Chapter 300

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AN: I can't believe we've already reached 300 chapters! Thank you all for your continued support and I hope you enjoy the next chapter! 


Around the time the sun had started to descend from the sky, the delegation decided to set up camp for the night. Swiftly, everyone split up in order to complete their assigned tasks. For those who did not have any immediate responsibilities, a few blankets were set out on the ground for them to rest on. Every so often one of the servants or knights would sneak the deity's children some of their own personal snacks. Cookies, dried fruits and even beef jerky. Unfortunately, the prince's aunt caught one of the disguised dark elves feeding the baby dragon trio large pieces of cake. As a result, many of the servants got reprimanded for spoiling the kids' appetites with such unhealthy foods before they had eaten their dinner.

After the God of Love's flock had been tucked into bed, the adults excluding the ones on guard duty gathered around the crackling fire. Everyone waited patiently for the Crown Prince to speak since they wanted to know how they were going to make up for the lost time. Three days was a massive delay. Was there even a way they could recover from it? A few of the knights peeked at the handsome man with long golden hair. If they used teleportation magic then such a feat was indeed possible. However, would someone associated with the temples use it for them without a command from the Gods' Chosen One? Even the swordmasters only obeyed the youth.

Taking a sip of his herbal tea, the mixed blood silently observed the ministers and warriors. Most seemed to have their own ideas on how they can make up for the lost time. Others were saying they needed to be prepared for other delays since they were traveling alongside the One Who Speaks for the Gods. However, the general consensus was that they relied on magic. Even the Vice Commander of the Imperial Knights who had acquired a map from a merchant was saying they would not reach their destination on time if they continued on foot.

Massaging his aching forehead, the fake blond glanced over at his partner who was resting on a pile of pillows while eating freshly picked berries. His gaze then moved to the puppy-like single lifer who had found and harvested the fruit for his lord. A proud grin was on his lips which for some reason annoyed him a lot. Maybe it was because he knew the punk had feelings for his fiance. Or possibly because his head hurt too much for him to focus on the benefits polygamy would have. All he wanted was to punch someone at least once to vent out his frustration.

<Did Choi Han do something to upset Alberu while I was unconscious? Well, I'm certain they'll figure things out between themselves like usual. There's no reason for me to get involved in other people's personal business.>

Matching browns looked at the noble in incredulity. What did he think he'd been doing this entire time?! Exchanging a quick glance with his father, the chef sighed and left to prepare his clueless brother some more snack foods. There was no way he'd let the punk win.

Suddenly, a thought crossed the Future King's mind which caused a bright smile to spread across his lips. His focus moved back to the reason their trip had even become delayed in the first place. Immediately, chills raced down the deity's back which caused him to look up and unintentionally meet his fiance's gaze. Realization quickly turned to terror.

<F***! He's going to make me work somehow!>

Pretending not to know what the prince wanted from him, the redhead hastily rolled onto his side and pretended to take a nap. To his dismay, his partner wasn't fooled by this act.

"My most precious Dongsaeng whom even the Gods adore~"

<No! Go away! I'm not working right now!>

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