Chapter 219

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Two days later, the citizens of the Roan Kingdom were rushing around in excitement and anticipation. Every single street, house and shop in the capital was adorned with colorful flowers. People of all races had come from all over the Eastern and Western Continents in order to take part in the festivities. After all, this was the first time in recorded history that the God of Love had made their presence known. There were dozens of questions on everyone's minds, but the most popular one was why they had suddenly chosen to reveal themselves now.

Inside that very deity's residence, the servants were running around finishing up the final preparations for their lord and his family to attend the End of the Year Celebration. Normally, nobles took carriages to these sort of events. However, the young master that they served preferred to use magic to travel. This meant their duties were focused primarily on getting his sons and daughters ready for departure.

It took several hours to get all of the kids dressed in their suits or dresses. Each one chose a red accessory to wear which the staff found quite adorable. Clearly, they loved their father who was well known for his fiery colored hair. An hour before the celebration started, the group gathered in the entranceway to wait for the 18 years old. As always, he was the last one to get ready since he insisted they prioritize his young flock.

At last the redhead descended the stairs. He was wearing a white shirt underneath a matching black vest and long jacket which flowed around him as he walked. Black knee high boots covered a pair of white pants. His collarbone length locks were neatly pulled back by a black ribbon. On his ears were the usual divine items along with the dangling rose gold chain. All of his usual rings could be seen including the one for disguise. Subconsciously, the mortals found themselves holding their breath in awe. They were too entranced to even notice the immortal duo dressed in pristine black suits behind him.

Dyed red-browns examined each member of his precious family. Once the noble had confirmed that his children were all wearing the bracelets he had received from the God of Life, he asked.

"Is everyone ready to go?"


"Yes, Papa~"

"Dada! Dada!"

Scooping up the toddler, the God of Love calmly reminded his sons and daughters.

"While we are in public you are to address Alberu as His Highness. No outsiders can know he and I are engaged. Okay? Additionally, you are to call Ron and Beacrox by their names. I know this will be difficult, but do your best to recall everything we discussed and practiced yesterday."

Dozens of nods confirmed that the young flock understood.

"Choi Han, Eruhaben and the Saints will stay with me. Hannah will stay with Mary. Mila, Freesia, Hans, Raghu, Hillsman will stay with the kids. Cage will be there except she will be accompanying Taylor. Rasheel. Just do your best not to pick a fight with anyone. Everyone else is free to go where they want as long as they are respectful and follow proper etiquette."

Images of the annoying barons from the other day flashed through his mind.

"If there are any issues with the nobility, royalty, or any official attending from another kingdom's delegation, alert me immediately. Do not confront them yourselves or they will pull rank and try to get you arrested. Only exceptions are if they try to hurt one of the kids or attack you first."

Taking the baby dragon's hand, the deity looked at the eldest pair who swiftly cast teleportation magic around everyone. Bright light enveloped the group as they relocated to the coordinates that the Crown Prince had given them to use. They found themselves standing in a room with a large sitting area and large windows. A familiar blond wearing a white and gold suit was waiting for him. Various gem crusted brooches were on his chest and a long red cape was draped elegantly over his shoulder. Immediately, a bright smile formed on his lips when his sky blues landed on his fiancé and their children.

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