Chapter 358

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Tension was almost tangible to the surrounding partygoers. Many of whom were anticipating a fight from the pair. Especially since they appeared to be competing for the attractive enigma's attention. To the growing crowd's disappointment, the deity escaped his fiance's grasp before stepping between the mixed bloods. His palms landed onto the center of their chests. Yet that did not stop the duo from glaring murderously at each other. Although for completely different reasons. One out of protective anger while the chimera felt rage because a lowly dark elf had interrupted his chat with a God.

"Haneul-Ui. It is not wise to greet our allies with such aggression. Jayu. This is my partner."

Conflicting emotions could be seen in the mortals' rubies and white golds. Thankfully, the prince was quick to understand his words. Doing his best to calm down, the Future King intertwined his fingers with those on the hand located on top of his heart. Then he tilted his head in a small bow which caused the ancient blond to frown.

"I apologize for mistaking you as a threat to Rok Soo's safety. My name is Kim Haneul-Ui of the Kipling Merchant Group."

-Why in the world would you pick a quarter blood as your lover?! Wouldn't a dragon be a much more suitable contender? This bug would die if I-"

-Enough, Jayu. Who a God chooses as their spouse is none of a mortals' business. Unless of course the God involved grants you permission to be involved in their courting process.

Unable to refute the noble's statement, the incomplete dragon sighed in defeat while swiftly surveying their surroundings. Immediately, those who had gathered to watch a brawl averted their gazes or scurried away with their lovers. Annoyance radiated out of him. No matter how many centuries he'd lived so far, humans were still the most despicable race he had ever met.

<Looks like Jayu still possesses a Dragon's pride. I'm glad.>

"Ummm. Lord Kim?"

Three sharp gazes focused on a maid who had a tray filled with snacks and drinks which the dark elf had selected earlier. Her browns nervously glanced at the teen prior to traveling down to their joined hands. She then peeked at the tall blond who emitted the second most powerful aura in the entire building. Upon sensing her distress, the 19 years old retrieved a fruit tart from the array of desserts and calmly instructed.

"Lead the way to a private room. Preferably one which permits a proper view of the upcoming entertainment. Also, have the servants bring additional snacks, tea and multiple bottles of your most expensive alcohol for us to enjoy while we get better acquainted with each other."

Instantly, her cheeks became a bright red while those eavesdropping on their interaction hid their expressions behind gloved hands or fancy fans. Even the chimera was frozen in place as he processed the meaning behind the words. There was no way that such an exalted existence intended to commit the same debauchery as these infuriating human scum. Right? Although if he did intend to do such acts, did he as a lowly mortal even have the right to refuse him? Such an honor may only come once in his soul's entire existence. Dyed rubies noticed the way their new ally's expressions were subtly changing. Anyone would misunderstand his fiance's words.

-Don't worry, Jayu. Rok Soo doesn't intend to do anything more than chatting.

Disguised reptilians shook briefly before the ancient blond exhaled in relief and confirmed he heard the other's telepathic remark.

"Y-Yes, Your Lordship!"

With a very flustered bow, the woman guided them through the mass of guests. She then led them through several halls, down a flight of stairs and into a room which appeared to be used for storage. After confirming that they hadn't been followed, she pulled the sconce with a flame insignia carved into its metallic form. Soon a low grinding and creaking came from the wall to their left where a shelf filled with various pantry items sunk into the floor. Revealing another set of stairs which were covered in plush carpeting. Gold encrusted lamps brightly lit the passage as they descended them. Their every step, causing the agony within the youth's body to rapidly increase. Proving that they were approaching the source of despair and fear which had been secretly distressing the embodiment of Love ever since their arrival.

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