Bullied - Calum Imagine

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I dreaded going to school every day. I was a nobody there, I had no friends there. People treated me horribly, I was always pushed and shoved around the hallways. I just wanted this day to finish. I blasted 5 Seconds of Summer, blocking everyone out. “Hey bitch!” Someone yelled, I hung my head knowing it was directed at me. “Hey I was talking to you!” They yelled throwing water over me. I had stopped caring a long time ago so I just shrugged it off and kept walking. They continued to harass me until the bell. I checked my phone seeing a text from my best friend Calum, yes Calum Hood. We had been family friends for years and since he toured I hardly got to see him, so when he came to my town he usually stayed with me and my family. His message read; ‘Home today. Picking you up early.’ I grinned knowing I would see him today.  I quickly replied, ‘Yay! Any of the other boys coming?’

I went to my class, sitting down the back on my own. “What made you so happy this morning?” A girl spat. “Why do you care?” I replied sharply, she raised her eyebrows. “Just don’t think you deserve to be happy.” She said, before turning away from me and to her friend. I shook my head, the teacher was usually late giving us about fifteen minutes to chill out. I heard the girl in front of me talking about 5SOS. “—Calum is my favourite.” I heard her say, I smiled at my phone in my lap. Calum had replied to my message. ‘Yeah me and Michael. Is that cool?’ 

'Yeah, mum and dad are away this week anyway.' I continued to text Calum until the teacher came in. 

I somehow made it through my first few lessons. During Lunch, I heard Calum’s ringtone from my phone, it was Disconnected because that was our favourite. I answered quickly. “Hey Cal!” I said happily. “I’m here. You’re right to go. Get your things and I’ll see you in five minutes.” He said happily. “Okay thank you so much. Bye Cal.” I said hanging up, I turned to see a group of girls watching me. “What?” I shrugged going to my locker. I got all my things for the weekend. “Who was that?” One of the girls asked. “A friend.” 

"Oh please you don’t have any friends. Who would like you?" Another said rudely. I rolled my eyes. "Look I have to go." I said locking my locker, tears in my eyes but I wouldn’t let them see that. I left then standing in the hallway. 

I got out to the car park, I saw the black van. Michael poked his head out of the moon roof. I grinned when he saw me. I ran over to the car. “Bye ugly!” The girls yelled, tears pricked in my eyes. Calum pushed the door open for me. I heard some gasps from girls but I disregarded it. “Y/N! 5 Seconds of Summer what are you doing with a ugly bitch like her?!” They yelled, I hoped Calum didn’t hear. “Hey, I’ve missed you so much!” Calum gushed hugging me, I pressed my face into his shoulder. “I’ve missed you too.” I said tears streaming down my cheeks. “Why are you crying?” Michael asked, I pulled back from Calum. “People at school just being mean.” I shrugged it off, they knew I had a hard time but I would never tell them the extent of it. I don’t think he heard the girls.

The van pulled out of the spot and drove us back to my house. I was sat between Michael and Calum. I was so happy to see them. 

I helped them bring their bags inside dropping them off in the spare rooms. “So dinner?” Michael asked sitting on the lounge. “Do you ever stop thinking about food?” I asked jokingly, Calum and Michael nodded. “Yep.” They said at the same time. I rolled my eyes. “I’ll order some pizza and then you can tell me about the tour.” I said, they grinned and nodded. “Love you!” They cheered, I laughed getting the phone and going to order the pizza. 

I came back finding Michael and Calum sprawled out on the lounges. “Made yourselves at home, have we?” I said happily, they grinned at me. “So how was the tour?” I asked excitedly, I sat down beside Michael. “Amazing! Everywhere was amazing! It was so much fun.” Calum said happily, Michael nodded.

We spent ages talking about the tour, the boys telling me funny stories about what they did, I was so proud of them. They had made it so far. “So Y/N, how’s school?” Calum asked, I looked at my feet. “Yeah, its okay.” I breathed heavily, Michael noticed my change in mood. Michael’s arm wrapped around me. “Y/N, tell us what’s happening at school.” Calum coaxed sitting on the other side of me. “There are girls just being girls.” I said leaning into Michael’s side. “What are they doing Y/N?” Michael pressed, I sighed. “They have been pushing me around, calling me names all the usual stuff. Guys its fine.” I said, I knew it wasn’t fine but I didn’t want them to worry. “Y/N you can’t let them do this to you.” Calum said, his arm sliding around my back. “Well, I can’t do anything about it.” I said harshly, tears forming in my eyes. “First of all, whatever bad things they are saying about you is not true.” Calum said, my heart fluttered in my chest. I always liked him, but I couldn’t ever tell him. “It is, I know it is. I don’t deserve anything, I don’t deserve happiness, I don’t deserve you guys as friends.” I said softly, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I ran into my bedroom, I knew it was stupid but I just didn’t want to talk about it. I scrolled through my Facebook seeing all the rude messages. My phone was taken from me, Calum laid down on my bed beside me. “You are deserving of everything good in this world. Those girls are just jealous.” He said softly, tears continued to roll down my face and onto my pillow. “They aren’t.” I mumbled, he shook his head. He softly kissed my cheek. I shut my eyes, I just wanted to go to sleep. “I’ll let you go to sleep.” Calum said getting off the bed, I grabbed his wrist. “No, stay.” I whispered, he nodded. He kicked off his shoes and crawled into bed with me, we both knew it was completely platonic. “I heard what those girls said to you this afternoon.” He whispered, I snuggled into him. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

“It’s okay and you’re beautiful.” He whispered, I blushed. Our moment was ruined by Michael. “Why wasn’t I invited?” Michael joked, I grinned. “Come on.” I said, he kicked off his shoes like Calum. This what always ended up happening when I had them over. “Don’t worry about those girls.” Michael said before I drifted off to sleep.   

A/N: Hey guys… it was supposed to be good! I am so sorry! This was the one that I couldn’t decide who to do this one on. It was terrible I am so sorry!!! (If you did like it… if you didnt thats okay too) I kinda want to redeem myself and do a second part but only if you want one :D 

~ Lucy xx

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