Not Worth the Tears - Michael Imagine (Part 2)

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Y/B/F/N = Your best friend’s name

"Are you sure he was cheating?" Y/B/F/N asked. "Yeah." I breathed, flopping back on my pillows. Yesterday I found out Michael cheated on me. It felt like a piece of me was gone. Gone with him. I heard a sigh on the other end of the line, as if she doubted what I was saying. "It’s true! You have to believe me!" I said with a raised voice, sitting up straight. "Okay, okay," She sighed again, "It’s just that he told me that nothing happened with the girl. And he really seemed sad." I rolled my eyes. Michael had gone to Ashton’s place after he left. Y/B/F/N was Ashton’s girlfriend and she introduced me to Michael. Which now seemed like a mistake. "The only thing he’s sad about is getting caught." I scoffed. I might have been coming across as angry but the main feeling swallowing me up was sadness. Heartbreak hurts. It actually felt like I was broken. "Did you ask him what actually happened?" I asked. "Yep. He said he can’t say anything." Y/B/F/N muttered. I rubbed my temple in frustration. Michael just expects me to forgive him when his only excuse is that he can’t tell me. I groaned in frustration. "I know right." Y/B/F/N huffed. Michael wouldn’t say anything to anyone apparently. Nothing about the girl or where he was going. Even though that was pretty obvious. As if thinking the same thing as me, Y/B/F/N interrupted my thoughts. "I wish we knew where she lived. Then we could totally rat him out." That’s when the idea hit me. "Wait. Has Michael left yet?" I asked. I’d imagine she was frowning when I said that. "Nooo why?" She responded curiously. I was about to explain but she quickly caught on. "Oh! You want me to follow him!" She exclaimed, excited by the idea. I waved my hand in a shushing movement even though she couldn’t see me. "Shhh! Don’t blow it before you’ve even left the house!" I whisper-shouted. "Oh oh. Sorry," Y/B/F/N apologised, "Wait.. I think he’s leaving right now. I’ll call you later. Okay bye!" She rushed before hanging up. I chucked my phone across the covers as I rose from the bed. Knowing Y/B/F/N she would most probably be caught out before she left the driveway. I sighed and continued what I was doing before. Packing Michael’s stuff. Crouching by the drawers I yanked out his clothes and shoved them in a box. I pulled out Michael’s Jack Daniels shirt and chuckled. At one point he wore this shirt everyday. It took everything in me to get him to take it off. The memory tugged at my heart, reminding me of the pain Michael caused. Tear drops fell to the material gripped in my hands. I furiously wiped away the tears on my face. I needed to get rid of his stuff and forget about his impression on this place. His impression on me. But I couldn’t forget about him until I found out the truth. I was almost finished with the bottom drawer when my phone rung. Most probably Y/B/F/N telling me Michael saw her in his rear view mirror. I stood up and walked over to the bed, grabbing my phone and answering. "So what’s happened?" I asked. "Hello?" A female voice asked. Her voice sounded familiar, a husky whisper from my memories. "Who is this?" I frowned, crossing my free arm across my chest. "Is this Y/N?" The voice asked. "Yes. Now who’s this?" I asked again, losing my patience. "The girl from yesterday." My throat burned, as my whole body stiffened. "What do you want?" I asked through gritted teeth, venom practically dripping from my words. My sadness was placed with Michael. My anger was placed with this bitch. "I want to explain what ha-" "There’s nothing to explain." I interrupted, pacing the room. "No there is. Michael didn’t cheat on you." She explained. I hated the way she said Michael’s name. As if it was special to her. As if each syllable of his name meant something to her. "Okay," I laughed cruelly, "If he didn’t cheat then tell me what actually happened." I heard the girl swallow before lowering her voice. "I can’t tell you that." I gripped my hair in frustration. "You have got to be kidd-" "Hey Sylvia." Michael’s voice interrupted me. No. Freaking. Way. "Who are you talking to?" He asked. My spare hand flew to my mouth. This can’t be happening. "No one. Now let’s get started." Sylvia said before hanging up. I let the tears come. "No! Not again!" I sobbed. He was doing it again. I didn’t think my heart could break more than it had. But Michael proved me wrong. I sunk to my knees, my head in my hands, a mirror image of the night before. I wanted to hate Michael so much but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. 
My phone vibrated against my thigh as I sat on the floor, still in the same place I had been before. I picked it up to see Y/B/F/N sticking her tongue out at me. “Hey.” I answered, my voice wavering a bit. “Are you okay?” She asked. I looked down at my tear stained shirt, tugging at the marks. “Yeah,” I lied, “Did you find out anything?” “Yeah.” Y/B/F/N replied slowly, a bit unsure. “What?” I asked, voice firm. I wanted to know what happened. “I’ll send you the first few pictures on Facebook.” She responded. I got off the floor and walked to my desk, sitting down and opening up my laptop. One unread message from Y/B/F/N appeared as a little 1. I opened it up and looked at the pictures. They were of Michael and Sylvia. I gripped the phone in anger. They were smiling and laughing in a cafe. I clicked through the other pictures and recognised their table. It was the table Michael took me too on our first date. It hurt to see that it wasn’t that special to him. “Look at what’s in front of them.” Y/B/F/N said, as if reading my thoughts again. I glanced down at their table and saw scrunched up piles of streamers in different colours. There were some deflated balloons too. “My birthday.” I breathed. “Yeah they were planning your birthday party.” Y/B/F/N squeaked. A tear slid down my cheek onto my fingers. “I feel terrible,” I whispered, “They were just trying to do something nice for me. He wasn’t even cheating.” A sense of relief came over me with a mix of guilt. I kicked him out when he hadn’t done anything wrong. “Uhh actually..” Y/B/F/N said. “What?” I asked again, worry knotting up my stomach. “Take a look at the next picture.” Y/B/F/N replied quietly. A little bloop signalled a new message. I opened it and clicked on the small image to make it bigger. My mouth hung open as the phone slid from my hand. I couldn’t even gasp. The shock tore my wounds open, raw and painful. An empty breath left my lips as I took in the image. “Y/N! Y/N!” Y/B/F/N’s muffled shouts snapped me out of my trance, making the new information really sink in. Fresh tears left my eyes as I stared at the picture of Michael and Sylvia. Of their lips locked in a kiss. Sealing my pain in an embrace that was supposed to signify love. But for me it signified my heartbreak. The hollow ache that was only in my chest spread through my body, leaving me numb and empty. Forgotten and broken.

A/N Oooo drama!! I will write a Part 3 if people like this :) Hope you did like it :)
Bianca xx

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