Not Worth The Tears - Michael Imagine (Part 4)

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Y/B/F/N = Your best friend’s name

After many days of trudging through work and holding in my emotions, and many nights of letting them spill on my pillows as tears, I finally got the courage to do this. My hands gripped the steering wheel as I stared at Ashton’s house. I was going to give Michael all of his stuff that was at our apartment. I mean my apartment. It was tough but I packed everything he owned and put it all in my car. I’m glad I did it though. It’s helped me get over what’s happened a bit. But I still had some mixed emotions churning within me. I just needed to be free of reminders of Michael for my birthday coming up in a few days. The birthday he planned a surprise party for. I sighed and shook my head. Let it go. I took in a deep breath, reaching for the door handle and pushing the car door open. During my mid-shuffle out of the car, the front door of the house creaked open. My gaze flicked up and I hoped and prayed it was Y/B/F/N. Footsteps lightly hit the footpath and my heart dropped when the person rounded the corner. Michael. I sucked in a deep breath and slammed my car door shut. “Y/N?” Michael asked in shock. I walked towards the back of my car and didn’t respond, the ache in my chest quickly turning into a bubbling anger from remembering all the hurt he caused me. “Y/N, what are you doing here?” He asked again. I reached the back of my car, flinging open the boot and grabbing the first box. “Returning your shit.” I said, shoving his stuff at the lawn. “Hey!” He said, reaching out his hand as if it would stop the box from falling. I grabbed the second box, shoving it down next to the first. “Y/N..” Michael said less forcefully, it sounded almost regretful. “Y/N, can’t we just talk about this.” He tried to reason. I frowned as I got the third box out of the boot. Just the other day he was yelling at me for being reasonable and asking for space. And now he’s trying to be reasonable with me. No way. He’s not getting another chance. “No.” I said simply, tossing the box to the ground. Michael sighed in defeat, walking towards the garage. I tossed the final box to the ground, shutting the boot and getting back in the driver’s seat. My heart felt heavy as I looked at Michael for what I thought was the last time. It was hard to be angry with someone you still loved, no matter what they did. I watched as Michael approached my car, walking towards my door. Maybe he was coming to say Happy Birthday early? My heart did a little flip, making me grunt in frustration that he still had some hold on me. Michael tapped on my window, so I rolled it down, wondering what he was going to say. He leaned in and gave me his cheeky, old smirk, making me smile internally. “What?” I asked, a little happier than I wanted. I put up a wall inside me, trying to shut Michael out. “I’m gonna need you to get the hell off the driveway. Thanks love.” He said with a smile, curling his fingers beneath my chin before snatching them back and walking away. I felt furious and internally hurt. What a dick. I gripped the steering wheel again, my knuckles turning white. I had to let it go so I could let him go. Shifting the car into reverse, I swung out of the driveway and floored it down the street, leaving Michael in a cloud of smoke. 


"Come on!" Y/B/F/N whined, tugging my arm. I laid sprawled out on my bed, trying to make it hard for her to get me up. Y/B/F/N had been at my place before I got there and hadn’t stopped pestering me since she walked through the front door. She was hoping to take me out for a girl’s night out, but I wasn’t feeling up to it. "No Y/B/F/N. I’m not going." I groaned, looking at her pulling my arm playfully. "Please Y/N! Please!" She said, throwing her head back in annoyance. After a second she quickly flicked it back to look down at me with a mischievous spark in her eye. "We can take photos of ourselves having fun to show Michael what he’s missing," She grinned cheekily, sitting on the side of the bed, "We could even take photos of us with guys." I stared straight in her eyes, considering her offer. It could make Michael jealous and show him that I’m over him even though technically we’re still together. "Okay. Let’s do it." I nodded, hopping off the bed and heading straight to my half empty drawers. "That’s the spirit!" Y/B/F/N exclaimed. 


I had changed into a cute, purple dress that flowed out at my hips with some nice heels to finish it off. “Looking hot Y/N.” Y/B/F/N smiled. “Thanks.” I said plainly. I wasn’t in the mood to play along or to even do this. My heart felt ice cold and heavy after today. I was completely rid of Michael. I was supposed to be happy. But for some reason I wasn’t. I looked Y/B/F/N up and down quickly. She looked gorgeous. Drop-dead gorgeous. But all I said was, “You too.” Before heading out the front door and to her car. We both hopped in, speeding off down the street to our destination. 

Best Friend’s POV 

Y/N wasn’t herself tonight. Normally when I offered to do this sort of thing we would both be bouncing off the walls, but tonight she was down and dragging me down with her. Maybe her mood would go right back up with what I had in store for her tonight. I giggled with excitement as I drove, wrapping my fingers tightly around the steering wheel. Y/N frowned at me which made my smile fall and my grip loosen. I couldn’t give the surprise away. I hoped she didn’t recognise it though… 

Your POV 

We pulled up in front of Y/B/F/N’s house in the pitch black night. “What are we doing here?” I frowned, pointing at her house. “I forgot my handbag.” She said, waving away my confusion. Y/B/F/N hopped out of the car before popping her head back in. “You’re coming too! You have to help me decide which one to bring!” She smiled. Her happiness was contagious, a smile cracking on my face. I felt my inner wall crumble as I got out of the car and walked beside Y/B/F/N, linking my arm with hers. Even though I was trying to block my emotions out, I couldn’t block her out no matter how hard I tried. We approached the front door but I stopped, hearing something scrape on the floor inside the house. “Did you hear that?” I asked, leaning to peer in the window. Complete darkness. “Nope. Didn’t hear anything.” She shrugged, unlocking the door. She stepped aside and gestured for me to walk in. “Okay…” I said, eyeing Y/B/F/N suspiciously. I walked through the front door and flicked on the lights. “SURPRISE!” I jumped back in shock. A large group of people filled the lounge room and front foyer. Some were on the stairs even though they can’t really hide there. I laughed for the first time in days in shock and happiness. Y/B/F/N planned this all for me! Wait a sec. I remember these streamer and balloon colours. I pulled Y/B/F/N aside. “These were the decorations from,” I swallowed my nausea, “Michael and Sylvia’s surprise birthday party plans.” I whispered. And it wasn’t my birthday for a few days. “I know it’s not your birthday but you were down so I thought to do this early. I want you to be happy.” She smiled before looking at her feet, “And Michael handed the plans over to me. He still wanted you to have a good birthday.” The guilt washed over me like a tidal wave. Even after what I’d done he still wanted me to have a good birthday. No wait. I hadn’t done anything. He had. I straightened myself and turned around to face everyone. “Let’s get this party started!” I shouted. People responded with hollers and hoots as a loud song began to pulsate through the house. Y/B/F/N walked in front of me. “Let’s forget about Michael kissing that girl,” She smiled hesitantly, swallowing nervously. She only does that when she’s hiding something. I was going to ask her about it, but she cut me off. “Let’s party!” Y/B/F/N squealed. She walked away from me, greeting the people she invited. I would have done it with her but I needed to go to the bathroom. People yelled happy birthday’s at me as I pushed past them, trying to reach the stairs. The decorations around the house reminded me of Michael which is not what I wanted. It brought back the familiar feeling of burning at the back of my throat but I held it back. Not in front of these people. I finally pushed through the crowd and quickly got up the stairs, walking down the hall to the bathroom. A familiar voice from behind me stopped me. “Nice party isn’t it. Well of course it is, I planned it.” The voice sent chills down my spine. I forced my walls up again, holding in my pure anger and loathing as I spun around. And there she was. The girl who kissed Michael. The girl who Michael kissed. The bitch in the flesh. Sylvia.

A/N This is a filler chapter so that’s why it’s not as “interesting” as the rest. Sorry about that! And my writing in this one wasn’t as good as other times due to nerves (school’s back tomorrow eep!) But I still hope you like it :)

Bianca xx

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