Too Different - Luke Imagine

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After a lot of convincing I had accepted to go meet Luke’s friends. They were like him, tattooed and pierced. I was really worried about his friends, I knew he wouldn’t hurt me but his friends were another story. I was worried they would think that I was too innocent for him. Frankly I didn’t even know why he liked me in the first place… let alone love me now.

Luke had told me that we were going to one of his friends’ houses. I was dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans. Luke would be picking me up any minute, his car pulling up in my driveway. I went out to greet him. “Hey Y/N.” He said smiling broadly at me. “Hey Luke.” I said as I got into the passenger seat. He leaned over and kissed me softly. “You look beautiful… as always.” He said looking me up and down, I blushed looking at my hands in my lap. “Just drive Hemmo.” I cheekily remarked, a chuckle rumble low in his throat before he drove out of my driveway and to his friend’s house.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek getting more and more nervous… I was mostly worried about the fact of how different they were from me. I didn’t know what to expect and that scared me. “Don’t be nervous babe. They will like you don’t worry.” Luke consoled, rubbing my thigh lightly. I squeezed his hand, he smiled. He kept his eyes on the road, I stared out my window; trying not to think of all the bad things that could happen.

We arrived at the house, I saw two huge guys come out of the front door pushing each other around. They were both like Luke only he was more lanky than muscular like them, as we got out of the car. I took in the boys’ appearances; one had blonde hair like Luke’s and the other had dark brown almost black hair. I made sure to walk behind Luke a little. “Hey man.” The blonde one said punching Luke’s shoulder. “About time.” The other one stated. “Was the little lady holding you up?” The dark haired one sniggered, Luke shook his head. “No. And this is Y/N.” He said gesturing to me. I gave a small wave to the two boys. “Hi Y/N. Don’t be scared, we won’t hurt you.” The blonde one said, his words could have been those of comfort but they didn’t feel that way by the look he gave me. Instead I felt even more uneasy and on edge. “Well, come in.” 

We went into the house, the strong smell of alcohol filling my nose making me wince. I sat on the lounge, Luke sitting close beside me. His hand resting on my thigh, I watched as his friends looked at me. Luke was oblivious to their stares, I shifted closer to him. Luke’s arm going around my shoulders, making me feel safer. I watched as they left the room, I looked up at Luke’s face. His gaze on the door, I listened to what his friends were saying. “Do you reckon he’s fucked her yet?”

“Nah, she’s too innocent. Maybe she isn’t a root and boot…” one of them trailed off. I felt Luke’s body stiffen, he had heard. “Luke… don’t say anything. It’s okay.” I warned pressing my hand to his long torso. “Y/N. It’s not okay. They can’t be saying that about you.” He said moving to get up before he could his mates walked into the room.

The four of us talked for a while, they were nice guys but not as nice as Luke. I was still nervous to be around them. Luke left the room, getting a drink or something leaving me with his friends. They looked at each other and nodded. The dark haired one sat beside me, where Luke was. “So have you and Luke fucked? Because I hear he’s quite the animal in bed, but I’m better. Several girls have said so.” He said in my ear, I shoved him away from me. “Ooh feisty.” He mocked, my heart sped up in my chest in fear. “I’m sure Luke loves that.” He taunted pushing me down on the lounge beneath him. I tried to push him off me but he was too strong and didn’t budge. Luke’s blonde friend stood next to us with a smirk on his face, I tried pushing the dark haired one away again. “Luke!” I called out before they put their hands over my mouth and eyes. I let out muffled screams. “Get the fuck off her!” I heard Luke’s voice boom through the lounge room. The hands taken off my face, tears streaming down my cheeks. Luke shoved his ‘friend’ out of the way before lifting me up. He turned his back to his friends and faced me. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” I nodded. “I’m fine Luke.” I choked out, I don’t know why I was even denying it he knew I wasn’t okay. He turned back to his friends, completely blocking me from them. “Fuck you! You fucking piece of shit!” He grabbed the dark haired one’s collar, almost lifting him off the ground. “You think it’s okay to try to fuck my girlfriend!”

“I’m sorry Luke!” His ‘friend’ choked out. “Bullshit! You couldn’t give a shit about her! Y/N is not a piece of meat for you to play with. Don’t you ever fucking dare to touch her again. If you do I’ll make sure you never leave the hospital!” He threatened. “We were just having some fun with her. Maybe make her a little less innocent… I mean mate, I bet she hasn’t gone any further than kissing. I know she’d rather fuck me than you.” His friend sniggered, tears continued to stream down my cheeks. “Fuck you! In your fucking dreams, she screamed for me! You will not have any kind of fun withmy girlfriend. I fucking love her the way she is! Innocent or not!” He retaliated, the next thing I knew Luke had punched both of the guys and was taking me out of the house. I heard them yelling insults to Luke and I.

I got into the car trying not to break down in front of Luke. He got in the driver’s seat starting the car and leaving the driveway, his knuckles slowly going white from the hold he had on the steering wheel.

We pulled up at my house, tears trying to take over me; which they finally did. Luke got out of the car quickly, opening my door and lifting me out. He took me to the front door, “Do you want me to stay?” He asked softly, I nodded against his chest. I handed him the key to my house.

I sat on the lounge clutching a pillow as I cried, Luke had gone to get me some tea.  I felt the lounge shift as Luke sat down. “Okay, you’re clearly not okay.” He said, I sucked in a deep breath. “They tried to do things to me.” I sobbed my voice muffled by the pillow. “Can – can I touch you?” He asked sweetly. I looked up at him nervously, worried about what he was suggesting. He smiled at me and shook his head. “Can I cuddle you I mean?” He asked awkwardly, I nodded moving into his open arms. I snuggled into his large, warm frame; I never felt so safe. “I’m so sorry about what happened. I told them not to do that.” He whispered into my hair, I looked up at him. He wiped my tears away with the pad of his thumb. “It’s not your fault Luke.” I whispered kissing his cheek, he blushed avoiding my gaze. “Yes it is. This isn’t the first time they’ve done this, but last time it was different. I wouldn’t let her get hurt of course but I didn’t care for her like I care for you. She got what she wanted from them… and me… You’re different.” He said his fingers brushing over my cheek, I already knew his reputation with women but I never knew that he was so respectful despite what he had done. “I couldn’t think of hurting you in any way possible.” He confessed, my heart fluttering in my chest and butterflies in my stomach, I nodded. “Maybe it’s because I’m too different.” I said softly, I got up off Luke’s lap. I walked into the bedroom, Luke’s hand caught my wrist. Spinning me into his tall frame, tattooed arms holding me tightly. “Y/N. I love you, and I would protect you from anything. I don’t think you’re too different. I love how you’re different.” He said cupping my cheek, I blushed. “Thank you Luke.” I said pecking his lips in an innocent kiss. “I love you Luke.” He smiled at me. He was so sweet, I never knew I could fall in love with a guy like him.

We crawled onto the bed, Luke’s arms tightly around me. I began to fall asleep as I ran my fingers over the ink on his skin. In Luke’s arms everything was peaceful and safe, like nothing bad could ever happen to me or us.     

A/N: Hope you like it! :D 

~ Lucy xx

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