#44 You Meet His Family

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Calum:  Everything had been so hectic lately and then it just stopped while Calum was off.

“Y/N. I want you to meet my family.” Calum said randomly, I swallowed nervously. “Really?”

“Yeah, they’ve heard about you but they wanted to meet you. I was thinking tomorrow night?” He suggested, I nodded. “Here or your house?”

“Could we do it here? My place is a mess at the moment and mum will kill me.” He said laughing, I laughed along with him. “Sure.” I shrugged.

I was getting more and more nervous about having Calum’s family over. “Babe, stop stressing.” Calum soothed as he wrapped his arms around my stomach, I was stood at the bench top preparing dinner. “Cal, I need to do this.” I said pushing his hands off my stomach. Before he could protest there was a knock at the door. I sucked in a sharp breath. “Do I look okay?” I asked standing in front of Calum. “You look beautiful, like always.” I blushed, trying to compose myself.

I went to the door greeting his mum, dad and sister. “Hello, come in.” I said opening the door. Calum’s mum, dad and sister all hugged me when they came in. “Okay, mum, dad, Mali this is my girlfriend Y/N.” Calum introduced, his arm wrapping around my waist. “Okay, why don’t you guys talk while I finish dinner?” He suggested, I grabbed his arm. “Please don’t ruin it.” He smiled kissing me nose and shaking his head.

Calum’s parents, Mali and I went into the lounge room. “I can see why Calum is so smitten about you?” Mali commented, I smiled unsure what she was getting at. His parents and sister told me heaps of funny stories about Calum, “Okay dinner’s ready.” Calum said, his voice breaking halfway through. I smiled at how much of a dork he was. We all got up to dinner, I kissed his cheek as I went past. “Aww.” Mali joked to me, I blushed as I sat down.

After dinner Calum went into the kitchen to do the dishes, Mali joined him leaving me with his parents. We were all quiet until we heard singing coming from the kitchen, Calum and Mali were singing. “They both have amazing voices.” I complimented, Calum’s mum smiled at me. “Do you sing?” I shook my head. “No I leave the singing to him. He has an amazing voice. I sound like a dying cat.” I said happily, laughing at myself a bit, his dad smiled at me. His mum got up and went into the kitchen to see Calum and Mali. “You love him don’t you?” His dad asked when his mum was out of an earshot. “I do… a lot.” I said, they smiled at me. “He seems to love you the way he looks at you, reminds me of the way I look at his mum.” His dad said smiling broadly. “I really hope that we stay together because I really love him.” I said, we didn’t say anything else because Calum, Mali and his mum came in. “Are we going now?”

“Yeah, it’s getting late. It was so lovely to meet you Y/N.” Calum’s mum said hugging me goodbye. Mali hugged me next. “Please be my sister-in-law.” She whispered in my ear. “I’ll try.” I giggled as she let go, his dad pulled me into a hug.

When they were gone Calum turned to me, kissing me passionately. He hugged me tightly, I pulled away gasping. “What was that for?”

“Nothing, I just love you.” He whispered kissing my forehead. I smiled knowing everything had gone well.

Ashton: Ashton decided to take me out to look around places in Sydney seeing as I hadn’t seen much of it. I was really excited, he took me to the bridge, Opera House, Luna Park and heaps of other places. We were walking around Luna Park when Ashton suddenly veered off towards a line for a ride. “Mum? Lauren?” He asked a woman and a young girl. “Ashton! What are you doing here?” The woman gushed, “Who’s this?” Ashton’s mum asked looking at me. “Oh that’s right you haven’t met yet. Y/N this is my mum, Anna and my sister Lauren. Mum, Lauren this is my girlfriend Y/N.” Ashton said sweetly, Anna leaned forward and hugged me and so did Lauren. “Where’s Harry?”

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