourishing with life, this was the perfect place for a date but  best of all I got to spend this day with Ashton. I lifted up Ashton’s hand that was held in mine and kissed his fingers softly. “Cutie,” Ashton gushed. I blushed a little at that. He always knew how to do that to me. We kept walking hand in hand along the path until we came across a boy who had fallen off his bike. He was bawling his eyes out and was holding his scraped knee. Poor thing. Ashton and I rushed over to him and knelt down on either side of him. “You okay there buddy?” Ashton asked. “I fell o-ff my- bike— and it -rea-lly—hurts!” The boy managed to sob . “What’s your name little dude?” Ashton asked with a sympathetic smile. “Tho-mas.” He sobbed. “Well Thomas let’s get you back on your bike. You’re gonna be fine okay?” Thomas nodded. His tears were slowing down and his sobs were few and far between. I stood up and picked up Thomas’ bike, rolling it over to a spot in front of the young boy. Ashton lifted Thomas and placed him on his feet. I smiled at how well Ashton was doing. He does so well with children. Probably because he still sort of acts like one. I heard a distant voice yelling out so I turned around. “Thomas!” A middle aged man came running around a bend just up ahead. He saw us and came running over. “Oh thank goodness he’s okay!” He puffed. The man knelt down to his son and gave him a hug. “He learnt to ride without training wheels today and once he got it right he just took off,” He said, looking up at us. “Thank you so much for looking after him. My name is George by the way.” Ashton spoke for me, “I’m Ashton and this is Y/N. And it was no problem really.” George stood up and took Thomas’ hand. “Thank you again! And you are in so much trouble young man.” He said sternly. “But dad!” Thomas whined as they began to walk away with his bike. “I hope he doesn’t get into too much trouble.” Ashton sighed. I nodded, mentally agreeing with him. I walked to Ashton’s side and returned my hand to it’s previous spot. We both smiled and began walking again. The path that we were walking along had trees lining it’s sides. The rest of the park has luscious green grass growing everywhere. It was truly a beautiful sight. I turned my head and looked back down the path. I didn’t really notice that I was looking around. We came around a bend and found a small slope that overlooked most of the park. Ashton led me over to the slope and sat down, dragging me down with him. I sat down facing him with my legs curled under me. Ashton sat with his legs out, leaning back on his arms for support. Sticking out of the ground beside him was a dandelion and I couldn’t help myself. I picked it out of the ground and brought it up to my face. It was so small and delicate. I took a deep breath and blew out all of the air in my lungs. Some of the seeds lifted up high into the air, but most of them got caught by the wind and blew into my face. I scrunched up my nose and eyes in response. The seeds tickled my nose then flew past my face, being taken away by the wind. My nose began to feel tingly and I knew that I was going to sneeze. I tried not to sneeze by holding my breath but it wasn’t working. I began waving my hands in front if my face because I could feel the sneeze coming. Ashton chuckled a little at my weird response to a sneeze. I quickly covered my mouth and let out a little sneeze. “Bless you.” Ashton giggled. I opened my eyes and saw his face close to mine. Ashton leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the nose. He intertwined our fingers together again and lied down fully, tugging on my hand to pull me down with him. I rested my head on his chest and played with his fingers. We were silent but it was comfortable. It was always comfortable. I liked that we could talk for hours at a time but then we could be silent and be totally okay with it. “I remember the first time that I saw you Y/N.” Ashton randomly began, staring at the sky as he spoke. “Me too.” I said. “No that was when we first met. I’m talking about the first time that I actually ever saw you.” I frowned but listened on. I’ve never heard this story before. “It was at the local library and I was trying to find a book about maths so that I could help Harry out. I was looking through the shelves and there was a gap in between two books. My eyes looked over it and I was about to keep going but something caught my attention. Well actually it was someone.” Ashton beamed. He let go of my hand an began twirling my hair in his fingers. I looked up at him. He looked so happy with the memory that it have me butterflies. It’s nice to think that just a memory of me can make him content. “I looked back through the gap and saw a gorgeous girl with her head buried in a book. She looked so cute in her glasses and over sized jumper. Her hair kept falling out of her messy bun so she tried tucking it begin her ears but it would always fall back into her face. I knew at that moment that I needed to meet her and make her mine. And I did.” Ashton looked down at me intently. I looked back at him the same way. “What brought that on Ash?” I questioned. Ashton looked up at the sky again. “I was thinking about how today was great and then I tried to think of the best day of my life. The day that I saw you though was the second best day of my life.” Ashton admitted. I suddenly felt sad at that. I was part of the second best day of his life. I wonder what came first. “What was the best day of your life?” I questioned. “I don’t want to say.” Ashton mumbled. “Why?” I pressed. “You’re going to think that it’s stupid because it hasn’t even happened.” He responded. I was confused but I wanted to know. “I promise that I won’t laugh.” I said while holding up my pinky. With his free hand Ashton wrapped his pinky around mine. He sighed, “The best day of my life will be the day that you say yes.”  ”The day that I say yes to what?” I asked. “You know what.” Ashton laughed. I already knew but I wanted to hear him say it. “The best day of my life will be the day that you say yes to marrying me.” He smiled. My heart fluttered inside my chest and the butterflies were back. That’s the most adorable thing he’s ever said. I sat myself up and leaned over so that my face was hovering over his. The sun made his eyes look golden. It was beautiful. I dipped my head down, planting a kiss on his lips. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. “I love you.” I whispered. “I love you too.” Ashton whispered back. I went in for one more kiss, staying there for a little bit longer. His lips were soft against mine making me enjoy the kiss. Slowly I pulled back and rested my head on his chest again. His hand found mine, lacing our fingers together. And that’s how we stayed for the rest of the afternoon. Hand in hand, staring at the clouds.

A/N This was a lovely imagine to write :) I hope you like it!

Bianca xx

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