Chapter 318

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Upon seeing that their companion had collapsed, the outsiders exchanged confused glances with each other. Only the headmaster seemed to know the exact reason why the knight had fainted. Although he didn't disclose it to them. Instead he obediently ate his meal with an overly bright grin on his lips. He could see the children whispering amongst themselves prior to the little boy with sapphire eyes stealthily waving his hand. Suddenly, a flowing orb of ice cold water materialized in the air above the unconscious swordsman. It then fell down onto his defenseless body causing him to scream as he regained consciousness. Instinctively the man sat up with wide eyes filled with fear. His now soaked trembling form caused the young flock to laugh.

As expected, there was a look of pride on the boy's father's face. It would seem he approved of his son's attempt at revenge. Even the duo who had shown hostility to the human official earlier nodded in approval of the five years old's actions. This delighted the child even more. Happily, the baby dragon nibbled on the cookie he had received as a reward from the Future King.


When he felt a light tug on his sleeve, the elderly man turned towards his brightest pupil. Her gaze was focused on the little children seated directly around the attractive redhead. In a voice which was barely a whisper, his student nervously inquired.

"How many D-Dragon-nims are here right now?"

Sadly, he could not give her an exact answer since he too had not figured out the exact number.

"Just eat. We must not do anything to upset the Esteemed Ones."

Little did the pair know it, but several of the experts had heard their conversation. One of which was the eldest son of Marquis Ailan. Taking a bite of the delicious sandwich he had been given by one of the servants, the noble quietly continued to observe the youth. Even if he was favored by the Gods, why would the race of legends gather around a lowly human? Unless the one who had pretended to be trash wasn't actually a human. Which would make sense if he considered everything which he had witnessed since the start of their trip. Except, if he wasn't human, then what was he? Additionally, weren't both the teen's birth parents reported to be human?

<Young Master Iulius doesn't know my identity yet, right?>

-No, Dongsaeng.

-Would you like us to deal with him before he does find a way to discover it?

Accepting a piece of fruit from his purple haired son, the deity telepathically replied.

<No, Papa. Leave him alone for now. Simply keep an eye on him in case he decides to report his suspicions to the Marquis. I don't want rumors being created using them.>



-I will explain things to him later.

Uncertain as to what his father intended to discuss, the youth continued to feed himself and the four little children seated directly around him. Matching blue-grays watched him in a mixture of longing and jealousy. Upon sensing the little Whales' emotions, the redhead passed the children on his lap to the assassin before motioning for the white haired duo to come join him. Eagerly, the siblings jumped up and raced over to their guardian. Both hugging him in happiness prior to claiming his now empty lap. Instinctively, his hand stroked their snowy locks as the God of Love started feeding them each an extremely sweet berry. Their legs swung in delight while their four dongsaengs stared at them in disbelief and slight betrayal.


Everyone could hear his baby daughter whining as she reached her little hands out towards him. Tears were welling up in her almost white eyes.

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