Chapter 305

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AN: Please note, that anything related to Hunters is probably not cannon since I haven't really read much of Part 2. Additionally, this chapter is a lot of backstory or information. However, I hope you still enjoy it! Next chapter will have them continuing on their trip. Thank you to all my readers for your continued support!


Brilliant sun rays crept into the room and danced over long snowy eyelashes. Within minutes, they had opened to reveal a beautiful set of silverish emeralds. Sounds of birds greeting the morning with their songs flowed into the room. A gentle breeze accompanied the cheery melody while making the silk curtains around the opened window dance. Rolling around underneath the soft blankets, a wide grin spread across the deity's lips as he recalled the events of everything that had happened in the ethereal realm. His reptilians sparkled in excitement prior to him waving his hand and summoning the various 'gifts' his Noona had given him. All it had taken for him to receive them was creating a bit of chaos.

Before he could open the precious containers and bags, a knock came from his door. When he expanded his divine energy to check who it was, he sensed his immortals along with the Gods' representatives, his fiance and a few other members of his family. There was also a presence which he did not recognize accompanying them. Quickly, he reactivated his disguise and pulled on a robe over his almost naked form. Once he was decent enough for visitors, the noble swiftly relocated his treasures to the sitting area and instructed.


Upon hearing his command, the awaiting group entered his guest room and made themselves comfortable on the furniture around him. Curiosity was present in their gazes when they noticed the ornately decorated containers resting on the table between them. Each had the lingering presence of the Moon God on them. Did they contain new divine items or something? Expertly, the torture expert moved them to the side so that he could set out some snacks for his brother to eat. At the same time, the assassin handed his youngest a cup of sweetened lemon tea which he somewhat reluctantly accepted. Everyone could see the deity carefully examining the little half blood dark elf seated between his partner and his aunt.

<So this is Alberu's mother.>

She appeared to be younger than his reincarnated mother. Was this because of the dark elf blood? Or did the others make her physical body younger on purpose?

<Considering she died when he was a kid, she would've been in her teens in her new world.>

Due to her size, the girl was currently wearing one of the silver haired twins' dresses. It was a deep purple with a lily shaped diamond decoration attached to the ribbon around her waist. He could see the necklace he had requested for her dangling around her neck. Her almost black waves fell neatly down to her mid back and had been pulled back by a silver hair clip. Even though her form was that of a child, her gaze, elegance and aura easily revealed her true age.

"It's nice to finally meet the Sun's favorite flower, Ellaine Crossman."

Black irises shook briefly before the child bowed her head respectfully towards him.

"I greet and thank His Supreme Eminence, the God of Love for continuing to show his favor to my family even after everything my idiot husband has done."

"Raise your head. You are my future mother-in-law. Meaning you are family. There is no reason for any member of my family to use such formalities with me."

An understanding smile spread across her lips. Doing as the youth had requested, the half blood sat up straight before perusing the sweets on the table. She eagerly selected a lemon tart for herself and a vanilla scone for her son. As the delightful tartness that she had greatly missed flooded her senses the girl casually remarked.

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