Chapter 319

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Around noon the following day, the God of Love was relaxing under a tall ash tree within the Royal Academy's Southern courtyard. Cuddled up on his chest was his baby daughter who had been lulled to sleep by his warmth. Not far away was the eldest of his dark elf children. She was seated on his jacket in front of a beautiful pink hydrangea bush. Her artbook was resting on her lap with fresh sketches covering its white pages. Giggles could be heard in the distance as a group of preteen girls were enjoying their break from classes by taking a leisurely stroll.

"Did you see Professor-"

The strawberry blonde's words trailed off when she saw someone not wearing the school's uniform. Instantly, a frown appeared on her face.


All three of her friends followed her gaze and finally spotted the little brunette. Since the deity was hidden from view by bushes, the girls strolled over and surrounded the focused mixed blood. When she didn't acknowledge their presence, the leader of the group angrily snatched the drawing pad out of the 11 years old's hands. Immediately, an extremely confused set of dark browns looked up at them. Pupils shook slightly when they saw the blonde's expression.

"What do you think you are doing?"


Not giving the disguised dark elf a chance to speak, the daughter of a viscount asserted.

"This isn't a place outsiders like you can just wander around as you like."

Her gaze examined the younger child's clothes and unladylike position with a furrowed brow.

"Commoner trash is especially not welcome within the Southern Wing of the Academy. Only those born of wealth and nobility are permitted to enjoy these facilities."

None of the girls noticed the brunette peek over her shoulder to where her father was currently resting. Should she wake him up? No. If she did that, he may seriously punish these ignorant kids. Doing her best to stay calm, the dark elf stood up and dusted herself off. Then she did her best to gracefully curtsy and introduce herself according to the rules she had learned in her etiquette lessons. A forced, but polite smile was on her face as she spoke.

"My name is Raega Thames Henituse Molan. Granddaughter of Count Deruth Henituse and Bareness Jour Thames from the Roan Kingdom. I am also the cherished daughter of the One Who Speaks for the Gods, Cale Henituse."

Looks of unease and worry were exchanged between the blonde's companions. However, they could see their friend's fists trembling in anger and embarrassment. Even her ears were a bright red. How dare this outsider act like she had done nothing wrong?! She wasn't even a student of the Academy or a citizen of their great kingdom! Before anyone could stop her, she struck the mixed blood across the face. A massive welt could be seen where her hand hit. At the side of her mouth was a trickle of blood. Tears welled up in the 11 years old's eyes. Once the initial shock had passed, the young brunette cried at the top of her lungs.


Suddenly, a gale of wind sent the strawberry blonde flying into a nearby waterfall. At the exact same time, a beautiful redhead with glowing crimson irises almost seemed to appear out of nowhere in front of the dark elf. In his arms was a baby who was groggily rubbing her almost white eyes. Instinctively, the mixed blood grabbed onto her guardian's offered hand. Thankfully, her artbook had landed on the jacket she had been sitting on instead of the dirt or water.

"What in the realms do you think you are doing to my daughter?"

<How did she even manage to hit her? She should be wearing Amna's divine item. Did she by chance take it off when she took a bath last night? If so, why didn't she put it back on before we left the inn? Is it possible that she forgot to?>

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