Chapter 261

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AN: Sorry for taking so long! Please Enjoy!


An hour later the majority of the group had regathered together. Those few who could not come in person were present via their assigned communication devices. None of them knew what was going on. Yet when they had heard that a suspected enemy had breached the estate's security again, almost everyone rushed back to protect the God of Love. Even the Count was waiting for his firstborn, although he was currently busy receiving reports from the Vice Captain regarding the knights searching for the intruder.

"-as if he disappeared into thin air."

Suddenly, the 19 years old walked into the room. His long fiery locks which were still slightly damp hung braided loosely over the open back of a navy blue shirt. In his one hand was a book which his parents immediately recognized. Jour Thames' journal. Why did he have that right now? Shouldn't they be more concerned about stopping the Cursed One's followers and removing the despair from the city?

<That f***ing bastard said Mama is a she and a child. Plus there's a possibility she may have been reincarnated with her memories.>

Matching browns immediately focused on the deity. Was it possible the trespasser had been a representative of one of the other Gods who had been updating him on the deceased Countess' condition? If so, why did the redhead seem so upset by the delivered news?

<Only problem is she could be anywhere or any kid in the city.>

Not even bothering to take a seat or relax, the youth stoically announced.

"I need every child who was not born in the Roan Kingdom gathered as quickly as possible in the estate's training area."

Confusion quickly transformed into concern. Why only the non-native kids? Did they have something to do with their current predicament?

"Young Master-nim. Is that aside from the other tasks we have to do?"

Piercing red-browns focused on the sword expert. Several people noticed his free hand was clenched into a tight fist at his side.

"Prioritize this one for now."

<I f***ing hate that d**n a**hole's games...>

Both immortals stiffened up in response to the God of Love's thoughts. Games? Based on the memories they had received, there was one person who loved to torment their precious family member with these so-called games. Although they were definitely more torture than fun.

"Are we looking for someone in particular, Papa?"

<According to what Ruslan told me, she reincarnated in Korea a few years after the world fell into chaos. Her family was killed by the monsters around the same age my parents in that world died in an accident. In fact, she even ended up in an orphanage like I did...>

Meeting his dark elf daughter's gaze, the deity disclosed without any noticeable expression.

"A girl probably around your age who bears similar features to Choi Han and Jung Soo. She may or may not understand the local language."

Five of the seven people who understood what the deity meant exchanged worried glances with each other. Did another person from their world get dragged over to this one? If so, then they needed to find that child quickly before they got hurt or starved to death. Unease radiated out of them while the Chois weighed the costs of their current task with finding the potential Korean.

"Jin. Seung. I need you to go with Mother to the training area. Try to speak in Korean to the kids gathered. If any of them seem like they understand, have them carefully moved to a separate section until I get there. Okay?"

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