Chapter 372

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Instinctively, the deity tried to back away from the reincarnator. His lower back collided with the railing behind him. Increasing his unease which was hidden by a stoic mask. Hesitating briefly, the youth cautiously accepted the glass of wine. Except he did not drink it. Since his back was turned, the God of Love did not notice that the two Guardian Knights and the Imperial Prince were observing the redheads in silent intrigue. Did they by chance know each other? Of the trio, the lich was the first to sneak away from his post next to the Imperial Family using his previous orders to escort and protect the Gods' Chosen One. He made certain not to get too close. Just enough that he could properly eavesdrop on their conversation.

"It's been a while, Amias."

Swirling the yellowish liquid inside its glass enclosure, the 19 years old coldly replied.

"Indeed. Are you here on business?"

<Go away!!>

Instantly, the attention of his immortals focused on him. Pretending not to know the other was angry with him, the leader of Arm smiled even brighter while querying.

"How mean. Can't I pay my baby cousin a visit?"

A muffled gasp slipped out of the undead soul's mouth. They were related?!

Just as the man responsible for the slaughter of the Molan Clan reached out to brush his cheek, a hand firmly seized the mortal's wrist. Squeezing it way too tightly.

"Don't you dare touch him."

Both of their gazes focused on the individual intruding on their conversation.

<Holy s*- crap!>

Standing before them without a mask was an incredibly attractive person with long turquoise hair that freely fell down their back. Broad chiseled shoulders were accentuated by the white suit they were wearing. Various silver jewelry adorned their ear, neck and fingers. Including a pendant inlaid with a violet moonstone shaped like a stallion trotting. Their enchanting rose pink gaze instantly instilled fear deep into whichever mortal's soul they focused on.

Anger and hatred radiated out of the reincarnator who attempted to free his wrist from the stranger's grasp. And of course failed with his every try. Glowering at the intruder, he growled.

"This is a discussion strictly between family members. Get lost."

Horror replaced his earlier rage when the abnormal existence easily crushed the bones in his forearm. A menacing smirk on their overly attractive face.

"Just because you stole a body, doesn't make the two of you family."


Elegance oozed out of them as they closed the distance between them and the White Star.

"Besides, I am Amias' cousin. If anyone should go, it should be the despicable delusional cur in front of me who doesn't know his place."

<Wait- What? My cousin?>

"You motherf*-"

Before the leader of Arm could finish swearing, beautiful blue light enveloped him. Transporting him onto an uninhabited island in the middle of the northern ocean. Without any of his personal belongings. Aside from the demonic mask and his clothes. His spatial pouch, magic tools and anything else he had stored in his pockets remained behind. Baffled red-browns watched as the stranger picked up the various items. Examining them in quiet intrigue.


The instant their eyes met, the youth realized the other's identity. Unfortunately, he didn't get a chance to inquire about the purpose of their unexpected visit. Nor could he ask why they referred to themself as his cousin.

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