Chapter 325

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Excitement filled the palace grounds as hundreds of officials, servants and knights rushed to finish the preparations for the Grand Celebration of Peace. This would be the first time such a diplomatic event had been held since their Queen had ascended the throne. Now after a decade they were finally hosting one in order to properly welcome the Roan Kingdom's delegation! Not to mention the fact that the Gods' Chosen One and multiple representatives would be amongst those attending the festivities. Their kingdom had even received a blessing from the benevolent God of Love who clearly favored the visiting Crown Prince. Many citizens hoped that they'd be able to at least catch a glimpse of him or the mysterious redhead without his kids.

To start the day off, early that morning a purification prayer had been performed by the 'Saint' of their nation's religion. This was followed by the appointing of a new Grand Duke which caused chaos within both the aristocracy and those who were familiar with the last name Molan. Even the hidden members of Arm could not believe their eyes.

How could the missing patriarch of one of the former five ruling households of the Eastern Continent's underworld just reappear out of nowhere after all these years? More importantly, how was he obtaining the highest noble rank that was only ever bestowed upon members of the Royal family who are not the immediate successor to the throne?! Where had he been all these years?! How did he accomplish such a feat? Just what was the Queen of Roija thinking?

While the rest of his family attended his adoptive father's official instatement in person, the God of Love chose to leisurely watch from the comfort of his guestroom's bed. Next to him was a bowl of varying sweet berries which had been sent to him by the de Oiche family. Numerous gifts had also been delivered to his room earlier that morning from them as well as the Prime Minister and Queen. Included amongst them were expensive toys, games and clothes for his young flock. Anyone could tell they were trying to pacify any remaining rage he may have after the events of the days prior.

Currently, a very bored set of silverish emeralds were focused on the live stream of the ceremony that was being sent to him by the former princess. Their hollow reptilian irises were recording the elegant forms of his father and brother standing side by side clad in the expensive noble attire he had arranged for them through Amare. Pride quickly became amusement when the youth thought about how enraged this sight would make the trash who betrayed the Molans in the past. Without a doubt they would panic or attempt to lash out at them now that they had revealed their presence in such a powerful manner. Except when they do, they will be ready.

<Let's lay a few traps for the White S*** before we go home. Rasheel is definitely itching for another fight. Should we loot and blow up a few more of their bases while we're here?>

A gentle breeze danced through the curtains and played with his long snowy locks. Tickling his cheek as if asking for him to come play. Instead of complying, the deity flopped back onto the soft mattress with his arms stretched out towards its sides. Gradually, a true smile crept its way onto his lips. At the same time, a warm tingling was rapidly spreading throughout his body. Had it not been for the shimmery gold bloom resting on the nightstand, his divine energy would've ended up visibly influencing the mortal realms again.

<Slacking off really is the best~>

Before the noble even realized it, an hour had flown by and a knock rang out from the other side of his room's door. Instantly, a small frown formed on the 19 years old's face. Closing his eyes as if he was asleep, the teen pretended not to hear the sound which marked the end of his rest.

"Y-Your Holy Eminence?"

<Nope. Go away.>

Another knock which was slightly louder than the first came from the entrance of his guest room.

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