Wherever You Are - Michael Imagine

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Loosely (not really) based on Wherever You Are (kind of… sorta… not haha)

Michael had been away on tour for a few weeks now; it was so hard without him. It was much worse than last time because he told me it would be too hard for him to say goodbye again and leave. So he ended our relationship, I knew I wouldn’t be the same.

I scrolled through my twitter tears running down my cheeks thinking about Michael, I wish he could be here to cuddle me. There were so many tweets about Michael and how he had changed since the start of the tour. I continued to watch their videos and the fans were right, Michael was less… Michael. I had such an urge to pick up the phone and call him, but I couldn’t. He didn’t want to be with me… that’s his choice. His words at the airport ran through my head.

“I am so sorry sweetheart. I love you too much to make you upset by leaving again. I don’t want to end this, but we have to.” Tears running down my face as he pulled me into a hug, he rested his cheek on the top of my head. “I love you, Y/N. I will never stop loving you, but it’s too hard.” He said softly into my hair, he pulled away going to the gate with the rest of his band members. The world stopped around me, all I could see was Michael walking away from me. “I love you…” I whispered to nobody particular, I walked away not wanting to drag it out.

The tears were more now, my phone screen now a blurry light. It buzzed in my hands, without looking at the caller I answered. “Hello?”

“Hi, Y/N. Get on the next plane to London now.” It was Calum, I frowned. “Why? What’s happened?” I asked suddenly worried. “You and Michael happened. He needs you, he won’t admit it, but just please…” He said suddenly whispering. “How am I supposed to pay for this?” I asked, realising it wasn’t the right question to ask. “I’ve put enough money into your account, just please come. I’ve just checked there’s one leaving in two hours.” He explained, I nodded. “Is he okay?”

“No, he’s not. What he said at the airport half of it was true. He loves you so much, but he never wanted to say goodbye to you.” Calum said, I nodded sighing. “Okay, I’ll try to get on the flight. Bye Calum.”

“Bye, Y/N. Love you.” I smiled to myself and hung up.

I rushed to get a bag packed and to get to the airport. I managed to just make it to the plane.

The plane ride was so long… I just wanted to see Michael. Calum texted me letting me know he would pick me up.

I found Calum at the airport, he embraced me into a tight hug. “Come on, let’s go.” He said leading me through the busy airport. I fidgeted in car on the way to the house, “does he know I’m coming?”

“No, he’s just been so terrible lately. Even on stage, he’s just… not himself. You are the best thing that has happened to him and he lost you.” He said, his arm wrapping around me to comfort me.

We finally got to the house and saw Luke and Ashton out the front playing soccer, Calum and I went up to them. “Y/N! Oh my god! Finally!” Ashton yelled hugging me suddenly, Luke also hugged me tightly. “Where’s Michael?”

“He’s inside.” Luke said, I nodded. “Come on, I’ll show you in.” Luke and I wandered inside, my bags at my side. He took me to one of the bedrooms, he pushed the door open. Michael was curled up in a ball clutching a bear that I had given him for his birthday. “I’ll take your bags.” Luke said, taking them out of my hands. I went into the room, kneeling beside the bed. “Michael? Mikey?” I whispered, stroking his forehead. He jolted awake, his blue-green eyes meeting mine. “Y/N!” He said sitting up quickly, I stood up before he stood up too. He embraced me tightly. “I am so sorry. Forgive me! Please! I will never ever ever hurt you again. I’ve missed you so much. I’ve missed everything, even if I can’t see you every day, but I knew that I could easily call you or when I came back you would be there. I’ve missed your voice, your laugh… everything. Please be mine again.” He pleaded, I sobbed into his shoulder, nodding. “I love you Michael. I’ve missed you so much!” I felt his face pressed into the crook of my neck, his lip grazing over my skin. “Ignore what I said about needing to end it. I don’t want to ever end it with you. I love you too much to give you up.” He said, his eyes meeting mine. “You don’t know how hard it was to not pick up the phone and call you. I would’ve done anything to have you back, if I had known you still wanted me.” He continued, I smiled. “I love you, Michael and that will never ever change. I don’t care where you are in the world just as long we’re still, you and me.” I said, my lips ghosting over his. He met me halfway, pressing his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. His arms tightened around me, my arms tightened around his neck. He pulled away, his forehead pressed to mine. “I’m never ever leaving you again, I love you… I can’t love anyone else. It will always be you.” He said, before laying down on the bed and pulling me with him, he held me close like he never wanted to let go. 

~ Lucy xx


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