Chapter 253

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Several awkward minutes of silence filled the garden. Numerous conflicting emotions radiated out of the mortals around the youth. His family was worried about the complexity of his test as well as the severe risks that it contained. Was it common for another God to interfere? What would have happened if his divine form had actually gotten wounded during it? Normally there's no real threat to one's health or safety during a growth phase. It is usually just a challenge where one must overcome their inner conflict and struggles.

-Purifying despair alone is already difficult, but to do so during any form of combat or attack would be extremely taxing and dangerous for even the God of Love. His Excellency must be trying to hide his exhaustion from us.

Taking a bite out of a fruit stuffed crepe topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle, the 19 years old calmly advised.

"Stop worrying about such unnecessary things, Derin."

Everyone looked between the deity and holy man in either curiosity or confusion. Knowing it was not his place to lecture a God, the silver eyed representative lowered his head respectfully towards the youth and requested.

"I understand. Please let this mortal servant know if there is anything I can do to assist you."

Multiple people nodded in agreement.

<Has he always been this crazy?>

-You are a God, Dongsaeng.

<Ha— Doesn't change the fact that it's annoying.>

As soon as he refocused on his meal, his family started to break off into their own conversations and activities. While some of the other kids played tag, the elves and dark elves carefully crafted flower crowns for their guardian. Occasionally, they would turn to the beige haired woman for assistance. At the same time, the baby Whales and kittens busied themselves with braiding pretty blossoms into their father's long white locks.

Piles books from the castle's library almost seemed to appear out of nowhere next to the Chief of Staff, former princess and ancient dragons. Each contained unfamiliar runes, advanced spells or the history of Sha-Orlen. To one side, the swordsmen were comparing their training methods and combat strategies. Even the King was busy chatting with the Moon and Sun Gods' Saints.

<Should I try some of the activities in Amna's guide?>

Stealthily, the prince leaned over and whispered into the deity's ear.


Piercing reptilians focused on the mixed blood whose ears immediately became a bright red.

-You look stunning in this form.

<It's hard to tell if that's his dark elf blood speaking or actually his personal opinion.>

His partner gently took hold of his hand without breaking eye contact.

-Thank you for saving and protecting me.

A warm tingling sensation flooded through the youth's body starting from where their skin met.

-Just know that no matter what form you take, I'm glad I met you.

Every person present glanced at the God of Love when they saw nature was reacting to his emotions. Flowers were blooming everywhere. Elementals were rapidly and very eagerly gathering around him. Floating water droplets shimmered under the sun's rays. Colorful petals and leaves danced in a light breeze. Tiny flares flashed in and out of existence as if fireworks were going off in the air between him and the disguised dark elf. This sight caused a few of the children and women watching the couple to giggle.

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