#6 First Date

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Calum: I had known Calum for years, he was my best friend and then he became something more when he finally confessed that he had feelings for me. I realised that we were both already sort of in love with each other. 

“Y/N!” Calum yelled through my house, he was picking me up for our first date. We decided on the beach, as it was really hot this weekend. “Coming Cal!” I yelled back as I pulled my dress on. 

I met him at the door, he stopped stunned. “What? Cal? What is it?” I asked shyly, he shook his head and smiled. “You look gorgeous.” I smiled and blushed looking at the ground. “Thanks you look good too.” I said as he hugged me tightly. 

Even though the drive to the beach was a little way we had a good time, I caught Calum looking over at me a few times. He tried to be sneaky about it but failed. 

We pulled up at the beach; Calum took me hand as we walked onto the warm sand. We found a spot to put our things. I laid out my towel, I watched Calum taking his shirt off… god he was hot; how had I never noticed that before? “Like what you see, Y/N?” He teased; I rolled my eyes at his cheeky remark. “Shut up!” I joked back, I went to take off my dress and then realised that Calum was watching. “Turn around.” I said making sure he did. “Why?” He asked stepping a little closer to me. “I just don’t want you watching me take my clothes off.” I huffed, he rolled his eyes and turned around. I pulled my dress over my head and threw it on my towel. Calum turned around and wrapped his arms around me. “C-cal? What are you doing?” I asked nervously, he smiled. “I don’t know why you’re so shy. You’re so beautiful; don’t even try to deny it.” He said sweetly before kissing me softly, I felt shivers run all over my body. “Come on, let’s go!” He said enthusiastically, I smiled and ran to the water with him. 

After we got tired of swimming and getting dunked by waves we went back up to the beach and dried off. We put our towels and stuff in the car before we walked along the beach with ice creams to keep cool. 

Sadly, I had to go home some time so Calum took me home. He kissed me goodbye, as I shut the door I thought I could get used to this.

Ashton: Ashton and I had been good friends for a while and then he asked me out and I gladly accepted. 

Ashton being the energetic guy he is suggested the par and a picnic. I was getting ready to go when Ashton knocked on my front door. I went and let him in He gave me a kiss on the forehead. “Hey Y/N. You look beautiful.” He complimented, I did a twirl in front of him. “Thank you. You look good too.” I said hugging him again. “You ready?” I nodded following him out to his car. He opened the door for me, and closed it behind me. 

The car ride was loud as usual, just mucking around and singing along to songs on the radio. 

We pulled up at the park he, Ashton got my door for me again. I smiled shyly as he held my hand and carried the food with the other.

While we ate, we talked and laughed, I could never get enough of his laugh. We ended up running around like little kids, Ashton was currently chasing me. “Come here! Come back!” He giggled after me, I ran around a tree thinking I had gotten away I was wrong. “Rawr!” Ashton laughed in my ear, I squealed as he wrapped his arms tightly around my torso. “Gotcha!” He said in my ear, he began tickling me. I fell into a giggling mess on the ground. “No! Ash! Stop!” I gasped between laughs, pushing away his hands. He eventually stopped; pulling me from the ground and hugging me close as we went back to his car. He took me home, giving me a sweet peck on the lips before he left. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.

Luke: Luke was very mainstream when he asked me out for dinner and a movie. I had only spoken to him a couple of times but I really liked him he was such a sweet guy. 

I was getting ready in my room when I heard a light knock on my bedroom door. “Y/N, its Luke. Can I come in?” He asked shyly. “Yeah, come in.” I said fixing up my hair. “Your mum let me in by the way.” He said stepping into my room. “Wow! Y/N you look gorgeous!” 

“You don’t scrub up too bad either.” I said smiling, he returned the gesture. “Ready?” I nodded, he held out his hand for me to take. My fingers laced with his sparks running up my arm. 

Luke took me to a really fancy restaurant before the movie. He had gotten a table with a lovely view over the city. Over dinner we discussed everything about each other. He slowly began to come out of his shell the more the night went on. He was cracking jokes and being silly every five seconds, it was so much fun, we laughed so hard we cried. It was about twenty minutes before the movie started so we decided to head out. Luke argued with me to let him pay for both of us, realising he wasn’t going to let up I allowed him to pay. 

We walked to the movies hand in hand, sparks running up my arm again. I would catch him staring at me every now and then; I blushed a deep red, he would look down at the ground smiling to himself. It was so cute, and the fact he had dimples just made him even more attractive. 

We went into the cinemas and got our food and seats. We chatted a little more through the previews. Luke’s fingers laced with mine, he squeezed my hand every so often. About halfway through the movie, he took his hand away from mine and settled around my shoulders. I moved into his side a bit more. 

After the movie he sadly had to take me home, I was having too much fun to leave. He stood with me at my door. “I had a really great time tonight. I hope we can do it again.” Luke said hugging me. “Me too. Anyway night Luke and thank you for everything.” I said, Luke leaned in a pressed a soft kiss to my cheek. “Bye, Y/N.” He said as he left. I shut the door and smiled like an idiot over the perfect date with the perfect boy.

Michael: For the short amount of time that I had known Michael I learnt that he wasn’t a big fan of being outside, I was very much the same. So for our first date Michael invited me to his house for a movie night, which I accepted in a heartbeat. Anytime I got with Michael I treasured. 

Michael couldn’t have picked a better night a for a movie marathon, it was just plain miserable outside. I ran out into the rain to my car and drove to Michael’s.

Michael invited me inside; he smiled at me before kissing my forehead softly. “Hey, Y/N. You look really pretty.” He said sweetly, I don’t know who he was looking at because I was a mess from running in the rain. “Thanks,” I said smiling; he led me into the lounge room where he had set up pillows and blankets, with lots of food on the coffee table. “Too much?” 

“No, it’s perfect. This is really sweet Michael.” I said as I went and sat on the lounge, he sat beside me. “What do you want to watch first?” I spotted Forest Gump on the TV stand. “Forest Gump!” I said happily, he nodded and went and put it in the DVD player and hit play. 

After Forest Gump we watched Pursuit of Happiness, but halfway through the power went out. I was never any good in the dark, “Uh Michael.” I said reaching out blindly. I felt his hand take mine. “I’m right here babe. Are you afraid of the dark?” He asked, I didn’t want to tell him but I had no choice now. “Yeah.” I said shyly. “Aw… come here. I’ll protect you.” He said sweetly, pulling me close to him. 

It was a few hours before the power came back on. It was about two a.m. “Do you want to stay the night? It’s freezing outside and still pelting down with rain.” Michael reasoned, I nodded. “Okay, if it’s not too much trouble.” I said shifting to see his face better. “Okay, I’ll get some pillows and stuff.” He said moving to get up. “Michael they’re all here.” I said, he nodded sheepishly. 

Since neither of us wanted to get up we both slept on the lounge cuddled up to each other under the blankets. It was the perfect beginning to the perfect relationship.

A/N: Hope you like this one. I thought it was sweet :) Sorry it’s a bit later today :D

~Lucy xx  

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