Broken - Calum Imagine (Part 1)

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If you could hear the sound of a heart breaking I would imagine it to sound like a glass cracking. “How could you? You promised…..” I whispered. Disbelief, hopelessness, betrayal were the feelings flooding through me. “It was just a few times Y/N. Stop overreacting.” Calum scolded. I clenched my hands into fists, trembling by my sides. “But you promised.” My voice trembled as I spoke. “Well you know what? I broke it! Who cares!” 
"I care! I care so much, but obviously you don’t!" I spat. Tears cascaded down my cheeks after trying to hold them in. "Y/N I do care. I just needed another hit." Calum said simply. 
I asked Calum to quit drugs months ago. I thought he was clean….. but obviously not anymore. “It’s not that easy Calum. I just wanted you to quit because it was ruining your life. Our life.” I sobbed. Calum rolled his eyes, his head following the movement. 
"You say this every time babe. Just skip to the end already. I’m sick of this lecture." He sighed. A sense of defiance rose inside of me. I wasn’t going to deal with this anymore. No more coming back just to have the same thing happen again. I shook my head. "No Calum. This time it’s different. I’m leaving you!" I snapped. "You don’t mean that." He smirked. Broken
I pushed past Calum and rushed to our bedroom. I grabbed my handbag and nothing else knowing that I wouldn’t have time. Calum burst into the room and I turned around to show him that I wasn’t backing down. “You don’t have anywhere to go babe. Just quit the hissy fit.” He was right. I had no where to go, but I couldn’t back down. I wouldn’t. “No. I’m leaving and you can’t stop me.” I asserted. I stepped around Calum only to have him grip my forearm. His tattoo moved as his muscles rippled under his tight T-shirt as he held me. “You’re not leaving.” He breathed into my ear. “Let go.” I said through gritted teeth. “Only if you stay.” He whispered, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. Knowing that I couldn’t do anything I relaxed under his iron grip. He slowly released me. “I knew you wouldn’t leave. You never do.” He snickered. Calum leaned his head down to my neck, slowly kissing my sweet spot. He sucked harder, a moan escaping my lips. Calum trailed kisses up to my ear then stopped. “Now everyone knows you’re mine. You’ll always be mine.” He breathed. Anger bubbled inside me but I held it in. Calum chuckled and backed out of the room. I turned to our mirror to see a dark red hickey on my neck. My eyes burned, begging to let the tears flow, but I bit them back. I’ll leave when he’s asleep. It’ll be okay when he’s asleep. 
Calum’s soft snores covered the sounds of my footsteps as I left the bedroom. I turned back to look at him one last time. He was so peaceful when he was asleep. I wish it would stay that way when he was awake. I was still looking back when my foot hit the hallway table. The sound caused Calum to stir. “Y/N.” He mumbled. Calum’s eyes fluttered open, wondering where I was. I bolted down the hall grabbing my keys as I went. “Y/N!” Calum called from the bedroom. I wrenched open the front door and slammed it closed, giving me away. Heart speeding, I flew down the stairs, trying to get to the car as quickly as possible. “Y/N get your ass back here now!” Calum yelled from the front door. I could hear his footsteps thundering down the stairs as I fumbled with my keys, trying to unlock the car door. “No way! You’re not leaving me!” Calum yelled as he ran across the car park. The adrenalin pumping through my veins made it impossible to get the key in the lock. Calum caught up to me and spun me around to face him. “You’re mine. You hear me. Mine.” He snarled. My heart pounded from adrenalin which stemmed from the fear of what he was going to do to me. Calum bent down and threw me over his shoulder. “Calum put me down!” I cried. He ignored me and kept walking through the car park, reaching the steps to our apartment. I clung to the back of his shirt as he marched up the steps. “Calum please put me down.” I pleaded. Calum yanked open the front door and slammed it shut. He put me on the floor only to grab hold of my arm and drag me to the bedroom. “Calum what are you doing?” ……

A/N So I decided to split this into two parts. :) I hope you liked it 
Bianca xx

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