Chapter 380

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Within a matter of minutes, the still invisible God of Love had arrived at the balcony where his second prey was patiently waiting for him. With a mischievous smirk on his face, he slipped into the room and claimed the seat across from the priest pretending to be the fake bishop. Then he deactivated his son's magic device. Causing him to appear to the mortals as if he materialized out of nowhere. Instantly, pale greens began to fluctuate in the air around them. Only one had dark grays mixed within their aura. A lowly servant whose annoyed gaze stabbed into the youth.

<So this is the fraud who had the audacity to bribe the former Pope. Did he seriously think he could trick me by having a priest pretend to be him? He doesn't even possess any form of divine powers. Just a weak holy relic which he's been using to hide his incompetence and crimes.>

Dyed grays peeked back at the petrified human situated directly in front of him. He could see how badly their hands were trembling. Upon realizing the mysterious entity was looking at him, the pitiful clergyman attempted to hide his hands with his sleeves. Goosebumps had formed all over his body. Even his instincts were shouting at him to run away for his life or to bow down and repent for partaking in such sinful actions. How could anyone have such a powerful, holy aura? Nervously, he peeked back over his shoulder at his superior and was amazed to see he was unphased by the stranger's presence. Were they not as powerful as him?

"How much do you want for it?"

An arrogant, yet dry voice echoed throughout the terrace. Confirming what the youth already knew. That the servant dressed in shabby clothes was the fake bishop. His second prey.

<Looks like this motherf*- bastard isn't even going to pretend to be an attendant now.>

No other question was made by the greedy human. As if his identity or the item's authenticity were unimportant factors for him. For the fraud who had committed all sorts of crimes within his lifetime, the only things that mattered to him at that moment were the two lines written above the location in the invitation.

'To the fake who wishes to become Pope. Do you wish to obtain a divine item?'

Obviously, he was interested in reclaiming the Night's Exultation as well. However, he needed to first figure out how much of a threat this abnormal existence was. This interaction could pave the way to his goal. Or it could destroy everything he'd worked towards. So for now he needed to be wary. If he turned out not to be a threat to his goals, then he planned to form a positive connection with him. Even more so if the other party truly did possess a divine item. Which he believed was highly probable considering he had obtained an item that the Pope had secretly hidden away. The chances of a divine item being hidden amongst that man's treasures was extremely high. All he had to do now was obtain it and then he'd be able to seize the highest position in the Sun Church for himself.

Instead of answering the spoken question, the disguised God of Love casually leaned back in his chair. His legs crossed while his arms were resting on the back of his comfortable chair.

"I've heard that the Night's Exultation shines the brightest when it comes into contact with dead mana. Such a unique trait that normal items do not possess."

Irritation radiated out of the fraud while the pitiful priest looked between them nervously. After several minutes of observing the masked entity, the human dressed as a servant sighed and responded back to the person spouting nonsense.

"So what? Are you wanting to take your Night's Exultation and experiment with the fake one on display in the church?"

<Why would I do such a pointless thing? I already know this one is useless. Mary confirmed it for me months ago. All I care about is the money you'll give me for it.>

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