Chapter 204

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A pair of dyed blacks opened up and searched their surroundings. To their owner's surprise, he was laying under a pile of blankets inside a tent. Chilly air touching his cheeks confirmed that he was still up north somewhere on the Eastern Continent. Sighing in exasperation, the youth located his spatial pouches which were thankfully still in his pockets. Taking out a change of clothes that would be easier to move in, he got dressed and picked up the mask he had been wearing earlier. It had been carefully set aside which meant they had seen his face.

<Hopefully there wasn't any blood or tears on it...>

Storing it away in case he needed it later, the noble stepped out of the tent. Seven sets of widened eyes quickly focused on him when their elementals alerted them that the deity was awake. They saw him surveying the area where their campsite was set up. Large coniferous trees covered in snow provided them with shelter from the icy winds. Above was a beautiful red sky marking the transition of eve to night. At the center of the four tents which had been set up was a campfire which flickered with the subtle breeze.

<It's cold.>

Silently, the dark elves observed the young God while he walked over to them and took a seat next to the third son. As soon as his bare hands touched the snow covered ground, steam billowed out from around it. Instantly, he lifted them back up and discovered the once frozen earth had also been thawed.

<F***! I didn't think that'd happen. Just how much divine energy am I releasing right now?>

Peeking at the family, he saw them either fidgeting nervously or trying to act like they hadn't noticed what had just happened.

<Ha— They f***ing know... D**n it! Was it my light or did the elementals tell them?>


"Y-Yes, A-Amias-nim?"

When their eyes met, the 78 years old anxiously averted his gaze.

<So exhausting...>


Confusion appeared on the mortals' faces. What did he want them to stop?

"You don't have to be so formal."

He paused for a moment before adding.

"Also, Amias Molan is my alias. My name is actually Cale Mo- Cr- Henituse."

The fact he corrected his last name twice piqued the mother's interest, but she didn't ask him about it. After all, if he wanted them to know, he'd tell them himself.

"Which would you like us to address you as in public, Cale-nim?"

<S***! Not him, too! Choi Han is already tiring enough!>

Forcing a smile, the 18 years old reiterated.

"There's no need to be formal. Please drop the -nim."

Bowing his head respectfully, the youngest of the dark elf men explained.

"Please forgive my impudence, Your Eminence. However, I cannot bring myself to do that."

Each member of his family nodded in agreement. Even if this was the God's direct request, they had no right to treat such a majestic and exalted being so casually. As is, addressing him by his name and not by his title was already too much of an honor for them as mortals. With a slight frown on his lips, the youth stoically commanded.

"Call me Young Master or add the -nim. I'd prefer those over Your Eminence..."

Bright expressions appeared on each of the dark elves' faces.

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