#88 Amnesia (Part 2)

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Calum: His POV

"Married?" She whispered, my heart leaped in my chest. "Yeah, we’ve been together for two years." She smiled up at me. "But Calum you’re a big superstar and I’m just me." My smile faded. "Y/N, don’t you remember anything?" She shook her head. 

- Two weeks later -

Y/N had been doing really well remembering things. She remembered where we met and how we met. 

We were curled up in bed, something that was all too familiar to me. “Calum?” She asked softly. “Can I see my wedding dress?” She sat up, a big smile on her face. I nodded.  I got out of bed and pulled it out of the closet. I held up the coat hanger with the dress hanging down. A smile widened on her face, tears welled in her eyes. “It’s beautiful.” She got out of bed and came to me. “You know, today was supposed to be our wedding day.” I smiled at her, she hadn’t fully gained confidence with me just yet. She couldn’t remember everything yet. “Can I try it on?” She asked softly, I grinned. “Of course.” I handed her the dress, she kissed my cheek before going into the bathroom.

I sat on the bed waiting for Y/N. She opened the door and came into the bedroom. She was beautiful. “Oh my, Y/N. You’re stunning.” She blushed looking at the floor. “Haven’t you seen me in this before?” She asked softly, I shook my head. My jaw still hanging open, she blushed. I wrapped my arms around her, she relaxed into my frame. “Wait!” I went to the closet and got my suit out. “I want to have a first dance with you.” I said before I went and changed in the bathroom. Y/N still wasn’t comfortable with us being intimate again.

I came out in my suit, I grabbed my phone and played the song we were supposed to dance to. “Come here, beautiful.” She came up to me, her arms wrapped around my neck. My hands on her waist. I leant down, my lips at her ear. I softly sung the lyrics in her ear, while we swayed around the room. Her giggles bounced off the walls when we almost toppled to the ground. When the song ended Y/N stared up at me. “I remember.” She whispered, I smiled. “What do you remember?”

“Everything.” She grinned, I hugged her tightly, finally feeling like I had my fiancé back. We spent the rest of the night talking about our relationship and all of the things she remembered.

Ashton: Your POV

Ashton’s amnesia was still affecting him even after they let him out of the hospital. I hadn’t seen him, much I know it wasn’t good for him but I just got so upset seeing him. He had remembered his band mates after lots of YouTube videos and songs. The boys had asked me to have him for the day. So that he could get to know me again.

When I went to Calum’s house, as that was where he was staying. I found Ashton on his bed scrolling through his phone, a smile on his face. “Hey Ash.” I said, knocking on his door. He smiled up at me. “Hey Y/N.” He stood up and hugged me, it felt so familiar, I just wish he felt the same. “How are you feeling?” I asked, gently kissing the bandage around his head. “I’m okay. My head is killing me today. I’ve been trying to figure out you today.” He grinned, I smiled holding back tears. He sat on the bed leaving room for me. “I was looking through our old messages on my phone.” He said opening our messages. “I’ve been remembering little snippets of things, but it’s not all coming back.” He said sadly, I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Ash, it’s okay. I’m not going anywhere.” I smiled, he nodded staring down at his phone. “Oh, I have some things too, I spoke to the doctor and he said to show you things that may have some special meaning to you.” I said grabbing my bag from the end of the bed.

Ashton looked through all the things I brought over, things like movie tickets, flower petals, jewellery, teddy bears, anything that was significant to our relationship. He smiled seeing all the things, I hoped he remembered. “Some of it is coming back. Y/N you have to know that I am trying my hardest to remember. I will do this for as long as it takes.” He said sweetly, I nodded. He kissed my cheek, he moved all the things back into my bag and put it on the floor. He laid down and pulled me close to him. I smiled as I laid my head on his chest. For the rest of the day he mumbled things to me about us, he was slowly remembering. I knew it would be okay.

Luke: Your POV

I stayed with Luke for ages while, they were checking on him. It had been a week since he had woken up. He would stare at me all day. I could tell that he was trying to remember. He was still really tired, Michael had come to see Luke again. I sat holding Luke’s hand while he slept. “Hey Y/N?” Michael asked coming into Luke’s room. “Hey Michael.” I said smiling over at him. “He just fell asleep.”

“Have you left the hospital yet?” He asked, I shook my head. “No, I don’t want to leave. Even though he doesn’t remember me.” I said sadly, Michael sat beside me. “Come on, let’s get a coffee. I came to check on you anyway.”

“Alright.” I stood up and kissed Luke’s forehead.

We went to the cafeteria to get something to eat and drink. “How’s he going?” Michael asked, I shrugged. “He’s getting better but he isn’t remembering. He remembers you but not me.” I said sadly, we sat at one of the tables drinking our coffees. Tears rolled down my cheeks. “He will. He loved you too much, just to throw it away.” I smiled. “Thanks Michael. It’s just hard.” I said softly, he nodded. “I know, he told me and the boys the other night that he does love you but he has to figure out all the stuff in between. You know what I mean?” I nodded. “Thanks Michael. I really appreciate it.” I smiled, Michael came and sat beside me. He wrapped his arms around me. “He’ll remember you. He has to.” He said softly, I nodded. “I hope so.” I said holding back tears.

We went back up to Luke’s room, he was awake again. His blue eyes staring at us when we came in. “Hi.” He said his voice croaky. “Hey Luke.” I said quietly, he smiled. Michael stood beside me. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, tears in his eyes. “I don’t know Y/N!” He cried, I rushed over to him wrapping my arms around him. “Luke it’s okay. We just have to give it time.” I whispered, he nodded. He pressed his face into my neck. “I know I love you Y/N.” He whispered, he kissed my cheek softly. “Luke, get some rest okay.” I said pulling away, he nodded. “Look after her for me, Michael.” Luke said tiredly, Michael nodded.

I didn’t want to leave him alone but I had to, I was so tired. I just hoped that everything came back to him.

Michael: Your POV

Michael had to leave for something but he said that he would be back. My eyes were heavy, I just wanted to sleep. I tried to think about Michael, but nothing was coming to me. I could remember little things, but I couldn’t link them to anything. All that I knew was that I was dating Michael Clifford from 5 Seconds of Summer. The doctor even played some of their music for me, the music was familiar. The doctor asked me all kinds of question about myself and the band.

The 5 Seconds of Summer boys came to see me the next day. Michael cautiously walked over to me, I still wasn’t sure about him though. I know that he was supposedly my boyfriend but I needed to get to know him again. As soon as I saw the other boys, a lot came back to me. I gasped, they smiled. “You’re that Michael!” I said, Michael looked at me confused. “I couldn’t figure it out before and oh wow…” I rushed my words. Michael’s smile faded. I smiled at the other boys, I couldn’t believe that they were in my hospital room. I got hugs from all of them. Michael seemed a bit distant. “We’ll leave you guys to talk for a bit okay?” Luke said leaving the room with Ashton and Calum. “Michael, I’m really sorry about yesterday. I’m still trying to remember. I’m being told that you’re my boyfriend but all I can remember is that you are a member of 5 Seconds of Summer and I still fan girl over you.” I said smiling at him, he nodded. “At least you’re not afraid of me anymore.” He grinned, I smiled. “Sorry about that.” I said sadly, he nodded. “I understand.” He said, he hesitantly held my hand. “I just want you to remember.” He whispered, he gently kissed my forehead. The doctor came in asking Michael to leave as visiting hours were over. He left with a smile on his face, I hoped that I could remember or figure out something about us.     

A/N: Hope you like it! Okay this took a while… my bad! oops…. and this wasn’t very good… I wrote this late tonight so yeah…

~ Lucy xx  

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