Graduation Surprise - Luke Imagine

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I couldn’t believe that I had graduated. I was so happy, but so sad because my boyfriend couldn’t be here to be my date… so I was going alone.

No one knew that Luke was my boyfriend and I still couldn’t tell anyone.

I had just come back from getting my hair and make-up done. Mum was gushing over me. “Wait! I need some photos.” Mum said quickly, she grabbed the camera off the table. “Mum I don’t even have my dress on yet.” I complained, she grinned and continued to take pictures of me. “Okay, I need to get my dress on.” I said running up to my bedroom, my dress was hung up on my door. Luke would have loved it, I wish he could be here to see me.

I stood in front of my mirror, I felt beautiful for once. I went back out to mum. “Oh you look so beautiful!” Mum said hugging me. “Thanks. I just wish Luke was here.” I said softly, she smiled and nodded. I noticed a black limo sitting in our driveway. “Why is there a limo?” I asked, Mum led me outside. “Well, how else did you expect to get there?” Mum asked, I turned to look at her. “I don’t know. No one’s going to be in there with me.” I said sadly. “Hey Y/N.” I heard Luke’s voice behind me. I spun around to see Luke standing in front of me, he was dressed in a suit. A bunch of red roses in his hands. I blushed, I ran to him. His arms darted out to catch me, he spun me around. “I missed you so much!” I gushed, he pressed his lips to mine. “You look so beautiful.” He said as he put me down. “These are for you.” He said nervously handing me the roses, I giggled taking them from him. “You look so beautiful together.” Mum said happily getting the camera out. “Can I take a few pictures and then you can go?” Luke and I nodded, standing together. His arm around my waist, I was so happy he was here with me.

Luke opened the door for me, “Thank you.” I said nervously, he slid in after me. “You’re so beautiful.” He said as he shut the door, I blushed shyly looking down at my hands. I felt his hand press to my cheek, I looked back at him. “You look so handsome.” I answered softly. “Y/N…” He leaned in closer his forehead pressed to mine. “I love you.” He said looking into my eyes lovingly. Before I could reply he kissed me softly, I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck. His thumb lightly caressing my cheek. He pulled away a few seconds later. “I love you too.” I answered softly. He smiled and held up a small box with a corsage in. He took my hand from around the back of his neck. He put the corsage around my wrist. I blushed at how sweet he was.

We got to the hall that the party was being held at. I was really nervous and excited at the same time. Luke got out of the car before getting my door. He took my hand and helped me out of the car. He quickly spun me around to get a good look for the dress. I was in a royal blue one-shouldered dress.

We were some of the last people to arrive so nearly everyone was already inside. Everyone stopped when Luke walked in with me on his arm. Most of the girls screamed as they saw Luke, he just brushed it off. “I’m here for you okay.” He said in my ear, I nodded. “Luke! Luke!” Heaps of girls said to us, completely ignoring me. “Look ladies I’m not here for you. I’m here for Y/N; I’m just Luke nothing special tonight.”  He said over all the girls screams. They all backed off, but still ogled at him. I was mentally cursing at them because he was mine and I know that was possessive but he was the best thing that happened to me. His arm tightening on my waist, I felt so protected. I was startled by a voice behind us. “Why are you with her? She’s just a waste of space.” She asked in a bitchy tone. Luke and I turned around to face her. “She isn’t a waste of space. She is beautiful and amazing. And I love her a lot.” Luke replied his arm tightening on my waist. “Well for an international rock star your standards are low.” She spat back, I stood closer to Luke. “My standards are very high thank you very much.” Luke defended. I stepped a bit forward. “Look I am sick and tired of being treated like dirt. I would just like to have one night where I can enjoy myself and have fun. I don’t want to be told about my insecurities because I already see them. So just back off!” I said boldly, I walked off towards the door in a huff. She looked dumbfounded like someone had just slapped her and it didn’t register.

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