#39 Fights (Part 2)

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Calum: I was definitely upset because I had just lost the one person I truly loved but he cheated. It was his fault. I tried to block out what happened by watching television.

I jumped when my phone rang, picking it up quickly. “Hello?”

"Y/N. It’s Mali. I heard what happened, and he didn’t cheat. I had a look at the photos and that’s our cousin. She lives in Scotland and Calum went to visit her. That’s why they were hanging out together." Mali explained, I breathed in deep knowing I had made a huge mistake. "Oh…. Wow… I feel really bad. Is he there?" I asked feeling so ashamed of myself. "Yeah." Mali replied, I heard the phone being moved and changing hands. "Hey beautiful." Calum said, sadness laced in his voice, it made my heart ache. "Cal, I am so sorry. I feel so so so bad. Please forgive me. I saw the pictures and overreacted. Please just come home. I am so sorry. I will do anything to make it better." I gushed trying to get all my feelings out. "Y/N slow down. It’s okay, it’s partly my fault I didn’t tell you. Why don’t we just forget this ever happened?" He suggested, I nodded even though he couldn’t see me. "Yes Calum I would love that. Now please come back." I pleaded. "Of course I’ll be there in about ten." He said, I could hear the smile in his voice. We hung up and I smiled knowing that I had Calum back.

Ashton: I quieted my sobs when I heard voices outside the door, I think it was Luke and Ashton. “I’ll check on her. She seemed pretty upset.” I heard Luke say, before the door opened slightly. I saw Luke come towards the bed. He knelt down beside me. “Y/N…” Luke started, I sighed wiping my eyes. “I just… I can’t believe he freely told you.” I whimpered out, Luke nodded at me. I could tell Luke anything, he had been my best friend for ages. “But then I feel really bad for snapping at him.” I sighed looking at my lap, Luke nodded standing up. “Ashton!” He called out, Ashton came into the bedroom seconds later. Luke left us, shutting the door behind him. “I’m sorry.” We said at the same time. “Ashton.”

“Y/N.” He said straight after me. “Look Y/N I’m sorry. You’re right I shouldn’t have said anything. I’ve spoken to the boys and they won’t bring it up again. I feel really bad, please forgive me. I promise it won’t happen again.” He said taking my hands in his. “Ash, I forgive you but only if you forgive me for what I said. And for the record I don’t regret a second of last night. I was just caught up in the moment.” I said looking away from his face. “I know, it’s okay.” He leaned in a pressed a soft, innocent kiss to my lips. “Forgiven. I love you Y/N.” He mumbled against my lips.

Luke: I had been at my parents’ house for a few days, but I continued to see Ben about the party even though Luke was a total dick to me I still thought that he deserved to have a party.

It was the day of the party and I had gone to Luke’s family house to set up. I was greeted happily by Ben, Jack and his mum and dad. We spent ages setting up and people began coming, Calum, Ashton and Michael were the first to arrive. “Y/N, you owe us. You have no idea how hard it was to keep this from Luke. He has been sulking like a child for the last week.” Ashton said after he stepped out of our hug. “I’m sorry.” I said looking at the floor.

It was finally time and everyone was hiding waiting for Luke. I heard the click of the door and the lights flicked on. “SURPRISE!” Everyone jumped up, Luke looked like he almost had a heart attack. He went around hugging everyone. His eyes scanning the room, he looked at me. He left the person he was talking to. “Y/N? Can we talk?” I nodded, we left the lounge room and went into the kitchen. “Is this what you were doing, with Ben?” He asked, the look of regret on his face. “Yeah. We were planning all this for you.” I said shrugging. “Oh. I feel really bad for what I said. I am so sorry. I overreacted. Please forgive me. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.” He rushed, I smiled at him. I reached up on my toes and kissed him softly. “I forgive you. Plus you’re the better Hemmings.” I said cheekily, he smirked against my lips. He pulled me into a tight hug, I missed the feeling of his arms around me. There was a collective aww from the entire party who were standing in the doorway of the kitchen.  

Michael: I curled up on the bed, upset because I just wanted Michael to be happy and my dad to be happy with Michael which wasn’t happening. “Y/N? I’m sorry.” Michael said, I felt the bed shift as he sat down. He put his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t touch me Michael. I’m not a child.” I sobbed, shoving his hand off me. “Look Y/N I’m sorry it’s just your dad doesn’t like me at all. He told me to stay away from you. I’m sorry I took it out on you, and you’re not a child I am so sorry.” He said, I rolled over to face him. “Michael, it’s just that I want to make you and dad happy and me happy. But it’s hard when my dad wants you to never talk to me again and I want to be with you and only you.” I said playing with the quilt beneath me. “Hey, hey. It’s okay. This is one of those things of as long as you’re happy it’s okay.” He said lightly touching my cheek, but not making full contact as if he was scared I would move away but I didn’t. “I just want you to get along.” I said looking up into his green eyes, he smiled at me. “Would it make you happy if I went to lunch with you and your dad?” He asked sweetly, I nodded. “Yes but as long as you aren’t rude. And don’t mention this, because he will shoot you.” I warned, with a hint of joking in my voice. He smiled and nodded. “Come here.” He said opening his arms, he cuddled me close. He kissed me softly, before grinning at me. “I have missed doing that.” I kissed him back in response. I was happy that we were talking again and that he didn’t hate me for what my dad said.

A/N: Hope you like it! I liked writing this!! 

~ Lucy xx 

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