#37 Fights (Part 1)

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Calum: I stared at the images in front of me on my laptop screen. Calum hugging some girl and more walking around with her in Scotland.

Calum was supposed to be coming home today, in an hour actually. Tears streaming down my face, I couldn’t believe he had done this.

I heard Calum come into the house. “Hey Y/N!” He called out, I didn’t move from my spot on the bed. “Y/N?” He asked, I watched as he stepped into the doorway. “Calum… Get out.” I said quietly trying to gain some confidence. “What? Why?” He asked scared. “You fucking cheated! How can you even deny it? There are pictures of you and some girl! Hugging her, hanging out with her.” I winced when I said ‘her’. “I never cheated!” He yelled back, I didn’t care for it. “Yes you did! Just leave Calum! Take your bag and leave!” I yelled standing up off the bed. He looked defeated, he shrugged and turned to leave. “Just letting you know I was really looking forward to seeing you. And spending time with you. Bye Y/N, I’ll get Ash to pick up the rest of my things.” He said his voice quiet as he finished and left the bedroom.

Ashton: I woke up hearing the laughs of my boyfriend and his bandmates. I sighed wanting to have a relaxing morning. We had woken up together earlier but he left me to sleep as we had a tiring night. I had finally given everything to Ashton.

I got out of bed wobbling slightly, I wandered down the hall. I stopped when I heard my name. “So, how’s Y/N in the sack?” Michael asked, I hoped Ashton wouldn’t mention last night. I felt that it was a big thing for me and a private thing and Ashton knew that. “Uh, we only slept together last night… for the first time.” Ashton said, I heard nervousness in his voice. “Seriously?” Michael inquired. “Yeah, I took her virginity last night.” Ashton said, I walked out from behind the doorway. “Uh Ash?” Calum said gesturing towards me. Ashton turned around to me, his smiled at me. I shook my head, tears threatening to fall. “Guys can you give us a minute please?” Ashton asked, the boys all nodded and left the lounge room. “How could you tell them?” I asked trying not to be loud. “Are you regretting last night?”

“A little bit yeah. I wouldn’t have done it if I knew you would tell all your friends.” I snapped, I wished I could take back the words as soon as they left my mouth. The look on Ashton’s face changed to utter hurt. “It’s a private thing Ashton!” I added, he opened his mouth to say something but shut it again. “Okay, you need some alone time. I’m going to leave you alone.” He said rudely and walking away. Tears spilled down my cheeks, I didn’t mean to be so harsh, maybe it was because of last night… I just hoped he forgave me, but for now I was leaving it because I did need a breather. Tears in my eyes as I went back into our bedroom. I curled up in bed again, sobbing into Ashton’s pillow.    

Luke: I had been out to lunch with Luke’s brother, Ben, we were planning Luke’s birthday. Luke had mentioned he wanted a party but I shrugged the idea off knowing I wanted to do a surprise party.

“Hey Y/N? Where have you been?” Luke asked as I came into the house, I froze not knowing what to say. “I was out to Lunch with a friend.” I quickly explained. “Really?” He asked sceptically. “Y/N, why the hell were you out with my brother?!” Luke yelled, this was out of character for him so I was a little scared. “What I’m not allowed to hang out with my boyfriend’s brother?” I asked, leaning on my hip. “Are you cheating on me?!” He continued. “No. Luke I would never ever do that.” I said trying to calm the situation. “Yeah, whatever. You looked pretty happy to be with him. Anyway the boys want me for some recording so. There are some leftovers in the fridge. Oh and don’t be here when I come home.” He said coldly before leaving, I sucked in a sharp breath trying not to cry.

I ran into my bedroom and pulled out a bag and began packing. When I was done I went back to my parents’ house.

Michael: Michael and I had gone to dinner with my parents and they didn’t like him at all. My mum pulled me aside telling me that he was no good for me and that he was just using me. I was definitely upset and Michael well he was annoyed at not only my parents but me. “What did they tell you Y/N? That I wasn’t good enough? That you should find someone without coloured hair, tattoos and piercings?” He snarled, I never seen him like this. Tears welled up in my eyes. “Yes they did. And I don’t care what they say I’m still going to be with you! But it seems like you don’t even want me after tonight!” I snapped walking out of the lounge room to change.

I made sure that Michael slept on the lounge, he was just being a dickhead.

It had been a few days since our little fight and we haven’t been talking to each other as much. I jumped as my phone rang, picking it up. “Hello?”

"Hello sweetie." I heard my dad say. "Hi dad… What’s up?" I said hoping Michael wasn’t listening. "I was thinking we could go to lunch and you could bring the kid Michael." He said, I shuddered at the thought of my dad treating Michael like crap again. "I’ll talk to him." I sighed, looking at my lap. "Talk to him about what?"

"Dad I have to go I’ll talk to you later. Love you." I said hanging up. "Uh dad wants to have lunch with us." I said quietly, hoping he wouldn’t hear. "No. Not happening."

"Why not? He’s giving you a second chance." I reasoned he shook his head. "I said no. That’s final." He stated firmly, tears rolled down my cheeks… “Y/N, I am not going to lunch with your father. The man hates me! I have tried making him happy and its not working.” He said, his voice getting louder. I cowered away from him. “Michael, please.” I pleaded. “No. Y/N, I’m not going. You’ll have to go without me.” He replied crossing his arms. "Ugh fine." I said running into the bedroom. “Stop acting like a child, Y/N. God you are so frustrating!” I heard Michael huff as I left the room.

A/N: Hey guys hope you like it!! This was so hard to write haha… Also I’m going to be doing a part 2 to this so stay tuned should be up in the next couple of days… 

~ Lucy xx

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