Surprise Date - Calum Imagine

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"I don’t think that I could ever tell Calum how I feel about him. I’m so shy and he’s so popular. I mean how could it ever happen." I explained. I was sitting with my sister Cara, explaining my situation with her. "I’m going out with his cousin and he says that Calum might be interested in you." Cara said with an all knowing look. "I don’t think so Cara." I sighed. "Fine then." She huffed. Cara got off my bed and marched out of my room. I fell back onto my puffy covers and let myself sink into them. Was she trying to make me feel better by lying or was she actually telling me the truth? I had no idea what to believe. I was wallowing in my own self-pity when Cara came frolicking back into my room. "What now?" I groaned. "Well I was going to ask you if you wanted to come to Sea World with me on Saturday but I guess not." She said, twisting on her heels to walk back out. "No wait! I’m sorry." I said. Cara smiled at me and sat next to me on my bed. "It’s okay. Now, do you want to go to Sea World?" She asked. I sat up and faced Cara. "Yes please!" I exclaimed. "Fantastic!" Cara squealed, making a dash out of my room. I wonder what’s gotten her so excited. 


"Why did you do this to me Cara?!" I said in disbelief. "I had to do it! You wouldn’t have done anything by yourself!" She retorted. I can’t believe she did this. Cara got her boyfriend to invite Calum. "I can’t deal with you right now." I huffed. "I don’t care that you’re angry with me right now because Calum is standing over there with his eyes glued to you Y/N." I looked over to where her boyfriend, Keagan, and Calum were standing. Cara was right. He was outright staring at me and he didn’t seem to care that I knew. Calum nodded at me and gave me a wink. I blushed and turned back to my sister who was squealing like a maniac. "Oh my God!! I knew that he liked you! I told you so!" Cara squealed. She’s been doing a lot of squealing lately. I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed her hand, dragging her back to the waiting boys. "Finally Cara. What took you guys so long?" Keagan sighed. "Oh nothing." I rushed. Keagan gave me a funny look then smiled. I think he knew what we were talking about. "Let’s go inside now! I want to see the Dolphins!" Cara whined. Slowly we all made our way to the entrance with my sister who was trying to make us go faster. She really liked dolphins. I looked in Calum’s direction to see him already looking at me. Okay yeah I’m pretty sure that he likes me back. I quickly looked away, twirling my hair in my hands. Soon enough we all got our wrist bands and were exploring Sea World. "Well Keagan and I are going to go see the dolphins! Bye!" Cara exclaimed. "No wait Cara!" I yelled after her. She quickly turned around, "Meet you back here!" I rolled my eyes and sighed. She did this so that I would be alone with Calum."So what do you wanna do?" Calum asked from behind me. I swivelled on my feet to face him. "Uh I don’t know. I like roller coasters." I smiled. "Me too! Let’s go!" Calum exclaimed. He grabbed my hand and began leading me to the roller coaster. I wonder if he got butterflies when he held my hand. I sure did. 


We ran out of the exit of the roller coaster laughing our heads off. “That was so much fun!” I laughed. “I know! And that girl in front of us who was all like ‘I always go on these rides. I’m not scared!’ And then she screamed the whole time!” Calum laughed. I laughed even harder. This was the best not-really-a-date date ever. After our laughter died down I remembered that we had to meet up with Cara and Keagan. “Come on let’s go back to the meet-up point.” I said. “Yeah okay.” Calum replied. Before I could start walking Calum reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers. He looked into my eyes and smiled. I blushed and smiled back. I tugged on his hand, “Come on let’s go.” I smiled. We headed back to the meet-up point to be met with an excited Cara. “Oh my God you guys! The dolphins were amazing you should have been there!” She exclaimed. Her eyes quickly travelled down to Calum’s hand in mine. She looked back up at me and smiled. “Hey Cara let’s go on the Flume Ride now babe, before the line gets too big.” Keagan whined. “Oh yeah! Do you guys want to come too?” Cara asked, looking between Calum and I. “Yeah sure.” I said. “I’m good to go.” Calum agreed. “Great let’s go!” Cara beamed. She grabbed my spare hand and pulled me along, bringing Calum with us. We all half ran to the Flume Ride. The line was pretty short which was good for us. We got our tickets and got in line. Cara turned around with a mischievous look on her face. What was she up to? “Okay I have a dare for you two.” She began. Oh here we go. “If Keagan and I kiss when we are about to go downhill on the ride then you guys have to as well.” She cheekily smiled. I didn’t know how to respond. I wanted to kiss Calum but what if he didn’t want to kiss me? “Sure we’ll do it!” Calum replied. Wait what? Calum wanted to kiss me? I looked up at him and he looked at me and winked. Well this was going to be interesting. The line shortened and it was our turn to get on the ride. We all hopped on with Cara and Keagan in front and Calum and I right behind them. The ride jolted forward and we began flowing down the water. After a few twists and turns we began our ascent to the top of the ride. I was freaking out now. One more turn and I would have to kiss Calum. And we would be going downhill at the same time. Wait… what if I scream into his mouth when we start going down. Oh my God that would be a nightmare. “Hey Y/N relax, it’s going to be okay.” Calum chuckled. That was easy for him to say. He’s not worried about screaming into my mouth. The ride rounded the last corner and we were about to drop. Keagan and Cara were already starting to kiss. They would literally take any chance they could to suck each other’s faces off. Calum and I faced each other. Now he looked a little worried. “Are you sure that you want to do this?” He asked. “Only if you want to.” I replied. Calum smiled at that. The ride slowly began tipping over the edge and just before it did Calum leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back softly, enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine. And with that we were dropping down the ride. Butterflies were going insane in my stomach. I didn’t know if it was from the kiss or the drop but I didn’t care too much. This was exhilarating. Finally we separated and when we did we were sprayed with mist from the splash at the bottom. Calum looked into my eyes and gave me one final peck on the lips. He was an amazing kisser. The ride came to a stop and we had to get off. We passed by the photo stand and saw our pictures. In the front was Cara and Keagan eating each other’s faces but behind them was Calum and I, sharing our first kiss. “I’m going to buy it.” Calum smiled. He asked for the picture of us and came back. “That was the best first kiss I’ve ever had.” Calum chuckled. “Me too.” I smiled, staring at the picture. “Hey Y/N, I know that this wasn’t an official date but, do you wanna go out again sometime?” Calum asked. I looked up at his face. “Yeah, I’d like that.” I smiled.

A/N I had fun writing this one :) I hope you like it 

Bianca xx

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