#2 Song Preference: "Boy" by Little Mix

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A/N: Y/B/F/N is your boyfriend’s name :) 

Ashton: “Do you remember what he said? I do, he told you, he’d never ever hurt you”

I could only think of one person to call… my best friend, Ashton. He picked up his phone quickly, “Hello?” 

“Hey Ash. Can you come over?” I asked trying to hide the fact that I was crying. My boyfriend had just broken up with me, by telling me that he cheated on me and didn’t love me anymore. “I’ll be right over.” He said, he was moving around his house quickly. 

Ashton was on my doorstep only ten minutes later. I opened the door letting him in, I went and sat on the lounge again, he came and sat beside me pulling me onto his lap and hugging me tightly. My arms wrapped around his shoulders as I cried into his chest. “Oh, Y/N what did the prick do this time?” He asked trying to stay calm. “He dumped me.” I spared Ashton the details knowing he’d go on a killing rage if I told him what my ex said. His arms tightened on me, his heart beating fast, I could feel it on my cheek. “I knew he’d hurt you! That lying dickhead!” He muttered angrily over the top of my head. “Don’t you remember what he said to you? I do, he said he’d never hurt you and now look what he’s done to you. You don’t deserve this Y/N.” He said looking at my teary face; he wiped away my falling tears with his thumb. “Who do I deserve then?” I asked with a shy voice, he smiled at me. “A guy who know what he has when he has you. A guy who would do anything and everything just for you to be happy. A guy who loves you for you.” He said sweetly, making my heart melt. I always had a soft spot for Ashton I just didn’t want to tell him and risk our friendship. “No one should treat a gorgeous girl like you, how he did.” He whispered, I gasped as he ducked his head and kissed me softly. His hands tightening on my waist, he suddenly pulled away. “Oh I’m so sorry. Y/N I shouldn’t have done that!” He gushed worried he’d done the wrong thing, I smiled at his overreaction. “Ash! It’s okay. I’ve been waiting for years for you to do that.” I said before kissing him softly, he smiled into the kiss before muttering, “me too.”

Luke: “Bad boy wanna fight, but I never see him fighting for you”


I woke up to my phone ringing beside my bed. I groaned at the time and checked the caller I.D. ‘Y/N’, “Hello? Y/N?” I asked worried. “Luke can you please pick me up? Y/B/F/N is fighting again and I’m scared.” She sobbed, I jumped out of bed and pulled on some clothes with one hand. “Where are you love?” I asked grabbing my keys. “In town at the pub.” She said shortly. “I’ll be there in five.” I said hanging up and putting my shirt on properly. I ran out the door and drove to where she was. I spotted her standing under a street light so I could see her. I saw her boyfriend fighting another man just a little way down from Y/N. I pulled up in front of her. “Y/N get in!” I yelled winding down the window. She hurried in the car, tears streaming down her beautiful face. She didn’t deserve scum like him, she deserved to be treated like a princess. “Hey! Where are you taking my girlfriend?!” Her boyfriend yelled noticing the extra movement in the street. “Get away from me! You’re scaring me!” Y/N shrieked at him, he was stunned for a second then snapped back into his angry self. “No! I don’t care, even if you are just a waste of space you are still mine!” He yelled opening the door and pulling her out of my car. I ran around to him, shoving him off her. “Get away from her! You don’t deserve an amazing girl like her!” I yelled as Y/N got in the car and shut the door locking it. I got back in the car and drove away. Y/N crying softly beside me, her hand found mine. I squeezed her smaller hand in mine. I was disgusted in her boyfriend, he didn’t even fight for her and she is a girl worth fighting for. 

I took her back to my place, she was shaking with tears as I carried her inside and into my room. I laid her on the bed, “You can sleep here. I’ll be on the lounge if you need anything.” I said as I helped her under the covers. When I got to the door I heard her small voice coming through her sobs, “Luke can you stay with me?” My heart fluttered at her words, I shuffled into bed beside her. She cuddled into my side, it felt like she was meant to be there. “I love you Luke.” I heard her mumble into my chest, I didn’t think I heard it right. She tightened her hold on me, I whispered the three little words back to her. I only hoped that those words meant the same to her as they did to me.

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