Never Be - Ashton Imagine

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Y/N and I had only a couple of days together between touring and it was getting really hard for both of us being away from each other. I was coming home tonight, here for tomorrow and then leaving late that afternoon.

I unlocked the door to our house and wandered inside to find Y/N curled up on the lounge with a bear cuddled against her chest. She looked up at me, her eyes flooded with tears. “Ashton!” She squealed, her arms wrapped tightly around me. Her face pressed to my chest, I cuddled her close. “I missed you so much!” I whispered against her hair, she giggled looking up at me. She reached up and kissed me softly. “Hey, are you okay?” I whispered wiping away her tears. She smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I just really missed you.” She said softly, I smiled kissing her again. “I can’t believe I only get one day with you.” I said sadly, holding her tightly. She rested her head on my chest. “I just want it to be you and me.” She whispered, I smiled kissing the top of her head. “It will be sweetheart. We can lock all the doors and windows, turn off the phone and wifi… just you and me.” I said softly, her arms tightened on me. “Ash, I’ve done all that.” She said sheepishly, I grinned, she leaned back taking my large hand in her small one. I left my bag in the lounge room as she dragged me to the bedroom.  

I grinned seeing that she had lit candles all over the room, the lights completely off leaving us in the dull light of the candles. She smiled up at me, I wrapped my arms tightly around her. “I love you Ashton. I just want to spend every moment with you.” Y/N said softly, her eyes filling with tears again. “Oh please don’t cry.” I whispered hugging her close. “I love you too, come here.” I said leading her to the bed. We fell clumsily onto the bed, she giggled sliding up to the pillows. She laid on her side facing me, her hand rested on my side. I leaned my head close to hers. “I wish I had more time with you.” I whispered, my arms wrapping tightly around her waist, she nodded. “Me too. I wish we could just runaway together. Forget the world.” She said softly, I smiled. “I know.” I kissed her nose softly.

We laid there close to each other for ages, we were both tired. “Do you want to get under the covers?” Y/N asked shyly, I chuckled and nodded. We quickly changed for bed and she had stolen on of my shirts. She blew out all the candles plunging us into darkness.

We returned to our cuddle, “Why don’t we run away? I mean why not seize the day?” I suggested, Y/N giggled and shook her head. “Maybe because you’re in a world famous band and have millions of adoring fans, that would flip out if you disappeared.” She joked, gently poking my chest, I laughed at her. “True, but at the moment the only adoring fan I’m worried about is you.” I gently kissed her nose, she giggled hiding her face in my chest. I rolled onto my back, pulling her on top of me. A gasp escaped her lips as I squeezed her waist. My fingers trailing up and down her back. Her face pressed against my neck. Her hand found mine and laced our fingers together. It was nice, it was warm. She was just perfect, I didn’t want to ever let her go. My thoughts were interrupted by soft sobs coming from Y/N. “Hey, its going to be alright.” I whispered kissing the side of her head. “You’re leaving in twelve hours.” She whimpered, I quietly cooed in her ear. “It’s going to be alright.” She looked at me, her eyes shining in the light from outside. She was so beautiful, I couldn’t understand why she was with me. “You’re my only one and I will always come home to you.” I whispered, she rolled off me and onto her side pulling me with her. Her face close to mine, my heart racing in my chest. Her hands moved up to my chest, I gently took her hands in mine lacing our fingers together. It seemed as if our hearts were beating as one. Our minds thinking as one as we moved closer together.

We didn’t say anything else for the rest of the night, we just held each other. We didn’t need words. Before we knew it, the sun was rising and we were both falling asleep, Y/N’s body snuggling close to mine. I finally let sleep take over me.

We woke later in the day without a care in the world. “Come with me.” I whispered, she frowned. “What?”

“Come with me… on tour.” I repeated, she gasped. “We’ll never be as young as we are now, take a chance.”         

A/N: Hope you like it!!! This was based off “Never Be”… Wasnt my best… I am soooooo tired… I’m moving house at the moment so yeah :D 

~ Lucy xx

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