Chapter 201

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AN: This is Part 2 of this fanfiction. Please read Part 1 first!


The next two days passed by very quickly as the kids attended their lessons and their father worked on arranging the preparations for his hectic next few weeks. At last the eve of the masquerade ball arrived. Curiosity filled the deity's family since only the two immortals had been informed about the location of the dance. Yet, none of them pried about it. Besides the noble and raven haired sword master, it was decided that four other people would attend the social gathering. Both of the adult dragons would attend alongside the head of the Molan Household and the violet haired holy man.

Half an hour passed by as those who had gathered in the entryway sitting area waited for the youth to come down the stairs. Soon the 18 years old came into view. He was dressed in an all black suit which had an enchanting elegance to it. There was a beautiful sapphire decal clasped to the layered ribbon tie around his neck. Black gloves that exposed part of his palms and back of his hands revealed the divine items on his wrists. A sapphire and onyx studded mask covered the top half of his face so that only a piercing dark blue gaze could be seen. His usual fiery locks had been dyed a raven black. Next to his usual earrings was the thin dangling rose gold chain with the sword on it. In fact, he was an extremely breathtaking and majestic sight to behold.

<What's wrong with everyone? Do I look weird?>

Suddenly, his second youngest flew around him smugly shouting.

"Papa looks exactly like the great and mighty me!"

<Of course I do. This outfit was designed with you in mind.>

Patting his son's head, he stoically retorted.

"I just picked some colors that I thought would suit the occasion."

Numerous sighs, head shakes and knowing smiles came from his family in response. They knew he had dressed this way because the baby dragon had been pestering him nonstop about what the appearance of his disguise for the event was going to be. Even the kids seemed to be aware of this since their father's response didn't faze the black haired child's excitement.

"Dada is missing out! Goldie Gramps! We need to send Dada a picture of Papa!"


Chuckling at how adorable the tiny boy was, the eldest being present explained.

"There'll be plenty of time to do that throughout the night. However, it's time for us to head out."


Swiftly, the four years old hugged his guardian goodbye. Then the rest of his official and unofficial siblings said their farewells to him as well. Once the deity was done, he joined the five accompanying him and handed the now silver haired eldest dragon a piece of paper with the coordinates to the Sekka estate. His dyed reds widened from behind his gold mask when he realized they were heading into enemy territory again. Sighing, he passed the small slip to the woman who's now pink locks had been pulled up into a neat updo. Her ruby lips curled down into a slight frown. Suddenly, a bright light blinded the group as the six people teleported away.

Eventually, Duke Sekka's large estate came into view. Dozens of magic lanterns illuminated it up under the already darkened sky. A long line of carriages could be seen driving up in front of the building. Each bore crests of all the Guardian Knight's important guests.

<Ho! There's nobility and royalty from all three kingdoms involved in the Indomitable Alliance here tonight. This will be a very interesting evening.>

Two Stars Collide: Part 2 - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now