Chapter 267

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Light chatter filled the clearing they were in while the elementals continued to play around the group. Truly it was a peaceful scene to behold and experience. Unfortunately, everyone's attention moved from their individual conversations back onto the God of Love when he pulled out a flashing communication device. Gold mana suddenly connected the call for him while the eldest of the dragons pretended to be more focused on his book than the young deity. Soon a pair of beautiful blue haired siblings appeared on its screen.

-Good afternoon, Your E-

"Cale. Call me Cale."

They could see the Future Queen was a bit uneasy about referring to a God in such a familiar manner. However, she still ended up complying with his request.

-I'm sorry to disturb you like this, Cale. Unfortunately, I just received some disturbing news which I felt I should relay to you as soon as I could. Are you available to chat?

His entire family looked unhappy with the idea he was going to work when he should be focused on his recovery. They all looked to his mothers and the immortals for help. Swiftly, the assassin leaned over his youngest's shoulder and queried.

"Is the news urgent enough that it risks someone's life? Or can it possibly wait until we are somewhere a little more private?"

A gasp of realization came from the woman when she noticed multiple tiny gazes observing her from the 19 years old's lap. Three of which were reptilian. Exchanging a quick glance with her brother, the older of the duo calmly replied.

-We can discuss it later. I apologize-

"Do you want to come visit?"

All eyes focused on the youth in surprise as he fed his third youngest a cookie. Had they heard correctly? Did he really just invite almost complete outsiders to their home? Why would he do something like that all of a sudden? Was he plotting something? Or were one of the Whales about to go through their first berserk? The latter one was what the Royal siblings believed to be the reason behind this unexpected invitation. Several of the older children peeked at Osviek in growing concern. How long would they have until he started showing symptoms?

-Send us the coordinates. We will come right over.

<Perfect. Now I just have to get Litana, Toonka, Harol, John, Alberu and Tolis here.>

"Bring Archie. Our home has a massive lake here."

His words added to their unease. Only two people there knew what was going on. However, the call disconnected before they could clear up the misunderstanding.

"Is Osviek-Oppa going to be alright, Papa?"

Dyed red-browns met worried greens.

"Of course, Airi. Why in the realms wouldn't he be?"

"The pain. Hoza-oppa and Lock-oppa said it hurts a lot," answered her younger twin.

Confusion was visible in the deity's eyes.

<Hurt? Why would he be in pain?>

-They think he's about to go through his first berserk, Dongsaeng. Although he isn't due to go through his for at least another six months.

Grateful to the Moon God, the 19 years old quickly disclosed.

"That won't happen for approximately half a year."

Instantly, his son sat up straight and met his gaze. Half a year wasn't very far away. Meaning soon he would have to overcome the barrier which would enable him to freely be able to protect his family. Fear mixed with anticipation as he thought about the various things he would soon be able to do. There were only six months left now to prepare and learn from the Whale adults.

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