Chapter 282

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A couple of hours later, the youth was leisurely sprawled out on his bed reading through files his father had given him prior to disappearing to assist their family in the preparations. There was lots of information surrounding the rapid growth of Amare throughout both the Eastern and Western continents as well as the actions of his enemies. Furthermore, there was an invite from the Queen of the Roija Kingdom formally inviting Amias Molan to visit in order to receive his still unclaimed reward. Well aware that she was trying to expose his true identity to the world, he set the ornate letter to the side. Sighing in exhaustion, he rolled onto his back and closed his eyes.

-Papa~ Grandma Jour says it's time for you to come to the banquet hall~

At the same time, a knock came from his door. Storing everything back in his spatial pouch, the God of Love got up and started fixing up the outer robe of his outfit.


To his surprise, the people who entered were the Choi duo and black hawk. Although the trio froze mid step when they saw the noble's appearance. His braided long snowy white hair fell elegantly down his back and past his buttocks. Golden and red silk was draped perfectly across his slender frame with a decorative belt accentuating his very huggable looking waist. His entire back, shoulders and collarbone area were exposed which caused the trio to subconsciously swallow. Respectfully, the eldest of the mortals averted his gaze. When he saw the others were staring, he sighed and yanked the pair by their shirt collars to snap them out of their daze. With a bright smile on his lips, the reincarnated Korean announced.

"We were tasked with escorting you to the party. Are you ready to go, Dongsaeng?"

Multicolored scales adorned gemlike silverish emeralds which at last focused on the three swordsmen. Truly his appearance was superior to anything and anyone they had ever seen before. If he was back in their old world, there was no doubt he would be famous for his beauty.

<I wonder what gifts I'll be getting~>


Swiftly, the four headed towards where the rest of their family was waiting for them. It took them a few minutes to reach their destination. However, when they arrived, the swordsmen pushed open the doors and waited for the deity to enter first. Confused by their actions, the 19 years old stepped into the grand hall which was decorated in hundreds of colorful flowers, leaves and various other pretty things that the kids could find. There was even an ice sculpture of a dragon at the very center of what appeared to be a large buffet of food. Next to a tiered cake covered in buttercream icing flowers sat a massive pile of gifts that quickly caught the youth's attention.

<How did they get so many in such a short period of time?>

His lip twitched in an attempt to curl up into a smile while he observed awaiting treasures. Many were messily wrapped, but had definitely been done so with love. Everyone waited in unspoken anticipation for the noble to see if the noble would admire their hard work. Especially his kids who exchanged glances with their siblings or fidgeted impatiently. Chuckling at this sight, he scooped up the black haired dragon and grinned.

"Thank you everyone. Everything looks absolutely amazing."

Happy squeals came from his flock as they excitedly surrounded and took turns embracing their guardian.Just as the last of the children released him, the youth noticed his dongsaengs were also waiting their turn to get a hug. Upon seeing this, the God of Love motioned for them both to approach which resulted with the younger of the two eagerly squeezing his wait. Golds, bright oranges. light pinks and various shades of yellow radiated out of the duo.

"Happy birthday, Oraboni~"

"Congratulations on completing your second growth phase, Hyung-nim."

-Looks like your kids weren't the only ones who missed you.

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