Chapter 344

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Blinding radiance filled the entire skylit atrium of the Northern shelter. Alerting every single one of the already flustered Koreans of the God of Love's arrival. Dozens of people had been staring at the nightmare outside the windows. However, they were all now racing towards the waist high barriers which allowed them to peer down to the main floor. There they discovered the famous Company's first and second teams standing opposite of each other. Between them was a man who appeared to be furious with those who had voluntarily stood guard at the entrance of the shelter. Behind him were a group of foreigners whose gazes were fixated onto the evil monster who was supposedly responsible for the most recent stampede.


Silver haired twins tried to run towards the quivering humanoid monstrosity laying at the feet of the battle ax user. To their disbelief, a barrier materialized in front of them. Blocking their path and protecting them from the extremely chaotic divine energy radiating out of their father.

<S***!!! Her back is completely covered in burns... Both arms, wrists and hands are also now broken... Have those motherf***ing a**holes been stomping on them?!>

Clenching his fists so tight blood dripped from them, the deity glowered at the warrior who was startled by their sudden appearance. His foot was still on the tiny dark elf's left forearm. Blood poured out of the disfigured limb crushed under the human's body weight. A muffled whimper came from the trembling brunette's broken and bruised lips.


Before the man could finish his question, a powerful gust of wind blasted him into the closest wall. Causing a loud bang to echo throughout the atrium. Not one person from the first team could bring themselves to stop him. Especially when they saw the state of what appeared to be a child of a fantasy race. Horror was on the spear user's face. Just what had her coworkers done to a little kid?! There was absolutely no way she could stop bloodshed now.

Anxiously, the healer stepped forward in order to volunteer to treat her wounds. Unfortunately, even he would not be able to remove all of the damage done in one sitting. That didn't even account for the emotional trauma she definitely would've experienced. All he could hope was that the little child would one day be able to walk again.


"It would seem you b****es have a f***ing death wish."

Looks of incredulity and surprise rapidly transformed into amusement. Each of the punks in front of the God of Love laughed at his words. They may have been caught off guard by his sudden appearance and ability to use wind, but none of them saw him as a real threat. Although that was only because they hadn't been with the Company for very long. If they had, they would have certainly recognized the scar covered legend whom their drunken superiors often talked about when they reminisced about the past.

"Listen here, Michin-nom. You best shut up and go back to wherever you came from or-"

Instantly, a suffocating pressure caused every single adult in the building to drop to their knees.


"I left for four years and this is how low this world has f***ing fallen."

Shaking pupils struggled to peer up at the enraged deity who walked over to his daughter and gingerly scooped her up into his arms. Weak chocolates struggled to open when the mixed blood felt her guardian's comforting warmth.


Upon hearing her pitiful voice, the disguised entity of light finally snapped. His eyes glowed a bright blood red while his hair started to flutter in the tornado which was rapidly forming around him. Every single person could feel their surroundings quaking prior to cracks forming in the supposedly indestructible stone floors and walls of the mysterious shelters. Thunder roared in the pitch black storm clouds outside. Sounds of explosions deafened them as beautiful rose gold lightning bolts slammed into the remnants of their city. Fires burned amongst the hailstorm.

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