Late Night Kisses - Ashton Imagine

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I fumbled with my dressing gown as I came down the stairs. The silk rubbed against my bare skin and bikini, smooth to the touch. “Where are you going?” Y/B/F/N asked as we met at the bottom of the stairs. “I wanted to go for a night swim when everyone went to bed.” I smiled, gesturing to my robe. Y/B/F/N looked me up and down quickly before sleepily smiling at me. “Well I’m really tired so I’m gonna hit the hay. See ya.” She waved. “Nu-night.” I smiled, continuing to walk to the back door. I was currently on holiday with a few of my mates and we were renting a house with a big pool. Ever since we got here I’ve wanted to swim by myself. But I’ve never gotten the chance during the day so I decided to swim at night. The sliding door clicked shut behind me as I stepped onto the cool rock path leading to the pool. I smiled as I saw the pool glistening, the lights on the pool floor turning the water a luminescent blue. My feet lightly thudded on the path as I walked to the side of the pool. The water was so inviting, the thick summer air making me want to jump in. I stopped by the side as I quickly scanned the area around me, making sure I was alone. Once I was sure I was the only one there, I undid the silk belt and let the robe slide to the ground. I felt free as the summer breeze touched my exposed skin, ghosting past me. Before the warm air could touch me again I jumped in the pool, tucking my legs in to do a bomb dive. The water of the pool engulfed me, pulling me under as I showed no resistance. Totally emersed in the water, I opened my eyes. The chlorine stung and my eyes begged for me to shut them, but I didn’t. The blue lights shone against the darkness of the night, illuminating the pool floor and walls. I smiled. It was like an underwater world. My time of admiring was cut short as my lungs screamed for air. I pushed off the ground and popped up out of the water, gasping for air. Water ran down my face as I caught my breath. I blinked the water away and pushed the hair out of my face. I was underwater for a while, which meant I didn’t hear or see the unknown person slide into the pool with me. Taking in the night sky, I didn’t notice them slowly glide up behind me. “BOO!” The person yelled. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I pushed away and swivelled myself to see who the possible attacker was. “ASHTON! YOU SCARED ME!” I yelled as I saw Ashton, anger boiling up inside me. What the hell was that for? Ashton held his stomach as he laughed at my reaction. His giggles made my anger subside into annoyance. “Ha ha very funny Ash.” I sighed, rolling my eyes. “Sorry but I just had to.” He giggled. I let out a small laugh, looking down then back up. “What’re you doing out here anyway?” I half-smiled. “I could ask you the same thing?” He asked back cockily, a smirk playing on his lips. “Well I’m out here swimming while you’re out here sneaking up on me in the middle of the night and scaring the shit out of me.” I retorted playfully. His smirk vanished only to be replaced with a smile and some giggles. I swam closer to Ashton, a small distance left between us. “You’re such a girl.” I teased, smiling and shaking my head. His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as he brought his hand to his chest, feigning hurt feelings. “Y/N you hurt my feelings!” He gasped. I giggled at his little show. “See, such a girl!” I laughed. Ashton smiled cheekily before splashing me with water. I turned my head away and put my hands in front of me, even though it didn’t stop the water. “Not a girl now am I?” Ashton asked with a smug look on his face. “Yes. Yes you are.” I nodded, splashing him back. The water whipped him in the face as we both laughed. “Oh really?” Before I could respond, Ashton grabbed my waist and chucked me into the air. I splashed back down into the pool, completely disoriented. My lungs felt like they were about to burst from wanting to breathe so badly. I swam back to the surface and took a large gasp of air. I didn’t have enough time to take a breath before I went under because it all happened so fast. My hair covered my still closed eyes as I flailed about, trying to catch my breath. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me above water. “It’s okay, I got you.” Ashton whispered as he held me tight. I pushed the hair out of my face and opened my eyes. Ashton’s face was impossibly close to mine as he stared into my eyes. My heartbeat sped up. The way he was holding me and looking at me gave me butterflies. He’s never looked at me like that before. “You okay?” He asked. I nodded in response. Thoughts were flying too fast in my mind for me to grasp onto one to say. “You sure?” He whispered, leaning his head closer to mine. Our noses brushed lightly against each other as I nodded again. “Y-yeah. I’m sure.” I whispered back. Our faces edged closer as butterflies roared in my stomach. I closed my eyes waiting for him to kiss me. Time felt like it dragged on for ages as our lips came closer and closer. I could feel his hot breath against skin before I felt his soft lips touch mine. The feeling of it made me flinch slightly as he brushed his lips against mine. I was certain he could feel my heart pounding in my chest. The suspense was killing me so I pushed my lips onto his in a passionate kiss. It caught Ashton off guard, causing him to moan. I tangled my fingers in his hair as his calloused fingers roamed my back, but stopped on the clasp of my bikini. Ashton didn’t ask for permission as he flicked it open. The bikini strap flung to the sides as Ashton and I continued kissing, our bodies sliding over each other in the water. “Oh my god guys, get a room!” Calum yelled. I pulled away from Ashton and looked up to the balcony to see Calum and Y/B/F/N laughing. My cheeks went a deep shade of red as I clasped my bikini top. “Maybe next time I’ll check to see if anyone’s watching.” Ashton chuckled. I splashed him in the face with water before quickly swimming to the side of the pool and getting out. 

A/N I hope you like this one guys :)

Bianca xx

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