Stuck With You - Ashton Imagine (Part 2)

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I laid in bed, my laptop resting on my stomach as I scrolled through my Facebook. I was trying to get the memory of kissing Ashton Irwin out of my head but nothing worked. Yes the kiss was amazing and so hot but it was Ashton, the guy who had been a dick to me my whole life up until a few nights ago. I remembered the feeling of his tongue leaving a warm, wet trail along my bottom lip. The feeling of his rough fingertips climbing higher up my thigh, bringing parts of me to life like no one ever has. I groaned and slammed my laptop shut, angry with myself for letting it happen and enjoying every moment of it. Rubbing my forehead in frustration I tried to think of something other than Ashton. Cookies. Chocolate. Whipped cream. Whipped cream on Ashton. Licking it off his chest. “Crap!” I sighed, slapping my hands to my sides. Ashton would never leave my mind. Especially sexual things about him. “Y/N honey?” Mum said, opening my door. I sat up straight, paranoid that somehow she saw the dirty thoughts in my head. “Hey did you know of this magical thing called ‘knocking’?” I asked, annoyed that she just walked in. “Sorry but I just had something important to tell you.” Mum said, staying at the door. “What?” I frowned, moving my legs off the bed and leaning forward from curiosity. “This weekend you’re going to stay at the Irwin’s house. That’s what Anna and I were talking about when we went over there. Your dad and I have a business meeting.” Mum explained. “What?” I cried, shooting up from the bed. So much for trying not to think about him. Knowing that I would be in the same house as him was already sending my mind to places it shouldn’t be. “Don’t you dare complain Y/N,” Mum said sternly, pointing at me, “It’ll only be for one night. Now start packing, you’re always terrible with packing on time.” She huffed, shutting my door as she left. I really didn’t want to go to Ashton’s house. If I couldn’t control my thoughts now then how on earth was I supposed control them there. I had to pretend to hate him, act like I wasn’t interested. Yes. That’s what I’d do. Even when he was in the next room I’d ignore him. And if that room was the bathroom and he was having a shower then I would definitely try to ignore him. I’d ignore how his slick body would be easier to slide against, to grind against. Oh crap. Not again. I groaned and headed to my wardrobe, mentally preparing myself for the weekend I never wanted to come. 


I lugged my luggage through the doorway. It was really heavy even though it was packed for tonight and tomorrow. “Thanks Mrs Irwin.” I smiled, dropping my suitcase in the front hall. “That’s alright. Anything for Y/M/N.” Anna replied. Of course. It’s just for my mum and I meant nothing in this. “Yeah..” I breathed, looking around the room awkwardly. Anna gave me a light smile before calling out for Ashton. “Ashton! Can you please take Y/N’s luggage to her room?” A few moments later Ashton came half jogging down the stairs. I prepared myself for this moment. Crossing my arms, I leaned my weight onto one leg, trying to look like I didn’t care. “Hey Y/N.” Ashton said coldly. I frowned and straightened my stance. Wait… I was supposed to be the one who didn’t care. “Heeey.” I said slowly, unsure of what was going on. Ashton grabbed my suitcase and went back upstairs, with me following behind. He disappeared into what I was guessing was my guest room. As soon as I walked in I was pushed up against the wall, Ashton’s lips against mine. At first I was shocked but my body soon remembered his rhythm and moved with him. I grabbed his shirt again, pulling his chest to mine while I pushed my hips against his. My body awoke as his hands roamed to familiar places. The sensation I felt from last time returned, making me feel warm. My mind quickly snapped back to reality and I remembered that I was supposed to be hating and ignoring him. I shoved Ashton off me, furious with him and myself. “Ashton what the hell?” I snapped. “What? I thought you would want that.” Ashton laughed, scratching the back of his neck. “No! What made you think I would?” I cried. Ashton stepped closer to me, his face inches from mine. “Because you seemed to enjoy it so much last time.” He whispered, leaving one last kiss to my lips before leaving the room. I let out a faltering breath, Ashton’s words leaving me speechless. So much for trying to ignore and hate him. I sighed and rubbed my forehead, worried about how the next 24 hours would go if in 2 minutes I already couldn’t stop myself from making out with Ashton. This was going to be a long weekend. 

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